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Submitted By Tcoll31
Words 576
Pages 3
EST1 Task 1
Western Governors University

A: Evaluation of Company Q

Social responsibility is a vital part any business or organization. Company Q does not display social responsibility as an important part of their company. Social responsibility shows the attitude actions and activities of a business which contributes a major impact on the image of that business.
Company Q is a small local grocery store located in a major metropolitan area. This local area has a food bank that has requested assistance from company Q. The Food Bank asked that company Q donate day old products that they no longer need so that they may contribute them to their community. Company Q’s management team has declined the request and instead have decided to throw the food away. Company Q declining the donation request to the food bank shows a lack of interest in the community, which will reflect poorly on the business.
Social responsibility is all about having a positive effect on our society. Company Q lacks social responsibility simply because they have denied to assist their community by donating day old foods to the food bank due to concerns of fraud by their employees. The choice that company Q has made will reflect negatively on the company. Shoppers may even choose to shop at other locations and the reputation of the company may decline.
Businesses should be socially responsible and demonstrate ethical practices in their organization. Social responsibility within an organization should not be focused primarily on profits, but rather on positive involvement of the company. With the technology of the 21st century and the development of social media businesses are constantly facing scrutiny of customers which are easily accessible via the Internet.
Company Q needs to reevaluate its attitude toward social responsibility. The decision to close the two stories that were located

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