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I/Dd Key Resources

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Familiarize yourself with key resources in the disability field
The disability field and is vast and complex, covering a multitude of issues and topics that impact people with I/DD and their families across a lifetime. While it is not possible to become an expert in every resource or topic that impacts a person with a disability, there are some key resources which I&R professionals should be familiar with:
The Arc’s most common referral is to a local chapter of The Arc or another local service organization. Chapters of The Arc and other service organizations frequently have expertise in providing connections for families to local resources.
In an urgent situation, the most critical resource to provide is a connection to the person’s and/or …show more content…
Protection and Advocacy agencies provide legal representation and other advocacy services to all people with disabilities. State agencies can be found at
More common resources are available in Appendix 1 below.

Providing Culturally-Competent Assistance
The final topic to discuss is cultural competence.

Families that include a member with I/DD have the same diversity, challenges, and make-up as every other family information and referral specialists support:

• Who is part of the family is determined by the family unit and may often include intergenerational households
• The family may have different priorities at different points in the family’s life (Little and McGivern)
• Family members may have different priorities based upon their relationships, age, and role in the family
• Family members provide care and support to one another
• The family’s cultural and religious beliefs impact how a family seeks support from inside and outside the family (Reynolds et al, …show more content…
For example, families who have the cultural belief that families are responsible for providing care for members may not ask “outsiders” for support or assistance nor be willing to accept help even if offered. Meanwhile, families with a cultural belief that the community should support the family may prefer to engage in activities that facilitate family and community engagement and services rather than just requesting support for an individual. There are cultural and religious beliefs that view the existence of disability negatively. If a family adheres to these beliefs, they may not be willing to disclose or seek support (United Nations Division for Social Policy and

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