...Critical Thinking and Ethics Tasia Sims GEN/201 August 1, 2015 Diane Vickers Critical Thinking and Ethics What is Critical thinking and Ethics? Critical Thinking is clear reasonable thinking and it is a part of everyday life and living. It’s a skill that will never go out of style. It frees us from nonsense and self-deception. Being a critical thinker can go beyond such self-justifying statements. Acquiring the ability is a major goal you should have. It informs reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Within having the critical thinking ability or skill you should know there are six levels of thinking: Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating, which are always useful. These levels will bring you to know the two types of thinking. Convergent and Divergent. Convergent involves narrowing down the process. Divergent is the opening up process. Ethics, the branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct in an area of study that’s deals with and is based on ideas about what is good and bad behavior, or what is right and what is wrong. There are three major areas of study within ethics you should know. Meta-ethics, Normative ethics, and Applied ethics. Meta-ethics concerns the meaning and reference of moral propositions. Normative ethics concerns practical means to determine a better course of action. Applied ethics concerns what a person is obligated to do in a situation. When...
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...situation. Ethics is then applied to your current knowledge (perception) of the situation so you can continue to critically think of the best option at that moment in time. Without a solid ethical framework, critical thinking can be compromised. Critical thinking is the process of making a rational and logical decision based on the current situation, environment, and variables that come into play. Critical thinking is much more than the average thought process. When you’re just ordinarily thinking your mind tends to wander and daydream. Critical thinking is more of a structured process in which you intake all of the possibilities. We critically think every day; one personal example of critical thinking is before I leave my house to run errands I always think of the most efficient route in which to drive. The route that will save me the most amount of time. Certain businesses have specific hours, so I also need to think of which places to visit first. We don’t think of critical thinking as a step by step process since it comes to us naturally, but it can be broken down into a six-step process. Critical thinking is the process of taking in and understanding new information, and you then use that information along with your ethical framework to analyze and evaluate the situation that will lead you to a conclusion. Critical thinking isn’t something new; we’ve been doing this since the dawn of civilization. Personal ethics affects decision making because your ethics decides what...
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...Ethics is the basic concepts and moral principles of decent human conduct which includes values such as the essential equality of all men and women, human or natural rights, obedience to the law of land, with respect to what is right and what is wrong (Velentzas., 2010). Ethics is the behavior that a person should adhere to in his daily dealings with the world. Ethics is a system of moral principles applied by people, society and the world. Ethics provide guidelines for acceptable behavior in the environment within which you are in. An ethical approach is becoming necessary both for corporate success and a positive corporate image (Schuder, 2014). Especially nowadays in Kenya ethics in business are obligated because many businessmen are only interested in making money despite the ethical costs or the harm they would probably cause to people or even to nature (environmental pollution). Corporate social responsibility defines all the cases of ethics that businessmen can follow effectively. Many firms are choosing to make a public commitment to ethical business by formulating codes of conduct and operating principles. In doing so, they must translate into action the concepts of personal and corporate accountability, corporate giving and corporate governance. Thinking Critically About Ethics Thinking critically about ethics is the intellectual disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating ethical issues to determine...
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...The Relationship between Critical Thinking and Ethics Donald J. Poirier Gen/201 February 2, 2016 Amy Gingrich The Relationship between Critical Thinking and Ethics When we begin to talk about the relationship between critical thinking and ethics, we must first have to understand the meaning of both. The Foundation for Critical Thinking defines critical thinking as the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. That is a lot for me to comprehend, so I will state it in easier terms; it is the mental process of actively and skillfully evaluating information to reach an intelligent answer or conclusion. Ethics, on the other hand, is an area of study that deals with ideas about what is good and bad behavior or a branch of philosophy dealing with what is morally right or wrong. So that we can more easily comprehend critical thinking, it is broken down into six steps. Step 1 is Remembering. Remembering is the basic level that requires that you be able to identify what is being said, such as the topic and main points. Step 2 is Understanding. Understanding means the comprehension of the material read, seen, or heard. The best way to know if you understand something is whether you can put in your own words what was read or heard. Step 3 is...
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...Critical thinking and ethics Noella Lubin GEN201 07/13/2015 PAMELA BREITUNG The relationship between critical thinking and ethics . Critical thinking plays a huge role in ethics. Critical thinking is thinking clearly, thinking fairly, thinking rationally, thinking objectively, and thinking independently (Braithwaite, 2006). Ethics is moral principles that govern a person or group behavior and the rule of conduct. Critical thinking is a form of fiction and identifying the unknown (Ethics in Criminal Justice Administration Analysis Ethics in Criminal Justice Administration Analysis Burgess, 2013). Critical thinking develops a mental process of evaluation that helps to determine their ethical standards. By incorporating the critical thinking process into their mindset, it enables you to more efficiently to make a decision based on truths and verified information rather than the unknown. There are steps to take in regards to thinking critically, and you should follow them as listed to make a rational decision. Step one (Knowledge), Being able to identify what is being said. Step two (comprehension) understanding the material, you make the knowledge that you acquired your own by relating it to what you already know. The better involve, the better you comprehend. Step three. (Apply) Know what you have read, heard, seen and understand it and carry out some task to implement what you comprehend to an actual situation. Step four (analysis) breakdown...
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...Critical thinking and Ethics Relationship between Critical Thinking and Ethics Critical thinking and Ethics can be evaluated and implemented in many different ways depending from persons view to the others. Although these are two different subjects, in many practices they both go hand in hand with one another. Critical thinking is “the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment” (Oxford Dictionary), While Ethics is “an area of study that deals with ideas about what is good and bad behavior : a branch of philosophy dealing with what is morally right or wrong.” (Marriam-Webster Dictionary). As we can see by the above definitions that by utilizing critical thinking and determining right from wrong, one can achieve ethical success. Six Levels of the Critical Thinking Process and Usage The Critical Thinking process can be broken down into six different levels. Level 1: Remembering, Can I recall the key terms, facts, or events? Level 2: Understanding, Can I explain this idea in my own words? Level 3: Applying, Can I use this idea to produce and desired result? Level 4: Analyzing, Can I divide this idea into parts, groups, or steps? Level 5: Evaluating, Can I rate the truth, usefulness, or quality of this idea—and give reasons for my rating? Level 6: Creating, Can I invent something new based on this idea? (SIX PATHS to more powerful THINKING). One huge benefit that one can gain by critical thinking is by analyzing...
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...Ethics and Critical Thinking Kali Lane Gen/201 6/15/2015 Cynthia Waddill Ethics and Critical Thinking Every person in the world learns ethics and critical thinking at some point in their lives. Ethics are taught as a moral principle that direct an individual’s behavior. Critical thinking means to make choices with enlightenment and direction. Ethics play a major role in everyday critical thinking by using methods like the critical thinking process and the ethical lens inventory. This flood of appeals leaves us with hundreds of choices about what to buy, where to go, and who to be. It's easy to lose our heads in the crosscurrent of competing ideas—unless we develop skills in critical thinking. When we think critically, we can make choices with open eyes (Ellis, 2014, pg. 203). The critical thinking process is a method used with six individual steps. These steps go as follows: remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. The first step helps you remember the issue and summarize it. To understand the issue means to read and listen while suspending any judgement you have against the matter. The step to apply means to take the information you know, and ask yourself, can I get a result? From there you have to analyze the situation. Divide the situation into steps to make it easier. Evaluate the quality of this idea, but make sure to give valuable reasons for your rating. Lastly, create something new! We all have a personal learning style that...
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...critical thinking and ethics. Critical thinking is the ability to analyze and evaluate an issue in order to form a judgement. Ethics is the moral principles that a person lives by; a rule of conduct. Critical thinking is a process that is taken in order to make rational decisions. There are six different levels and each level is different. The first level is remembering; this level is the least important. It is basically remembering a fact from the past. Level two is understanding. Understanding is the level which explains what we remember and summarizes it. This level is the level of comprehension. The third level is applying. Applying is where you figure out how to make this work for you; how to implement a plan. The fourth level is analyzing. At this point, you take the information that you plan on utilizing and you separate it in a way that will be easier to understand and apply. The fifth level is evaluating. Level five is where you are going to apply the critical thinking. Here you will state if you agree or disagree, and you will need to supply the why of your decision by supplying examples and comments. The sixth and final step is creating. In this step you will create something new based on your idea. Creative thinking is a higher level of thinking. By using these thinking skills you will be able to make major life decisions. This includes ethical decisions that will affect your everyday life. Having good ethics is important in having solid critical thinking skills...
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...The Ethics and Critical Thinking Relationship Keith A. Anderson GEN/201 July 6, 2015 Kathy Prince The Ethics and Critical Thinking Relationship Before understanding the relationship between Critical Thinking and an individual’s Ethics we should first define what each of these items mean. According to "The Critical Thinking Community" (2013), “Critical thinking is that mode of thinking about any subject, content, or problem in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully analyzing, assessing, and reconstructing it. Critical thinking is self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking. It presupposes assent to rigorous standards of excellence and mindful command of their use. It entails effective communication and problem-solving abilities, as well as a commitment to overcome our native self-centeredness and sociocentrism. Ethics are a system of moral principles where the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group or culture.” (A Definition). There are six steps within the critical thinking process Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating and Creating. Each of these steps build off of the previous and empower the individual to ask vital questions, bring problems to light, and garner relevant information while using abstract ideas to decipher the information obtained. While utilizing these processes the individual thinks with an open mind...
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...The Relationship between Critical Thinking and Ethics Critical Thinking and Ethics The late Dr. Wayne Dyer said “When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change”. Our perceptions and judgments reflects how we think about things and the decisions we make which influence our lives. Critical Thinking is the ability to be self disciplined and practical in order to make factual and rational decisions and/or judgments. Ethics are the morals we use to make those choices. Critical Thinking and Ethics go hand in hand as it takes someone with good moral standards to think critically. The Critical Thinking Process The following six aspects of the critical thinking assist in developing critical thinking skills: Remembering- Recalling information relevant to the topic or idea of what is being conveyed. Comprehension- Understanding the topic or issue and relate new knowledge to what you already know. Application- Carrying out a task and apply what one has comprehended. Analysis- Breaking down information to demonstrate how ideas are related or connected. Creative- Combining what was analyzed with other information to come up with something new. Evaluation- Making informed assessment based on comprehension, application, analysis and creative thinking. Everyone has daily...
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...Critical Thinking and Ethics Chelsea Fitzgerald GEN/201 June 22, 2016 Jenifer Casey Critical Thinking and Ethics The human race has come a long way from the basic instincts of survival to the inventions such as cars and telephones to improve the quality of life. The skill of critical thinking was used in such devices as well as the innovations to improve the products. There are many definitions of critical thinking; some are just a brief statement, and some are described in over one hundred words. However, the primary definition of critical thinking is defined as disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded and informed by evidence. By taking the path of critical thinking, one goes through the process of evaluating themselves to determine their code of conduct. Ethics plays an important role when applying critical thinking to any given situation. Critical thinking is a complex process that can be broken down into six steps. The first and lowest step of the process is remembering. Memorization can be very useful, but it is empty if the material isn’t comprehended. The second phase of the process is understanding. This step is a little more important to the process because one has to have a general knowledge of the subject to summarize and express your ideas on the topic at hand. Ellis (1984) stated, “ Effective reading calls for listening and understanding while suspending judgment.” Applying what you remember...
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...In order to properly describe the relationship between critical thinking and ethics, one must first understand what they are. Per Michael Scriven and Richard Paul, “Critical thinking is based on universal intellectual values that transcend subject matter divisions: clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good reasons, depth, breadth, and fairness.” Whereas, ethics, as defined by the dictionary, is “a branch of philosophy dealing with values (morals) relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions.” Per Mary Ellen Guffey, there are five steps to critical thinking. Those steps are as follows: Identify and clarify the problem, Gather information, Evaluate the evidence, Consider alternatives and implications, Choose and implement the best alternative. When applying these steps with ethics, this is how you know that the decision you make is sound. It is without bias and/or prejudice. It is a fair decision not leaning to one side or another side, but a decision that is made for the good as a whole. When I was evaluated for my Ethical Lens, my blind spot was determined to be an Unrealistic Role Expectations. Meaning that I rely on others to be virtuous not taking into consideration the probability that people can fail, regardless of their intentions. My preferred ethical lens is Reputation. This means that I listen to my intuition to determine...
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...Critical thinking is the ability to analyze the way you think and present evidence for your idea by analyzing and evaluating an issue in order to form judgment. Critical thinking is essential to success of human activity. The quality of what we do in our daily lives depends on the effectiveness of our thoughts, morally or immorally. The way you think generates the emotion you experience. You define a situation as a “failure” you feel depressed or you could define it as “lesson learnt” you feel empowered to learn more. To have strong critical thinking skills you must have strong cognitive and problem solving skills base. The critical thinking process can be very daunting. There are steps in which one takes to get to a conclusion. In the critical thinking process, the steps are as follows remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluations and creating. The process of using these six steps can be applied by processes using attitude checking, logic checking and checking the evidence. Checking your attitude helps to keep an open mind and the ability to see others point of view. In checking logic, it can help you with making assumptions about the situation. Finally checking the evidence will help to find proof while asking in-depth questions to find evidence. We find ourselves making decisions on a daily basis. We learn to evaluate things everyday. Most of our skills are learnt at a young age and can even be mirrors of what our parent’s skills and ethics are. ...
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...Critical Thinking and Ethics Amy Allen Critical Thinking and Ethics Critical thinking is such an important part of everyday life that many people do not even realize they use it as a tool. Critical thinking is a concept in which a person thinks on a higher level and evaluates options to help make a more informed and wise decision. It is reflecting on the issue at hand and requires a little effort in the thought process. Ethics are concepts that identify what is right and wrong. Using ethics when critically thinking can help you make an unbiased or unprejudiced decision. There are several steps involved in critical thinking. They are remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating (Krathwohl, 2001). When remembering, ask yourself “Can I recall the key terms, facts, or events?” When making sure you understand, ask yourself “Can I explain this idea in my own words?” When applying, ask yourself “Can I use this idea to produce a desired result?” When analyzing, ask yourself “Can I divide this idea into parts, groups, or steps?” When evaluating, ask yourself “Can I rate the truth, usefulness, or quality of this idea—and give reasons for my rating?” And finally, when creating, you ask yourself “Can I invent something new based on this idea?” If you follow all of these steps, you will be successful while thinking critically. Another thing to remember about critical thinking, is that no two people are going to have the same outcome when using the above-mentioned...
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...Critical Thinking and Ethics Christian Cavalho ETH/316 Feb 11, 2015 Kevin Burke Critical Thinking and Ethics The principles and rules of critical thinking cannot be applied to ethical reasoning. With critical thinking one must recognize problems and acquire facts to make a clear and reasoned judgment or decision on a question. With ethical reasoning it is more of an internal choice with personal queries about what is right and what is wrong to do. Ethical reasoning does have a major role in critical thinking. When one makes any decision, that person’s ethics with undoubtedly, if implicitly, have an affect on the outcome of the question at hand. Opinions are based on fact, at times they are based on mistaken facts, the same can be said for ethical opinions. If everyone followed the rules and guidelines of logic, I believe we would indeed and definitely still need ethical decision-making. While logic asks us to recognize problems, gather relevant information, comprehend and interpret said information, and to come up with a conclusion what is the right course of action to the initially recognized problem or qualm, it still does not answer the question of what we ought to do, as stated by Hume. As stated in the text “is” statements are defined by fact. However, Adler has differing views from Hume, he states that it is possible to make an “ought” statement from “is” statements. Adler states, “We ought to desire what is really good for us” and by that...
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