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Latino Union Research Paper

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The Meaning of Latino Union When students leave home to attend college, it is a tough transition; family is one of the most important things in everyone’s lives. There are many opportunities for students to become involved with organizations that incorporate the transition to college alongside having that family feeling. At the University of California, Riverside, one of the many family oriented organizations is Latino Union. They are an organization made up of mostly, but not limited to, Latinos. Latino Union help within the community and build relationships with each other to form the family type bond to make the transition into college smooth.
I first heard of Latino Union from of my resident advisor, because she was in the organization. …show more content…
Milo was tall and a bit tan. He had a full beard and a bright big smile that was very welcoming. He automatically made me feel very comfortable speaking with him. Milo explained very briefly what Latino Union was. “We are a community service based organization,” he passionately explained. His explanation was very broad, as there was no time to really do an interview at that moment, and the setting was not appropriate either. I asked Milo if he would be willing to do an interview later, about Latino Union, and he was more than happy to. After that, we exchanged phone numbers so we could keep in contact to figure out the date and time for our interview. We continued to play in our cosmic bowling competition for the rest of the …show more content…
One community service based event, was coaching soccer for six year olds. The way in which he spoke about it was beautiful. You could tell by his tone of voice how passionate he was for this annual event they perform. Milo very emotionally explained, “It’s more than just teaching kids soccer skills, it is about hearing the kids have fun and having the chance to show them they can one day be in our position. That they are able to attend college and make their goals and aspirations come true one day.” Another event he spoke about was the Big Bear retreat. The retreat would take place over the span of two days. He spoke in regards to the intimate relationship they all had built with each other. “Yeah, it was a great experience, because we all had been together for so long we were able to really get to know each other on a deeper level. When we all came back we were able to have a trust within each other where there is no fear to speak our minds. We had become a family.” Milo described his experience at the retreat with such

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