...Final Project Joey O'Neill ETH 125 April 28, 2013 Dr. June Terpstra Final Project * * Mostly, I now have a better understanding of the diversity within groups that would be different from the ones that I am considered to be in. I have seen groups of people that are all grouped as one but are actually more individual than meets the eye. An example of this is the differences within the Jewish community. According to Schaefer (2012), “The Judaic faith embraces several factions or denominations that are similar in their roots but marked by sharp distinctions. No precise data reveal the relative numbers of the three major groups. Part of the problem is the difficulty of placing individuals in the proper group. For example, it is common for a Jew to be a member of an Orthodox congregation but consider him- or herself Conservative. The following levels of affiliation are based on a 2010 national survey of Jewish Americans: * _ Orthodox—10 percent _ Conservative—24 percent _ Reconstructionist—2 percent _ Reform—26 percent _ just Jewish—23 percent * _ not sure—1 percent” (p. 337). * * This has given me a better understanding of this group’s diversity and made me realize that is the choice of the individual to follow their desired path. One thing new I learned about my own racial cultural history is that it is a lot easier for this group to hide within its own kind than it is for others. Because of the volume of people that fall into this...
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...Final Project ***** **** April 13th, 2014 ETH/125 David DiBari During my time in this class I have learned a lot of new things about different groups of people and it has helped me be more understanding of these groups. The United States has such a variety of people and all of us have either personally moved here from somewhere else or have ancestors who have moved to this country. I also learned a lot about how I can help move the push for equality forward and show my support. I have learned that all groups have discrimination. I have also learned that my culture is just as discriminated against as everyone else’s, even though I did not know that before. According to a report done by Pew Research Center, buy 2050 the United States will be at an incredible 438 million in population. This coming up from the 303 million in the United States in 2008. (Haub, 2008) Not only that but the racial pool of this large group of people is also going to shift. Caucasian Americans will go from the 67% it stood at in 2005 to the estimated 47% of 2050. Other races included in this estimate are Hispanics, which are estimated to go from 14% to 29%. African Americans that are expected to stay at 13% and Asians, which are estimated to go from 5% to 9%. (Passel, 2008) I think a lot of this has to do with the amount of immigration we have right now and the fact that a large portion of our immigration is from our southern border. There are a lot of challenges...
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...Final Project Holly Regan Eth/125 August 25, 2013 Sarah Lange Final Project The way diversity has impacted the United States is by the creation of our melting pot. Having so many diverse cultures is what makes up the United States of America and it is still growing. Diversity is a variety of people including races and cultures. In lieu of this class, I have learned about many races and cultures within the United States and how many have struggled to become part of the freedom we American’s take for granted here. Many races and cultures live in the United States, which are comprised of many nationalities and cultures. So many, that it is nice to see such a variety of individual ethnicities combined into making new cultures. There are many countries that lack the diversity that the United States has and therefore everyone begins to fall into the “one in the same“ category. Because many people are different, it is interesting to learn how other cultures live amongst one another as well as go about their daily lives. Their beliefs are just as interesting too. Some are religious, while others throw a religious spin into the acts of violence they place upon their own people or outsiders. Prejudice and discrimination come about by not understanding the differences between cultures, thus it is important to fully understand all aspects of these differences before passing judgment unto others. Some of the things that I have learned about diversity are the ways in which nobody...
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...Final Project Holly Regan Eth/125 August 25, 2013 Sarah Lange Final Project The way diversity has impacted the United States is by the creation of our melting pot. Having so many diverse cultures is what makes up the United States of America and it is still growing. Diversity is a variety of people including races and cultures. In lieu of this class, I have learned about many races and cultures within the United States and how many have struggled to become part of the freedom we American’s take for granted here. Many races and cultures live in the United States, which are comprised of many nationalities and cultures. So many, that it is nice to see such a variety of individual ethnicities combined into making new cultures. There are many countries that lack the diversity that the United States has and therefore everyone begins to fall into the “one in the same“ category. Because many people are different, it is interesting to learn how other cultures live amongst one another as well as go about their daily lives. Their beliefs are just as interesting too. Some are religious, while others throw a religious spin into the acts of violence they place upon their own people or outsiders. Prejudice and discrimination come about by not understanding the differences between cultures, thus it is important to fully understand all aspects of these differences before passing judgment unto others. Some of the things that I have learned about diversity are the ways in which nobody...
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...Final Project ETH/125 October 16, 2013 Final Project • What information about diversity in the United States has helped you better understand or relate to others in ways that you may not have in the past? During this class I found it interesting that I was noticing interracial couples more often. While I do not have a prejudice against this, this class opened my eyes to what is really out in the world. While I am very happy to see this I also know that as long as society chooses to label people and hold stereotypes as truths there will always be more to accomplish with regards to discrimination and prejudice. Learning about diversity also helped me to recognize discrimination and prejudice. It is our diversity that makes the United States such a great county. We need to protect this diversity and fight against discrimination and prejudice. I speak up now because of learning about how this country was founded on diversity. I wish to change the mentality of people as much as I can so they too can understand the diversity of the United States. • Have you learned something new about your own racial, ethnic, or cultural history? While I view myself as an American, I did learn about who I am. I was especially interested in my mother’s ancestry. I had a chance to talk to my mother about this. While much of my Great Grandfather’s history is lost we do know that he was married to a Alkonkin Indian Squaw. My mother an I have decided to do more research on her Grandfather...
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...William Rigney ETH 125 8/29/2013 Final Project Information about diversity in the United States that has helped me to better understand and relate to others in the past and today would be the events of 9/11. While I was serving in the Navy, we were assigned to escort and protect oil tankers in the Persian Gulf, ensuring safe passage from attacks by Iraqi forces. At the time, I did not look at Saddam Hussein as a radical Muslim, just as a dictator who was dead set on ruling his people and making them submit. After the attacks on the Twin Towers, I joined with other Americans, calling for a war on terrorism and the Muslims. I researched the Koran to see what all the hoopla was about and discovered that there are two acceptable versions, one that calls for a Jihad (holy war), and one that teaches peace among all people. I found that only a handful of Muslims are radical and believe in the Holy War, and that most want to live in peace with others. By learning this about the Muslims, I also learned that many whites in America are still biased toward other races and ethnicities. While some embrace the diversity on our country, there are still those that look down unapprovingly at other races. While I am proud of who I am, and my race, there are those that still embarrass me. According to projections by the U.S. Census Bureau, non-Hispanic whites could be a minority by 2043, due in part to the doubling of Hispanic and Asian populations. Races that are considered minorities...
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...archive file of ETH 125 Entire Course you will find the next documents: ETH-125 Entire Course 2014 Latest Version A+ Study Guide.doc ETH-125 Week 1 Appendix A.docx ETH-125 Week 1 DQ 1.doc ETH-125 Week 1 DQ 2.doc ETH-125 Week 1 DQ 3.doc ETH-125 Week 2 DQ 1.doc ETH-125 Week 2 DQ 2.doc ETH-125 Week 2 Implicit Association Test.docx ETH-125 Week 3 Appendix C.doc ETH-125 Week 3 DQ 1.doc ETH-125 Week 3 DQ 2.doc ETH-125 Week 3 DQ 3.doc ETH-125 Week 3 Individual Who Am I Presentation.ppt ETH-125 Week 4 Appendix D Modified and Chapter 4 Quiz.doc ETH-125 Week 4 Appendix D.doc ETH-125 Week 4 DQ 1.doc ETH-125 Week 4 DQ 2.doc ETH-125 Week 4 DQ 3.doc ETH-125 Week 4 DQ 4.doc ETH-125 Week 5 Appendix E.doc ETH-125 Week 5 DQ 1.doc ETH-125 Week 5 DQ 2.doc ETH-125 Week 5 DQ 3.doc ETH-125 Week 5 Historical Report on Race.docx ETH-125 Week 6 Appendix F Modified.doc ETH-125 Week 6 Appendix F.doc ETH-125 Week 6 DQ 1.doc ETH-125 Week 6 DQ 2.doc ETH-125 Week 6 DQ 3.doc ETH-125 Week 6 DQ 4.doc ETH-125 Week 7 Appendix G Modified.doc ETH-125 Week 7 Appendix G.doc ETH-125 Week 7 Appendix H Modified.doc ETH-125 Week 7 Appendix H.doc ETH-125 Week 7 DQ 1.doc ETH-125 Week 7 DQ 2.doc ETH-125 Week 8 Appendix I Modified.doc ETH-125 Week 8 Appendix I.doc ETH-125 Week 8 DQ 1.doc ETH-125 Week 8 DQ 2.doc ETH-125 Week 8 DQ 3.doc ETH-125 Week 9 DQ 1.doc ...
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...archive file of ETH 125 Entire Course you will find the next documents: ETH-125 Entire Course 2014 Latest Version A+ Study Guide.doc ETH-125 Week 1 Appendix A.docx ETH-125 Week 1 DQ 1.doc ETH-125 Week 1 DQ 2.doc ETH-125 Week 1 DQ 3.doc ETH-125 Week 2 DQ 1.doc ETH-125 Week 2 DQ 2.doc ETH-125 Week 2 Implicit Association Test.docx ETH-125 Week 3 Appendix C.doc ETH-125 Week 3 DQ 1.doc ETH-125 Week 3 DQ 2.doc ETH-125 Week 3 DQ 3.doc ETH-125 Week 3 Individual Who Am I Presentation.ppt ETH-125 Week 4 Appendix D Modified and Chapter 4 Quiz.doc ETH-125 Week 4 Appendix D.doc ETH-125 Week 4 DQ 1.doc ETH-125 Week 4 DQ 2.doc ETH-125 Week 4 DQ 3.doc ETH-125 Week 4 DQ 4.doc ETH-125 Week 5 Appendix E.doc ETH-125 Week 5 DQ 1.doc ETH-125 Week 5 DQ 2.doc ETH-125 Week 5 DQ 3.doc ETH-125 Week 5 Historical Report on Race.docx ETH-125 Week 6 Appendix F Modified.doc ETH-125 Week 6 Appendix F.doc ETH-125 Week 6 DQ 1.doc ETH-125 Week 6 DQ 2.doc ETH-125 Week 6 DQ 3.doc ETH-125 Week 6 DQ 4.doc ETH-125 Week 7 Appendix G Modified.doc ETH-125 Week 7 Appendix G.doc ETH-125 Week 7 Appendix H Modified.doc ETH-125 Week 7 Appendix H.doc ETH-125 Week 7 DQ 1.doc ETH-125 Week 7 DQ 2.doc ETH-125 Week 8 Appendix I Modified.doc ETH-125 Week 8 Appendix I.doc ETH-125 Week 8 DQ 1.doc ETH-125 Week 8 DQ 2.doc ETH-125 Week 8 DQ 3.doc ETH-125 Week 9 DQ 1.doc ...
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...ETH 125 Course Calendar | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Week 1 | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | ETH 125 | Post Bio | | DQ 1 | | DQ 2Diversity Worksheet | | | Week 2 | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | ETH 125 | | | DQ 1 | | DQ 2Stereotypes & Prejudice Worksheet | | Implicit Association Test (IAT) | Week 3 | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | ETH 125 | | | DQ 1 | | DQ 2Discrimination Worksheet | | Who Am I? PowerPoint | Week 4 | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | ETH 125 | | | DQ 1 | | DQ 2 | | Religious & Ethnic Diversity Paper | Week 5 | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | ETH 125 | | | DQ 1 | | DQ 2Historical Worksheet | | Historical Report on Race | Week 6 | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | ETH 125 | | | DQ 1 | | DQ 2 | | Racial Diversity in Society Worksheet | Week 7 | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | ETH 125 | | | DQ 1 | | DQ 2Gender & Sex Worksheet | | Diversity Organizations Worksheet & Paper | Week 8 | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | ETH 125 | | | DQ 1 | | DQ 2 | | Aging & Disability Worksheet | Week 9 | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | ETH 125 | | | DQ 1 | | DQ 2 | | Final Project...
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...ETH 125 Final Project ETH 125 ETH 125 Final Project There are a lot of issues we face as a nation. There are so many, that often times you wonder if any of them will actually see a resolution. Americans everyday face very real issues of poverty, employment, security, and education. None of these issues are to be taken too lightly. One of the most important issues off all, though, is diversity. The equal treatment of all citizens either born in, or immigrated to, America. A lot of strides have been made over the course of America’s history. Diversity, and equal treatment of Americans, has to be one of the top priorities for everyone. Over the course of time, I have had a lot of interaction with different cultures. We have lived in Japan, America, and Europe. All of which provide very different cultures to learn and experience. One thing I have learned is to always keep an open mind. When you approach another culture with a closed mind that is when stereotypes take shape. I also learned to evaluate the history of your own people and their struggles. A lot of times, even though we may look different, we have all had very similar struggles throughout the course of history. Women have had the same struggles as African Americans when it comes to basic civil liberties. The same applies to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender people. As you look at the different racial and gender groups, you do see a lot of similarities. You also learn some new things about their histories...
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...Final Project Stephanie A. Wright ETH/125 June 16, 2013 Berita Sherman Final Project Diversity affects the lives of the American people in many different ways. Some ways that diversity is considerably noticeable is when it becomes the obvious and is displayed in the public eye. An example of diversity is the increasing number of different ethnicity populating the United States. Although some smaller communities in the United States may have fewer Hispanics, Blacks, Japanese, Chinese, Indians and American Indians than in the many Cities, the average number of their populations are considered in the statistical averages for that State and the United States. Considering the statistical averages documented in the United States White Americans make up over 70 percent of the population. The different ethnicity bring unique beliefs, ideas, and means of survival for life. One commonality that all ethnicity have is religion, however almost all ethnicity have different beliefs when it comes to religion. The different religious beliefs tend to create havoc with all American people regardless of race, sex or ethnicity. Observations of conversations in a University of Phoenix’s Ethics 125 class were clearly disagreements of many beliefs, topics as well as ideas of how to communicate them. In the class there was a multitude of different cultures and ethnicity which were shared and learned by all. After discussions in the classroom every student learned many different facets of life...
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...Week 9 Final Assignment ETH/125 October 12, 2013 Dr. Regina Pacheco, Ed.M., PhD. Week 9 Final Assignment My experience in this Culture Diversity course has given me a new insight and thought provoking information that has helped me to relate and understand diversity in a new and different way than I had before. Diversity can be such an interesting topic. When one mentions the word “diversity” several things come to mind. An most often, the first thing that comes to mind is the diverse culture, right here in America. To gain a better understanding of all the different cultures around the World. A person could spend their lifetime traveling around the world, from one culture to another. Why do that? When all one has to do is sit back and take in the daily occurrences and experience everything around them. Right here in America. It is hard to find a country more culturally diverse than our very own, and yet we fail to see it. There are several reasons why one could fail to see all this diversity, whether it be a lack of understanding or just a lack of willingness to understand. For a country that is called “the melting pot” (Schaefer, 2012, p.24), we certainly still have a prevalent degree of prejudice and discrimination. Some would call it a lack of insight and willingness to grow, I prefer to call it ignorance and fear. Fear of differences and change. Diversity is the inclusion of different types of people from different races and culture in a group of organization...
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...Final Project ETH/125 11/24/2013 Stephanie Salazar Final Project Diversity in the United States has changed drastically over the last several hundred years, and continues to change today. Society today is a blend of different cultures, ethnicity, race, and religious backgrounds in which society can gain knowledge. Yet today, society still struggles with the differences, and this leads to discrimination, stereotypes, and prejudice. Africans are reported to have arrived in 1619; this was during the time that the white population was the majority. These Africans were then transported down the James River on the ship White Lion. These Africans were traded and sold for food, and some were also transported to the city of Jamestown in the state of Virginia where they were sold again into slavery. (McCartney 2012) The Roman Catholics immigrated to America at a time that Protestants were the majority, and the Roman Catholic were the minority. In a census taken in 1757 stated that there 1,365 Catholics in Pennsylvania, and the territory was home 200,000 – 300,000 inhabitants. (Horvat) The diversity in the United States today includes Hispanics, Koreans, Muslims, and the list continues to grow. In the year 2050 the minority population, excluding non-Hispanics and single-race white, is projected to be 235.7, while the entire United States population is projected at 439 million, and soon enough the minority will become the majority. It is also projected that in 2039 the working...
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