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Driving Defensively

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Wouldn't it be great if everyone on the road paid as much attention to others' driving habits as they do their own? Okay, now back to reality. Seriously. A lot of drivers barely pay attention to their own habits (wander in other lanes? text? make sudden stops? you know who you are). One of the best skills you could acquire is to drive defensively. Some insurance will even give you a discount for taking a course in it.

What does it mean to drive defensively? Think of it like this. When you get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Don't. Trust. Anyone. It's that simple. Don't assume the other driver will obey all traffic laws. Humans make mistakes. People get too comfortable and distracted while driving. They tend to forget they are in control …show more content…
Stay focused. Driving takes some thinking skills. It goes without saying not to drive while under the influence or while tired, but what about when you angry or upset? You need to monitor and be aware of a lot things at one time which can be difficult when distracted by drugs, sleepiness, or a strong emotional state. There are weather conditions, road signs, mirror checks, traffic lights, other vehicles, pedestrians, etc.. You need to stay focused and aware of your surroundings at all times so you will be prepared to react to situations.

Check your mirrors often, but don't forget blind spots. Your mirrors are an excellent tool, but to rely on them alone? Don't. Changing lanes without noticing that car next to you near the back bumper will most likely cause an accident. That is, unless the guy has excellent defensive driving skills and maneuvers safely out of harm's way. The takeaway point? ALWAYS turn to look before you change lanes.

Be observant of the vehicles around you. Car behind you dangerously close to your bumper? Move to different lane. Truck up ahead speeding while constantly lane switching? Back off to give yourself more distance. Simple avoidance maneuvers like these will keep you away from careless drivers and give you the ability to react to a potential

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