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The Characters 'Hero In The Outsider'

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Everyone wants to be a hero, but are you willing to risk your life for someone else. In this story the greasers are the heroes, unlike the rich beloved socs. One of the great heroes was Johnny cade also known as Johnny cake. He sacrificed his life to save the five little kids that were stuck in a burning church. He was accompanied by his two close friends Ponyboy and Dally who also suffered great injuries. Over all, these three kids, despite of their reputation, will always be considered great heroes.

Dally was the real person of the gang. When I say “real”, I mean the fact that he was chill and relaxed about everything. He also didn’t care about being punished or harmed to the point that some of the gang members thought he had no breakdown in him. I considered him one of the heroes because he helped in saving the kids and always stood up for the greasers. Even though he was hard and tuff, he had a strong connection with Johnny. So when Johnny died, it struck him hard. He decided to then point a gun at the police man which ended in him being killed. …show more content…
He lived with his two brothers’ Soda pop and Darry who were also members of the gang. Pony had a reputation for being kind and peaceful unlike the other members of the gang. He was gentle and loved everyone, especially Johnny since he was the gangs pet. He was a hero because he also saved the little kids in the church. Not only was he a hero because of that, but because he wanted to end fighting since it only got his friends and family members

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