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Student Interview Essay

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I conducted my professional interviews at my practicum site for my school counseling program. The name of this school is Roosevelt Middle School in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Their gifted and talented program is called PACT: Program for Academic and Creative Talent. For this assignment, I was able to have a face to face interview with both school counselors and the assistant principal of the school. The PACT teacher was not in on the day I conducted the interviews, however I was able to conduct the interview through email. I also planned to interview a gifted student in the PACT program, but unfortunately the student was sick and not at school. Nonetheless, I believe I received a great deal of information from the stakeholders that …show more content…
The school counselors both stated that they think it is an area that still needs improvement, but believe that they had made some significant progress over the last few years. The PACT teacher seemed pretty optimistic on this front. She stated that she has been working on that directly for the past three years in order to make the program more accessible to low SES and minority students. In fact, she said she had recently attended a conference about this topic in order to better serve this population of students. She also cited working in one of the buildings that has a large population of ELL (English Language Learners) students and how she taps into their higher thinking capabilities without the language barrier being an issue. The Assistant Principal however, seemed to have a different perspective. She felt state mandates made it harder to offer flexibility in efforts to promote diversity within the program. She also felt that assessments such as the Iowa Assessment were unfairly designed against students of diversity making it harder to bridge the diversity gap in gifted education. Despite the differences of opinion, I think PACT and the Cedar Rapids Community School District have done a pretty good job promoting diversity within their

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