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Eth/125 Diversity Final


Submitted By jmarcia
Words 1289
Pages 6
Individual Final

Diversity can be such a broad and interesting topic. Often when one mentions diversity they think of the different racial groups that they encounter on a daily basis. The United States, the country we call home, is one of the most diverse countries ever. Some people may not see all the diversity because they do not understand or are not willing to understand, or maybe they are just too busy with their daily lives. But if everyone was to just pay attention to the things they encounter and the people they interact with, they could really learn a lot. Since taking this class I have learned so much about the struggles that different cultures are faced with and it is so disturbing because it is something that they cannot even change, it is just who they are. Since our country is so diverse and we have so much “different”, we certainly have a lot of prejudice and discrimination that we need to work on. Some people would say it is because they are comfortable with their ways; I say it is just fear and ignorance. Growing up I lived in Elk Grove, California. It was a somewhat smaller town at the time and mostly consisted of Caucasian Americans. I am half Caucasian, or a mix of Italian and German, and my other half is Ecuadorian; Quito, Ecuador in South America. I was blessed enough to have an open hearted family where I never even knew what racism was until I started to see it first hand in school. In high school is where I really saw stereotyping and racism. Everyone hung out in different groups; the way the person dressed, the race the person was, even by how well they were doing in school. I never really thought anything of until taking this class where I have sparked a big interested in learning about my own culture. This cultural diversity course has taught me to look at things from a bigger picture, to always take a step back and

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