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Essay On Tupac

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In High school I hated reading and writing with a passion, I struggled with reading I would see words and have to sound them out and either the teacher or students would make fun of me because I didn’t know it which made me embarrassed so that made me not pick up books and read which I think I hurt myself in the long run, when I had to write a paper I would never do it because I didn’t know how to start or how to punctate correctly to be honest I still struggle with that today but I’m proud of myself instead of not doing it I try now. When I first stated Academic Literacy I felt stupid I was telling myself you should know this stuff you shouldn’t have to take a buildup class for English I I kept asking myself what’s wrong with you, I had to realize there’s nothing wrong it’s okay to get help in something this is preparing me for what’s to come and the fact I had a Professor who was really cool and she was always willing to help me and never turned me down no matter how simple the question could have been, she was the first person to tell me I was a good writer which was so shocking that made me feel great …show more content…
My second favorite was the Botany of Desire even thought I hated reading that book I believe I became a better note taker. I believe I turned all my weakness around and made them my strengths rather note taking, summarizing, punctuations, and transition words. I’m not saying I’m perfect at it but I’m a whole lot better than what I was and I truly believe that I’m ready for English I ,I’m ready for the next challenge I know it’s going to be hard but I learned the key is take you time believe in yourself and tell yourself you got

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