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Estimating Vehicle Speed from Traffic Count and Occupancy Data


Submitted By kdo92
Words 4518
Pages 19
Journal of Data Science 2(2004), 231-244

Estimating Vehicle Speed from Traffic Count and Occupancy Data

Martin L. Hazelton University of Western Australia
Abstract: Automatic vehicle detectors are now common on road systems across the world. Many of these detectors are based on single inductive loops, from which data on traffic volumes (i.e. vehicle counts) and occupancy (i.e. proportion of time during which the loop is occupied) are available for 20 or 30 second observational periods. However, for the purposes of traffic management it is frequently useful to have data on (mean) vehicle speeds, but this is not directly available from single loop detectors. While detector occupancy is related in a simple fashion to vehicle speed and length, the latter variable is not measured on the vehicles that pass. In this paper a new method for speed estimation from traffic count and occupancy data is proposed. By assuming a simple random walk model for successive vehicle speeds an MCMC approach to speed estimation can be applied, in which missing vehicle lengths are sampled from an exogenous data set. Unlike earlier estimation methods, measurement error in occupancy data is explicitly modelled. The proposed methodology is applied to traffic flow data from Interstate 5 near Seattle, during a weekday morning. The efficacy of the estimation scheme is examined by comparing the estimates with independently collected vehicle speed data. The results are encouraging. Key words: Bayesian inference, inductance loop, Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, measurement error, missing data.

1. Introduction Road traffic management is becoming increasingly reliant on the availability of real-time traffic flow data. In Melbourne, for example, SCATS (Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System) makes use of such data to optimize signals over the road network. Similar schemes operate in many other cities throughout the world. Data collection is typically done by inductive loop vehicle detectors embedded in (or lying on) roadways. A single detector loop provides information on traffic volumes (i.e. vehicle counts over an observational period) and occupancy (the proportion of an observational period during which the loop senses


Martin L. Hazelton

the presence of a vehicle). However, an increasing number of ITS (intelligent transport system) initiatives aimed at congestion relief require estimates of (average) vehicle speeds, often as a precursor to estimating travel times. A prime example from the United States is SWIFT (Seattle Wide Area Information for Travelers). Accurate estimation of vehicle speeds is therefore a significant problem for traffic engineers. Furthermore, given the widespread use (and relatively low cost) of single loop inductive detectors, methods for obtaining speeds from the count-occupancy data produced by these detectors are of particular interest. See Persuad and Hall (1989) and Dailey (1992, 1999) for related comments. Data from loop detectors is (typically) not available at an individual vehicle level, but rather aggregated over pre-set time intervals (often of 20 or 30 second durations). Given information on vehicle lengths, one can hope to compute an estimated speed based on the total length of vehicle passing the loop, and the time it takes to do so (calculated from the occupancy). While single loop detectors do not provide vehicle length data, large exogenous data sets of vehicle lengths are available. Most estimation procedures proposed to date have been based on an application of first order method of moments at each time interval. The recent work of Dailey (1999) improved on this relatively crude methodology by incorporating a second order correction, and applying a Kalman filter to smooth mean speeds from consecutive intervals. In this paper we take a novel approach to the problem of speed estimation, concentrating on modelling at the level of individual vehicles. This avoids bias due to aggregation which is inherent in earlier techniques. We also allow for measurement error in the recorded occupancies, a feature of the data that is widely recognised (see Coifman, 1999, for example) but has been ignored in published work on speed estimation. Modelling at a disaggregate level means that we are confronted with a great deal of missing data – namely the speeds and lengths of each individual vehicle. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods provide powerful tools for estimation in the presence of missing data. See Diebolt and Ip (1996), for example. We use these techniques to obtain Bayesian estimates of the mean vehicle speed over each time interval. The paper is structured as follows. In the next section we describe our basic model. Details of our MCMC algorithm are given in section 3. Issues regarding the block structure of this algorithm and its relation to the mixing rate (see Gamerman, 1997) are discussed. In section 4 our methodology is used to estimate speeds from loop traffic count-occupancy data collected between 4:00am and 9:30am on a weekday from Interstate 5 in Seattle. This data is available over the World Wide Web from, thanks to the Traffic Data Acquisition and Distribution (TDAD) project managed by the Intelligent Traffic Systems group at the University of Washington. The speeds es-

Estimation of Vehicle Speed


timated from this analysis are compared with independent observations obtained from a speed trap positioned close to the detector loop under consideration. This comparison produces encouraging results. 2. Modelling An inductive loop vehicle detector incorporates an insulated electric wire through which an alternating current is driven to set up an electromagnetic field. Any (metallic) vehicle which passes through this field will decrease the inductance of the loop, and cause the detector to register the vehicle’s presence. While the shape and size of the loops can vary, many are squares of side approximately 6 ft. (and we shall assume this shape henceforth). A loop detector registers that it is occupied from the moment that the front end of a vehicle enters its region of sensitivity on one side of the square to the time when the rear of the vehicle leaves that region on the other side. The region of sensitivity may extend a little beyond the physical boundaries of the loop. The 6 ft. loops used in the Seattle area have a sensitivity of about 8 ft. according to documentation from the Washington State Department of Transport, although this range varies a little from detector to detector. See Kell et al. (1990) for further details on this type of vehicle detector. Consider a vehicle of length λ ft. entering a loop with sensitivity range of λ0 = 8 ft. The time, x, (in seconds) for which the vehicle occupies the loop is also the time required for the vehicle to travel a distance l = λ + λ0 , the effective vehicle length. Hence the speed of the vehicle (in feet per second) is given by s = lx−1 . Now, data is collected at an aggregate level over a number of consecutive intervals each of length δ (20 seconds for the Seattle data) so we shall extend the notation so that sij and lij are the speed and effective length respectively of the jth vehicle during the ith interval (where i = 1, . . . , m) . Let ni denote the vehicle count during the ith interval, and let xi be the length of time in that period during which the loop was occupied (i.e. the sum of the individual x’s from each vehicle). (Note that traffic engineers typically refer to occupancy as a proportion, xi δ−1 .) Then the individual vehicle effective lengths and speeds are related to the (exact) occupancies through ni xi = j=1 lij . sij


The observed data are pairs (ni , yi ) (i = 1, . . . , m), where yi is the occupancy for the ith interval as recorded by the vehicle detector. In practice xi and yi will not be identical due to measurement error. (This measurement error is due to a number of factors, including variations in the profile of metal distribution across


Martin L. Hazelton

the bodies of different vehicles.) For a modern, well calibrated inductive vehicle loop, the magnitude of this error will typically be around 5%; see Coifman (1999) and the references therein, for example. Denoting the measured occupancy in the ith interval by yi , we model the measurement error in a multiplicative fashion by yi = xi (1 + zi ) (2.2) where z1 , . . . , zm are independent and normally distributed, each with mean zero 2 and variance σz . Almost all methods in the literature for estimating the mean speed si dur¯ ing the ith interval have used a first order method of moments approach. See Kurkjian et al. (1980) and Leutzbach (1988), for example. Following this methodˆ −1 ˆ ology provides an estimator si = µl yi , where µl is an estimator of mean effective ˘ vehicle length, obtained from some exogenous data set. A disadvantage of si is ˘ that it is biased, a result of interchange from harmonic to arithmetic mean in the derivation of this estimator from equation (2.1) (with exact and observed occupancies interchanged). A second drawback is that si makes no use of the temporal ˘ ¯ dependence that one would expect to exist in the sequence s1 , s2 , . . . , sm . We take ¯ ¯ account of this characteristic of the traffic flow processes by assuming that the individual vehicle speeds form a random walk. Specifically, sij = si(j−1) + ij (i = 1, . . . , m

j = 1, . . . , ni

i, j > 1)


where { ij } are independent N (0, σ 2 ) random variables, and we use the convention s(i+1)0 = sini . This model was chosen in light of the lack of stationarity in traffic speeds during time periods containing a congested ‘peak hour’ (as is the case with our Seattle data). Having developed a basic model for vehicle speeds we now turn our attention to the missing effective vehicle lengths in equation (2.1). We assume speed-length independence so that a priori {lij } is a random sample from a distribution fl . The distribution fl can be estimated from an exogenous data set of vehicle lengths, λ1 , . . . , λν (to which λ0 must be added to obtain effective vehicle lengths). In some applications a random sample of vehicle lengths for the road in question will be available. This is the case for Seattle Interstate 5, where we have such a data set of size ν = 17528. On other occasions length data from traffic on a comparable type of road will have to suffice. The distribution of the Seattle length data is displayed in Figure 1 using a kernel density estimate (see Wand and Jones, 1995). We actually plot the density of the natural logarithms of the effective vehicle lengths, since important structure is most easily seen on the log scale. The three clear modes in the distribution suggest that the distribution of the lengths is a mixture with three components. These components may be naturally interpreted (in order of increasing vehicle length) as corresponding to cars, vans and small lorries, and large lorries and road trains respectively.

Estimation of Vehicle Speed



0 2.5









Log(effective vehicle length)

Figure 1. Kernel density estimate of natural logarithms of effective vehicle lengths (in feet) from Seattle Interstate 5. Sample size ν = 17528, bandwidth h = 0.050.

To complete the specification of our model (within a Bayesian framework) it remains to select prior distributions for s11 (the speed of the first vehicle ob2 served), σ 2 and σz . For the Seattle data we employed a uniform prior on the interval (0, 150) feet per second for s11 , although a diffuse normal prior would have been equally appropriate. Gamma priors were employed for the precisions −2 τ = σ −2 and τz = σz throughout our work. For τ we considered both vague Gamma(0.001, 0.001) as well as informative priors such as Gamma(0.11, 1), which gives most weight to values of σ close to 3 feet per second (i.e., about 2 miles per hour) reflecting a belief that speeds of consecutive vehicles are unlikely to differ by much more than 5 miles per hour. For τz we considered only informative priors. The observed data provide very little information about σz , so prior information plays an important role with this parameter. Our preferred prior for τz was Gamma(400, 1) which gives most weight to values of σz close to 0.05, in line with the ‘5% measurement error’ mentioned above. We also looked at priors


Martin L. Hazelton

corresponding to values of σz close to 0.01 and 0.1. Sensitivity of speed estimates to changes in the priors is discussed in section 4. 3. MCMC Inference In this section we discuss the exploration of the posterior distribution by Markov chain Monte Carlo methods (see Gamerman, 1997, for example). Derivation of the full set of conditional posterior distributions in closed form does not seem possible. We therefore use a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for sampling from the posterior distribution. (See Chib and Greenberg, 1995, for an overview of the Metropolis-Hasting methodology.) This approach produces a chain of simu(t) (t) lations {(s(t) , l(t) , z (t) , σ , σz ) : t = 1, 2, . . .} (where s and l denote the vectors of vehicle speeds and corresponding effective lengths ordered chronologically, and z the vector of multiplicative measurement errors). The basic structure of our algorithm is as follows. 1. Initialize: t = 1, s(t) = s0 , l(t) = l0 , z (t) = z 0 , σ 2. For i in {1, 2, . . . , m}: (a) Generate vector of candidate vehicle speeds in interval i: s† ∼ [si | si− i
(t+1) (t) (t)


and σz = σz0 .


, si+ ]

Here si− is the vector of vehicle speeds in intervals before i, and si+ is the vector of vehicle speeds in intervals after i. Also [a| b] denotes the conditional distribution of a given b. (b) Generate vector of corresponding candidate effective lengths for all vehicles in interval i:
† ˆ lij ∼ fl

j = 1, . . . , ni

ˆ where fl represents the empirical distribution of effective vehicle lengths (obtained with the use of exogenous data). (c) Define  −1  ni l †  ij † −1 zi = yi  s†  j=1 ij

following equations (2.1) and (2.2). Writing l† for the vector of candii † date lengths in interval i, accept (s† , l† , zi ) with probability i i β = min 1, exp
† (zi )2 − (zi )2 2 2σz (t)


Estimation of Vehicle Speed

(t+1) † = zi .

(d) If candidate accepted then si = s† , li = l† and zi i i (t+1) (t) (t+1) (t) (t+1) (t) = si , li = li and zi = zi . Otherwise si 3. Generate and let σ




τ (t+1) ∼ [τ | s(t+1) , l(t+1) , z (t+1) ] τ

. Similarly, generate

(t+1) ∼ [τz | s(t+1) , l(t+1) , z (t+1) ] τz

and let σz





4. t ← t + 1. Go to step 2. Remark 1: At initialization, all elements of l0 were set equal to the mean of the (estimated) effective length distribution. The vehicle speeds for the ith interval were initialized at si , the first order method of moments estimator described ˘ above. Since these initial speeds and lengths satisfy (2.1) with yi = xi , so all elements of z 0 were set to zero. The parameter σ was initially set at σ 0 = 3. The parameter σz was initialized at the mean of its marginal prior distribution. Remark 2: Computation of the conditional distributions at stage 2(a) of the algorithm is straightforward because of the random walk model for vehicle speeds. Details are provided in the appendix, where we also describe the conditional distribution of τ and τz . Remark 3: The algorithm is structured so that parameters from each interval are blocked together for updating. It is possible to update each single (scalar) parameter in turn, or to update parameters for each single vehicle in turn. However, while these approaches would provide a higher acceptance rate than obtained using the algorithm above, the resulting Markov chains would mix very poorly. This is due to the fact that the length distribution is essentially a mixture with three components. Transitions of a given vehicle length between components (and in particular, from the ‘road train’ component to the other components) are highly unlikely because they give rise to substantial changes in xi and hence relatively large (and thus improbable) values for zi . By defining blocks in terms of speeds and lengths over an entire interval, our algorithm mixes at a reasonable rate without the acceptance rate becoming too small. In applying this algorithm to the Seattle data the chain was run for 100000 iterations. Simulations from the first 20000 iterations were discarded as the burnin period. Convergence of the chain after this burn-in was confirmed by employing


Martin L. Hazelton

Speed (miles/hour)

20 4








7 Time of day (am)



Figure 2. Estimates of interval mean speeds for traffic on Interstate 5, near Seattle. The grey dashed line depicts mean speeds obtained from a speed trap, while the solid black line depicts mean speeds estimated from count-occupancy data from a single vehicle detector.

Geweke’s (1992) methodology, and (utilizing results obtained from a parallel simulation) by Gelman and Rubin’s (1992) method. The acceptance rate (at stage 2c of the algorithm) was about 7% in equilibrium. Naturally a higher rate would have been preferable, but it appears to be impossible to obtain such an improvement without a substantial slowing of the mixing rate of the algorithm (cf. Remark 3 above). A thinning interval of 10 was applied to the simulation output for the sake of parsimony in computer storage (a matter of some importance since 1000 mean vehicle speeds had to be stored at each monitored iteration). All computation was done using the statistics language R (Gentleman and Ihaka, 1996) running on a 1900MHz PC operating under Linux.

Estimation of Vehicle Speed


Speed (miles/hour)

20 4








7 Time of day (am)



Figure 3. The envelope of a 95% credible intervals for interval mean vehicle speed is shaded grey. Speed trap data is plotted as a solid black line.

4. Discussion of Results In this section we discuss the results from an analysis of the Seattle data. Data were observed over 1000 twenty second intervals (from 4:00am until just after 9:30am). The quantities of principal interest are the mean vehicle speeds for each interval, {¯i }. The posterior means for these speeds constitute natural s point estimates, and are plotted (after conversion to miles per hour) in Figure 2. A useful comparison for our estimates is provided by a set of independent observations on interval mean speeds obtained from a speed trap located close to the inductance detector under study on Interstate 5. We shall refer to the speed trap data as measured speeds (although it is important to recognise that speed traps are by no means entirely error-free). These measured speeds (in miles per hour) are also plotted in Figure 2. The results in Figure 2 indicate that our methodology is doing a very reasonable job of reproducing the measured speeds. The root mean squared difference


Martin L. Hazelton

Speed (miles/hour)

20 4








7 Time of day (am)



Figure 4. Speed estimates using the following priors for τZ : Gamma(400, 1) (solid black line), Gamma(100, 1) (dashed black line), and Gamma(10000, 1) (dotted black line).

between our estimates and the speed trap data is 4.3 miles per hour. This is a very substantial improvement on the figure of 10.2 miles per hour which we obtained using the first order method of moments approach described in section 2. Not surprisingly, the first order method of moments results can be improved by smoothing the estimates {˘i } using locally weighted regression. However, s even when the smoothing parameter is chosen optimally to minimise the root mean squared distance from the measured speeds (an unrealistically good choice for practical purposes), the resulting speed estimates are still worse than our MCMC estimates. So far we have concentrated on point estimates of speeds. We can obtain (pointwise) 95% credible intervals from the quantiles of the sampled values of {¯i } s in a straightforward manner. The envelope of these credible intervals is shaded in Figure 3 (since this is easier to visualize than the pointwise limits themselves which tend to be obscured due to the rapid fluctuations in speed estimates). The

Estimation of Vehicle Speed


plot of the measured speeds is superimposed for comparative purposes. Note the speed trap data lie within the credible intervals for the vast majority of the time. The sensitivity of the results to choice of prior was investigated. Not surprisingly, the precise forms of vague priors for s11 and τ were of no practical significance in terms of the final speed estimates. This was also the case when a moderately informative Gamma(0.11, 1) prior was assigned to τ . In all cases the posterior mean for σ was between 1.4 and 2.0 feet per second (i.e. between 1.1 and 1.4 miles per hour). The choice of prior for τz was considered a far more serious, since the data provide almost no information about this parameter. We consider three choices of prior – Gamma(400, 1) (corresponding to approximately 5% measurement error); Gamma(100, 1) (corresponding to approximately 10% measurement error); and Gamma(10000, 10) (corresponding to approximately 1% measurement error). The resulting speed estimates are displayed in Figure 4. It is difficult to distinguish many differences in speed estimates using these different priors, suggesting that the exact choice of prior for τz is not critical. We conclude with some comments on a possible refinement of our methodology. In developing our estimation methodology we have implicitly assumed that the distribution of vehicle lengths remains constant over time. Nonetheless, on some roads one might expect a small but significant change in this distribution through the day, with (for example) large freight carrying vehicles having a higher relative frequency during the night than during the morning peak hour. Such temporal variation in the length distribution will have an effect on the speed estimates, since (intuitively speaking) a long vehicle must be travelling at a higher speed than a short vehicle in order to give the same occupancy. It follows that any inadequacies in using a constant length distribution may well be visible in terms of a time varying bias in the speed estimates. While our results do not provide clear evidence of such behaviour in the Seattle Interstate 5 data, the need for a time dependent length distribution will be dependent on the road system under study, and possibly on the time of year. When temporal variation in the length distribution is required, a possible approach is to model the log-length data using a normal mixture model in which the mixture proportions depend on time. (Visual inspection of Figure 1 suggests that the use of a normal mixture is not unreasonable.) This could be achieved using a ‘constructive definition’ (or ‘stick breaking’ representation) of the mixture proportions (see Walker et al., 1999), and modelling each the logit of each relative probability by employing cubic splines. We believe that this approach may open up some interesting avenues for further work on speed estimation.


Martin L. Hazelton

Acknowledgment The author acknowledges the helpful comments of an anonymous referee. Apendix: Conditional Distributions Sampling from the conditional distribution [si | si−

, si+ ]


is rendered straightforward by the Markov property of the random walk of (2.3). There are three distinct cases that need to be covered. (i) When i = 1 the conditional density is given by n1 −1

f (s1 | s1+ ) = f (s1n1 | s21 ) j=1 f (s1j | s1(j+1) ) n1 −1

∝ φσ (s1n1 − s21 ) j=1 φσ (s1j − s1(j+1) )I(0 < s11 < 150)

where φσ (x) is a N (0, σ 2 ) density evaluated at x, and I(A) is the indicator of the event A. (ii) When i = m we have (in similar fashion) nm f (sm | sm− ) = φσ (sm1 − s(m−1)(nm−1 ) ) j=2 φσ (smj − sm(j−1) ).

(iii) When 1 < i < m, ni f (si | si− , si+ ) = j=1 φσij (sij − µij )

where µij = and

(ni − j + 1)si(j−1) + s(i+1)1 , ni − j + 2
2 σij =

(ni − j + 1)σ 2 . ni − j + 2

Estimation of Vehicle Speed


Finally, note that  [τ | s, l, z] = [τ | s] = Gamma 2−1 n + 0.001, 2−1 m ni

 (sij − si(j−1) )2 + 0.001

i=1 j=1

where we define s10 = s11 and a Gamma(0.001, 0.001) prior is assigned to τ ; and [τz | s, l, z] = [τz | z] = Gamma 2−1 n + 400, 2−1 when a Gamma(400, 1) is employed for τz . References
Chib, S. and Greenburg, E. (1995). Understanding the Metropolis-Hastings algorithms. The American Statistician, 49, 327-335. Coifman, B. (1999). Using dual loop speed traps to identify detector errors. Transportation Research Record no. 1683, 47-58. Dailey, D. (1992). Travel time estimation using cross-correlation techniques. Transportation Research, 27B, 97-107. Dailey, D. (1999). A statistical algorithm for estimating speed from single loop volume and occupancy measurements. Transportation Research, 33B, 313-322. Diebolt, J. and Ip, E. (1996). Stochastic EM: method and application. In Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice (edited by W. Gilks, S. Richardson and D. Spiegelhalter), 259-274. Chapman and Hall, London. Gamerman, D. (1997). Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Stochastic Simulation for Bayesian Inference, Chapman and Hall. Gelman, A. and Rubin, D. (1992). Inference from iterative simulation using multiple sequences. Statistical Science 7, 457-472. Geweke, J. (1992). Evaluating the accuracy of sampling-based approaches to calculation posterior moments. In Bayesian Statistics 4 (edited by J. Bernardo, J. Berger, A. Dawid and A. Smith), 169-193. Oxford University Press. Ihaka, R. and Gentleman, R. (1996). A language for data analysis and graphics. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 5, 299-314. Kell, J., Fullerton, I. and Mills, M. (1990). Traffic Detector Handbook (2nd edition). Federal Highways Administration. Kurkjian, A., Gershwin, S., Houpt, P., Willsky, A. and Chow, E. (1980). Estimation of roadway traffic density on freeways using presence detector data. Transportation Science 14, 232-261. m i=1 2 zi + 1


Martin L. Hazelton

Leutzbach, W. (1988). Introduction to the Theory of Traffic Flow. Springer. Persuad, B. and Hall, F. (1989). Catastrophe theory and patterns in 30-second freeway data – implications for incident detection. Transportation Research 23A, 103-113. Walker, S., Damien, P., Laud, P. and Smith, A. (1999). Bayesian nonparametric inference. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 61, 485-528. Wand, M. and Jones, M. (1995). Kernel Smoothing. Chapman and Hall.
Received Feburary 25, 2003; accepted August 3, 2003.

Martin L. Hazelton Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Western Australia 35 Stirling Highway Crawley WA 6009 Australia

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...Restaurant Industry in India - Trends and Opportunities Restaurant Industry in India - Trends and Opportunities HVS International (India), Mr. Navjit Ahluwalia, Associate Director and Mr. Dushyant Singh, Consulting & Valuation Analyst Research, Report Writing Mr. Shyam Suri, Secretary General, FHRAI Editing, Report Fianlisation Mr. Pooran Chandra Pandey, Assistant Secretary General (Research), FHRAI Hotel Questionnaire & Co-ordination Mr. Raj Rajeshwar Sharma, Computer Data Assistant Design, Graphics, Pre-press & DTP Printed by : Published in April 2004 by: Secretary General, Federation of Hotel & Restaurant Associations of India B-82, 8th Floor, Himalaya House, 23 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi - 110 001 Phones : (011) 23318781, 23318782, 23322634, 23322647, 23323770 Fax : (011) 23322645 E-Mail : Website : © Federation of Hotel & Restaurant Associations of India (FHRAI), 2004 Price: One copy free to concerned FHRAI members. (Additional copies at Rs. 400.00 for FHRAI members and Rs.600.00 for Non-Members.) US$50.00 for foreign dispatches 2 Contents Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Background Scenario and Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Analysis of Questionnaire Responses 3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

Words: 28190 - Pages: 113

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...Restaurant Industry in India - Trends and Opportunities Restaurant Industry in India - Trends and Opportunities HVS International (India), Mr. Navjit Ahluwalia, Associate Director and Mr. Dushyant Singh, Consulting & Valuation Analyst Research, Report Writing Mr. Shyam Suri, Secretary General, FHRAI Editing, Report Fianlisation Mr. Pooran Chandra Pandey, Assistant Secretary General (Research), FHRAI Hotel Questionnaire & Co-ordination Mr. Raj Rajeshwar Sharma, Computer Data Assistant Design, Graphics, Pre-press & DTP Printed by : Published in April 2004 by: Secretary General, Federation of Hotel & Restaurant Associations of India B-82, 8th Floor, Himalaya House, 23 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi - 110 001 Phones : (011) 23318781, 23318782, 23322634, 23322647, 23323770 Fax : (011) 23322645 E-Mail : Website : © Federation of Hotel & Restaurant Associations of India (FHRAI), 2004 Price: One copy free to concerned FHRAI members. (Additional copies at Rs. 400.00 for FHRAI members and Rs.600.00 for Non-Members.) US$50.00 for foreign dispatches 2 Contents Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Background Scenario and Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Analysis of Questionnaire Responses 3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

Words: 28190 - Pages: 113

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Other Topics

...Restaurant Industry in India - Trends and Opportunities Restaurant Industry in India - Trends and Opportunities HVS International (India), Mr. Navjit Ahluwalia, Associate Director and Mr. Dushyant Singh, Consulting & Valuation Analyst Research, Report Writing Mr. Shyam Suri, Secretary General, FHRAI Editing, Report Fianlisation Mr. Pooran Chandra Pandey, Assistant Secretary General (Research), FHRAI Hotel Questionnaire & Co-ordination Mr. Raj Rajeshwar Sharma, Computer Data Assistant Design, Graphics, Pre-press & DTP Printed by : Published in April 2004 by: Secretary General, Federation of Hotel & Restaurant Associations of India B-82, 8th Floor, Himalaya House, 23 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi - 110 001 Phones : (011) 23318781, 23318782, 23322634, 23322647, 23323770 Fax : (011) 23322645 E-Mail : Website : © Federation of Hotel & Restaurant Associations of India (FHRAI), 2004 Price: One copy free to concerned FHRAI members. (Additional copies at Rs. 400.00 for FHRAI members and Rs.600.00 for Non-Members.) US$50.00 for foreign dispatches 2 Contents Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Background Scenario and Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Analysis of Questionnaire Responses 3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

Words: 28190 - Pages: 113

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Impotent Music

...INFORMATION RESOURCE GUIDE Computer, Internet and Network Systems Security An Introduction to Security i Security Manual Compiled By: S.K.PARMAR, Cst N.Cowichan Duncan RCMP Det 6060 Canada Ave., Duncan, BC 250-748-5522 This publication is for informational purposes only. In no way should this publication by interpreted as offering legal or accounting advice. If legal or other professional advice is needed it is encouraged that you seek it from the appropriate source. All product & company names mentioned in this manual are the [registered] trademarks of their respective owners. The mention of a product or company does not in itself constitute an endorsement. The articles, documents, publications, presentations, and white papers referenced and used to compile this manual are copyright protected by the original authors. Please give credit where it is due and obtain permission to use these. All material contained has been used with permission from the original author(s) or representing agent/organization. ii T eofContent abl 1.0 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1 BASIC INTERNET TECHNICAL DETAILS ........................................................................................................................ 2 1.1.1 TCP/IP : Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol .........................................

Words: 134858 - Pages: 540

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Marine Terminal Operation

...Edition: 1.1 February 2002 Distance Education Course ML–302.5 Marine Terminal Operations Unit 1 Marine Terminals The three lessons in this unit will cover the topics of: • the role and function of marine terminals • terminal development • operational planning • civil engineering aspects of terminal design. Module B: Certificate in Maritime Logistics Diploma in Shipping Logistics—Jamaica Maritime Institute 1−1 Unit 1: Marine terminals Marine Terminal Operations Unit 1 ...........Activities and expectations Agenda To complete this unit, you will: • Read and study the text in this unit and any assigned passages in the Student Reader. • Apply the information by performing the Activities • Test yourself by doing the Practice Exercises and checking your answers. Resources There is no textbook for this course. All the information you require is in this Study Guide. In addition, your Student Manual lists some books that you may wish to read to expand your knowledge. Learning outcomes When you have completed this unit you will be able to: • • Explain some of the considerations in equipment selection. • Discuss the needs for storage areas. • Discuss safety and emergency response considerations. • 1−2 Describe the role and functions of marine terminals. List the broad categories of studies that are needed in planning a new terminal. Module B: Certificate in Maritime Logistics (Course...

Words: 74405 - Pages: 298

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Telco Regulation

...Tenth Anniversary Edition Tenth Anniversary Edition TELECOMMUNICATIONS REGULATION HANDBOOK TELECOMMUNICATIONS REGULATION HANDBOOK The Telecommunications Regulation Handbook is essential reading for anyone involved or concerned by the regulation of information and communications markets. In 2010 the Handbook was fully revised and updated to mark its tenth anniversary, in response to the considerable change in technologies and markets over the past 10 years, including the mobile revolution and web 2.0. The Handbook reflects modern developments in the information and communications technology sector and analyzes the regulatory challenges ahead. Designed to be pragmatic, the Handbook provides a clear analysis of the issues and identifies the best regulatory implementation strategies based on global experience. February 2011 – SKU 32489 Edited by Colin Blackman and Lara Srivastava Tenth Anniversary Edition TELECOMMUNICATIONS REGULATION HANDBOOK Edited by Colin Blackman and Lara Srivastava Telecommunications Regulation Handbook Tenth Anniversary Edition Edited by Colin Blackman and Lara Srivastava ©2011 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, InfoDev, and The International Telecommunication Union All rights reserved 1 2 3 4 14 13 12 11 This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, InfoDev, and The International Telecommunication...

Words: 132084 - Pages: 529

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Management Information Systems

...Systems, Sixth Edition • Oz Information Technology in Theory • Aksoy, DeNardis Office Applications in Business Problem-Solving Cases in Microsoft Access & Excel, Sixth Annual Edition • Brady, Monk Succeeding in Business Applications with Microsoft Office 2007 • Bast, Gross, Akaiwa, Flynn, Succeeding in Business with Microsoft Office Excel 2007 • Gross, Akaiwa, Nordquist Succeeding in Business with Microsoft Office Access 2007 • Bast, Cygman, Flynn, Tidwell Databases Database Systems, Eighth Edition • Rob, Coronel Concepts of Database Management, Sixth Edition • Pratt, Adamski Data Modeling and Database Design • Umanath, Scamell A Guide to SQL, Seventh Edition • Pratt A Guide to MySQL • Pratt, Last Guide to Oracle 10g • Morrison, Morrison, Conrad Oracle 10g Titles Oracle9i Titles Enterprise Resource Planning Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, Third Edition • Monk, Wagner Data Communications Data Communications and Computer Networks: A Business User’s Approach, Fourth Edition • White Systems Analysis and Design Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, Fifth Edition • Satzinger, Jackson, Burd Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process • Satzinger, Jackson, Burd Systems Analysis and Design for the Small Enterprise, Third Edition • Harris Security Management of Information Security, Second Edition • Whitman, Mattord Principles of Information Security, Third Edition • Whitman, Mattord Readings and Cases in the Management of Information Security • Whitman...

Words: 223685 - Pages: 895

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Nit-Silchar B.Tech Syllabus

...NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SILCHAR Bachelor of Technology Programmes amï´>r¶ JH$s g§ñWmZ, m¡Úmo{ à VO o pñ Vw dZ m dY r V ‘ ñ Syllabi and Regulations for Undergraduate PROGRAMME OF STUDY (wef 2012 entry batch) Ma {gb Course Structure for B.Tech (4years, 8 Semester Course) Civil Engineering ( to be applicable from 2012 entry batch onwards) Course No CH-1101 /PH-1101 EE-1101 MA-1101 CE-1101 HS-1101 CH-1111 /PH-1111 ME-1111 Course Name Semester-1 Chemistry/Physics Basic Electrical Engineering Mathematics-I Engineering Graphics Communication Skills Chemistry/Physics Laboratory Workshop Physical Training-I NCC/NSO/NSS L 3 3 3 1 3 0 0 0 0 13 T 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 3 0 2 3 2 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 6 0 0 8 2 C 8 6 8 5 6 2 3 0 0 38 8 8 8 8 6 2 0 0 40 8 8 6 6 6 2 2 2 40 6 6 8 2 Course No EC-1101 CS-1101 MA-1102 ME-1101 PH-1101/ CH-1101 CS-1111 EE-1111 PH-1111/ CH-1111 Course Name Semester-2 Basic Electronics Introduction to Computing Mathematics-II Engineering Mechanics Physics/Chemistry Computing Laboratory Electrical Science Laboratory Physics/Chemistry Laboratory Physical Training –II NCC/NSO/NSS Semester-4 Structural Analysis-I Hydraulics Environmental Engg-I Structural Design-I Managerial Economics Engg. Geology Laboratory Hydraulics Laboratory Physical Training-IV NCC/NSO/NSS Semester-6 Structural Design-II Structural Analysis-III Foundation Engineering Transportation Engineering-II Hydrology &Flood...

Words: 126345 - Pages: 506

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Auto Zone

...1 52 155 23 53 40 67 478 38 104 84 181 157 119 67 62 59 79 85 547 112 98 180 14 221 144 26 101 6 45 233 121 70 13 129 20 37 71 15 69 1 34 19 5 2 6 1 30 233 Each store carries an extensive product line for cars, sport utility vehicles, vans and light trucks, including new and remanufactured automotive hard parts, maintenance items, accessories, and non-automotive products. Many stores also have a commercial sales program that provides commercial credit and prompt delivery of parts and other products to local, regional and national repair garages, dealers, service stations, and public sector accounts. AutoZone also sells the ALLDATA brand of diagnostic and repair software through Additionally, we sell automotive hard parts, maintenance items, accessories, non-automotive products and subscriptions to ALLDATAdiy product through, and our commercial customers can make purchases through AutoZone does not derive revenue from automotive repair or installation. 279 27 4,534 stores in 48 states in the United States, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico 279 stores in 31 Mexican states and the Federal District. Selected Financial Data (Dollars in millions, except per share data) 2007 $6,170 $1,055 $ 8.53 23.2 % 0.1 % 17.1 % $ 845 2008 $6,523 $1,124 $10.04 23.9 % 0.4 % 17.2 % $ 921 2009 $6,817 $1,176 $11.73 24.4 % 4.4 % 17.3 % $ 924 2010 $7,363 $1,319 $14.97 27.6 % 5.4 % 17.9 % $1,196 2011 $8,073...

Words: 72977 - Pages: 292

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Real Estate Finance Textbook

...Real Estate Development and Investment Founded in 1807, John Wiley & Sons is the oldest independent publishing company in the United States. With offices in North America, Europe, Australia and Asia, Wiley is globally committed to developing and marketing print and electronic products and services for our customers’ professional and personal knowledge and understanding. The Wiley Finance series contains books written specifically for finance and investment professionals as well as sophisticated individual investors and their financial advisors. Book topics range from portfolio management to e-commerce, risk management, financial engineering, valuation and financial instrument analysis, as well as much more. For a list of available titles, please visit our Web site at www.Wiley Real Estate Development and Investment A Comprehensive Approach STEPHEN P. PECA John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Copyright # 2009 by Stephen P. Peca. All rights reserved. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. Published simultaneously in Canada. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance...

Words: 80543 - Pages: 323