...Business Ethics I have chosen to write my paper on business ethics and the different things that are being done to improve ethics in the business world. This tends to be the majority of what our book has focused on and what much of the corporate world is spending tons of resources to improve. I think much of the hype for improving business ethics stems from the most recent economic downturn in the world and America especially. This has led people to realize that corruption and unethical behavior was behind much of the financial meltdown that happened. People greed and selfish behavior led to doing bad business. That being said the government also had much to do with the business world becoming corrupt as well they seemed to promote this unhealthy greed and made people do the unethical decisions upon the basis that it felt good. It was the governments idea that everyone needed a home and should have a right because they live in America to own that home. Somewhere we forgot that owning a home has an ethical side to it as well. The ethics of owning a home are that a person makes a commitment to buy a home at a price and are obligated to pay for that home. An Ethical person would do everything necessary to pay for that home and honor the deal they made. On another Ethics note related to home mortgages if you look at the ethics of the lenders who are a business and the poor ethics that they maintained. An ethical company would not have given loans to people who could not afford...
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...Introduction For this paper I will be discussing Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) using Anglo-American and Primark case studies as examples. First, I will discuss what is meant by ethical business behavior. Second, I will discuss how Anglo-American and Primark apply ethics into their business practices. Third, I will discuss what the costs and benefits are to an organization when they behave ethically. Finally, I will choose one component from Svennson & Woods’ model from “A Model of Business Ethics”, and discuss how it is relevant for Anglo-American. Ethical Business Behavior Ethical business behavior refers to an organizations actions and policies that are synergetic with "doing the right thing" (Sethi, 2003). Similar to the inherent laws of society that man has established that promote specific behaviors and actions that are deemed appropriate to build trust and relationships that last, it is similar in corporations. In order to operate ethically, organizations must also establish a clearly defined set of principles and a culture of ethical compliance that builds trust and confidence with their employees and their customers (Paine, 1994). Ethical business behavior is a combination of values and normative ethics, which drive an organization. Additionally, ethical business behavior is expected by society as a whole. Svennson & Woods write, “Society does have expectations of business and of its business leaders” (Svennson & Woods, 2008). Anglo-American...
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...Responsibility MGT/498 September 2, 2015 Ethics and Social Responsibility Ethical behaviors offer significant advantages, society as hold benefits. Executives who behave ethically are better off and live more fulfilled lives, and unethical behavior can destroy an organization and the individuals who take part in it. Conducting business in the appropriate manner may not always generate the greatest profits however in the end it will lead to greatest personal satisfaction, fulfillment, and a successful outcome. What is Ethics? Ethics is the study of what constitute right and wrong behavior, it focus on morality and application of moral principals in the everyday life, also what is conform to our personal beliefs Business ethics focus on what constitute ethical behavior in the world of business, however it is not a separate behavior. Understanding business ethics is important to long viability to the business and the well-being of the officers and directors as well as the welfare of the employees (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Ethical Standards and Behaviors The minimal acceptable standards for ethical business behavior are the compliance of the law. Ethical standards such as those in the company's policy and code of ethics must also guide decisions. Nevertheless, simply complying with the laws does not always does not necessarily make the business practice ethical. When can sometimes be ethical and still constitutes as being illegal? During the mortgage fraud, many families...
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...usually quite sensitive to issues of social responsibility and ethical behavior because of pressures from the public, interest groups, legal and governmental concerns, and media coverage. It is less clear where to draw the line between socially responsible behavior and the corporation’s other concerns, or between the conflicting expectations of ethical behavior among different countries. This essay on social responsibility and ethics set externally to international managers and thus in a sense outside their realm of control, is the expectation of appropriate behavior. This behavior is measured both in terms of social responsibility of the organization as such, as well as ethical behavior of individual managers. In addition to these expectations there is an onus on organizations and managers alike to manage the relationship with the host country. Having noted this, I shall now move on to the main issues this essay has set out to address in the following manner: 1.2 Global Interdependence Global interdependence is a compelling dimension of the global business environment, creating demands on international managers to take a positive stance on issues of: social responsibility and ethical behaviour; economic development in host countries; and ecological protection around the world. Multinational corporations continue to be the centre of debate regarding the benefits versus harm wrought by their operations around the world. Because of their size and economic power, the MNC will be held...
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...My View of Business Ethics Summary Paper of My ‘Ethical Position’ From My Experience, Knowledge And What I Have Gleaned From The Business Ethics Class. ABSTRACT The ability to recognize and deal with complex business ethics issues has become a significant priority in twenty-first century companies. In recent years, a number of well publicized scandals resulted in public outrage about deception and fraud in business and a demand for improved business ethics and greater corporate responsibility. The publicity and debate surrounding highly visible legal and ethical lapses at a number of well known firms, including AIG, Countrywide Financial and Fannie Mae, highlight the need for businesses to integrate ethics and responsibility into all business decisions. The field of business ethics deals with questions about whether specific business practices are acceptable. For example, should a salesperson omit facts about a product’s poor safety records in sales presentation to a client? Should an accountant report inaccuracies that he or she discovered in an audit of a client, knowing the auditing company will probably be fired by the client for doing so? Should an automobile tire manufacturer intentionally conceal safety concerns to avoid a massive and costly tire recall? Regardless of their legality, others will certainly judge the actions taken in such situations as right or wrong, ethical or unethical. By this very nature, the field of business ethics is controversial...
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...F-505 A S S I G N M E N T O N Business Ethics Submitted to Dr. A. H. M Habibur Rahman Course Teacher Managing Organization Department of Finance Dhaka University Bangladesh. Submitted by Md.Mostafijur Rahman ID- 22055 Semester: Fall 2012 MBA(Evening) Program Department of Finance Dhaka University Bangladesh. Submission Date: 2 October 2012 Introduction Ethics, also known as moral philosophy, is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior. It comes from the Greek word “ethos”, which means "character". It is the study of morality. It is the value that is worth pursuing in life. Ethics is relative. It depends on several factors: world views, descriptive values and moral values. Business ethics is the behavior that a business adheres to in its daily dealings with the world. The ethics of a particular business can be diverse. They apply not only to how the business interacts with the world at large, but also to their one-on-one dealings with a single customer. Many businesses have gained a bad reputation just by being in business. To some people, businesses are interested in making money, and that is the bottom line. It could be called capitalism in its purest form. Making money is not wrong in itself. It is the manner in which some businesses conduct themselves that brings up the question of ethical behavior. Definition Business ethics can be defined as written...
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...World-Class Bull “When does a so-called smart sales strategy cross the line to become deceitful?” (Humphreys, 2009) Which business risk represents the greatest threat to shareholder value: Natural disasters? Product defects? Piracy? Patent infringement? Lack of ethical boundaries? (Rudin, A. 2010) The World-Class Bull case study explores the ethical boundaries and challenges that a company will face when it is discovered that one of their top salesman, Chris Knox, takes on the challenge to land a big account. Using the CEO’s personal love of livestock the salesman develops a person relationship and eventually closes the sale. Ethical issues arise when the tactics used by the salesman are revealed in an email sent by the VP of sales, Jeremy Silva, celebrating the success of landing the account. This paper explores and describes how to identify risk factors for ethics problems, and how once identified determining steps to mitigate that risk. Employee actions should be conducted with honesty, full disclosure and the upholding of confidentiality. While the actions of Chris Knox in the World-Class Bull Case may be deemed to have crossed the line the mitigation of his actions should have been handled differently. The responsibility of this “could have crossed the line” behavior lies with management, specifically the sales manager and secondarily the organizations lack of proper ethics training. Building relationships and friendships with potential and current customers...
Words: 1512 - Pages: 7
...justified to the right. Keep a Photocopy or Electronic Copy of Your Assignments: You may need to re-submit assignments if your mentor has indicated that you may or must do so. Academic Integrity: All work submitted in each course must be the Learner’s own. This includes all assignments, exams, term papers, and other projects required by the faculty mentor. The known submission of another person’s work represented as that of the Learner’s without properly citing the source of the work will be considered plagiarism and will result in an unsatisfactory grade for the work submitted or for the entire course, and may result in academic dismissal. | | MGT7019-8 | Dr. Chad McAllister | | | Foundations for Doctoral Study in Business | SIMMONSMGT7019-8-ASSGN#1 | | | All work submitted is original and my own intellectual property. I am open to guidance and instruction that enable me to achieve my educational goal of excellence. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Faculty Use Only ------------------------------------------------- <Faculty comments here> ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- <Faculty Name> <Grade Earned> <Writing Score> <Date...
Words: 3283 - Pages: 14
...Eli Stahler EBM 493 Ethics in Business Ethics and Business: Lovers or Enemies? Works Cited Berrone, P., Surroca, J., & Tribo, J. CORPORATE ETHICAL IDENTITY AS DETERMINANT OF FIRM PERFORMANCE: A TEST OF THE MEDIATING ROLE OF STAKEHOLDER SATISFACTION. Universidad Carlos Ill De Madrid, Departamento de Economía de la Empresa . Universidad Carlos Ill De Madrid. Friedman, M. (1970, September 13). The Social Responsibilty of Business is to Increase Its Profits. The New York Times Magazine . George, D. (n.d.). A History of Business Ethics. Retrieved from scu.edu: http://www.scu.edu/ethics/practicing/focusareas/business/conference/presentations/business-ethics-history.html Hansman, H., & Kraakman, R. The End Of History For Corporate Law. Yale Law School. Hasbro. (2013). Ethics. Retrieved from Hasbro: http://csr.hasbro.com/rul04-ethics.php Hill, M. Mcgraw Hill. MacDonald, L. (n.d.). Advantages & Disadvantages of Business Ethics. The Houston Chronicle . The Economist. (2011). Milton Friedman goes on tour. The Economist . Zeiger, S. Effects of Lack of Ethics on a Business Environment. Houston: The Houston Chronicle. Introduction Business ethics is the general application of ethical behavior and conduct towards the way a business conducts itself. Business ethics do not involve a specific set of standards but rather are general ethics applied to business conduct. Often, they can determine what strategy and decisions a company will make and what the...
Words: 3421 - Pages: 14
...Ethical Issues Ethical Issues - Why are ethical issues a major concern in organizations? What individual influences impact ethical behavior? How can organizations influence ethical behavior in employees? Use a recent article from the Wall Street Journal, or other reputable publication, for an example of ethical issues being addressed by a corporation today. Ethics is a major concern and plays a significant part of the US society it is a crucial part in the world of business. The Unique characterization of ethics all though it is part of law ethical behavior comes down to what is right and what is wrong ethically. This paper will look at ethical behavior within an organization. It will look at what is right and what is wrong ethically and moreover how it affects society within an organization. It will reflect on some history of ethics to describe and discuss ethical behavior. Ethical behavior can have an enormous impact either positive or negative, ethically, financially, and emotionally to the people who make up the organization. We will look at why is ethical behavior a major concern within an organization. It will look at the individual influences impact of ethical behavior. Finally, how an organization influences ethical behavior in employees. Ethics is a term that has existed in years before (BC) and continues to exist today. Ethics is philosophical moral treatment of the moral order. According to Socrates the ultimate object of human activity is happiness and...
Words: 1526 - Pages: 7
...authors of an article published by the Santa Clara University on business ethics pointed out flaws in the responses. They believed that feelings sometimes deviate from ethics because a person may feel to do something that is not right (Manuel et al, para. 4). Moreover, they argued that most religions advocate high ethical standards, yet these standards cannot be identified with religion because if they were, they would have only applied to religious people (Manuel et al, para. 5). Finally, saying that ethics are standards that a society set was proved wrong as the standards of behavior in a society can diverge from ethics, considering Nazi Germany which was a society that became morally corrupt (Manuel et al.). This was what ethics are not. Then, what are ethics? Ethics are the well founded standards that are backed up by consistent and well founded reasons. These standards include rights, obligations, honesty, fairness, benefit to society or specific virtues. For example, the rights may include right to life and right to freedom whereas reasonable obligations may include abstaining from stealing and fraud (Manuel et al, para 7). The application of ethics is not limited and applies to a number of aspects including business behavior which is termed as business ethics. Business ethics is the behavior adopted by a business and is concerned with how a business deals with the world at large. It involves the business taking responsibility for its activities...
Words: 3013 - Pages: 13
...operations/ethical issues on the stakeholders. Business ethics, issues, and conflicts revolve around relationships. Customers, investors and shareholders, employees, suppliers, government agencies, communities, and many others who have a stake, or claim, in some aspect of a company’s product, operations, markets, industry, and outcomes are known as stakeholders. They are both influenced by and have the ability to affect businesses. Stakeholders provide both, tangible and intangible recourses that are more or less critical to a firm’s long term success. The key stakeholders in this scenario are a) The customers who are mainly US male teenagers between 13 -19 years of age that would be exposed to nudity through a video game that with increased levels of intensity revealing nudity of a female game character. b) The Broadway Corporation is a stakeholder that is affected if the “Lucky” game development and introduction would be stalled or entirely taken off the market. Since “Broadway” is a corporation, the outcome of this scenario will affect the company as a whole. The consequences could be that the company would lay off employees due to the lack of revenue. The shareholders would start selling their shares if dissatisfied which would eventually cause the company’s stock price to fall. Suppliers that build the arcade equipment would be affected as well as the entire surrounding infrastructure since Broadway is one of the largest employers in the Las Cruces. Ethical Analysis: ...
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...Accounting Assignment In accounting, unethical practices and behavior has been an ongoing problem that misleads investors and employees. The personal gain, misuse of funds, and many other variables drive corporate officials to make unethical decision. Other unethical practices seen in the corporate world has been bribery, security fraud, manipulation of profits, and more. This is the reason the government created the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002(Bannon, S., Ford, K., & Meltzer, L.,2010). There are many general rules and concepts that govern accounting. In this essay the writer will examine the effects of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on corporations and identify solutions that may lead to unethical behavior. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was created in 2002 when major corporations failed to conduct business ethically. In the early twentieth century, scandals irrupted when companies like Enron were caught misrepresenting their accounting results(Bannon, S., Ford, K., & Meltzer, L.,2010). The federal government created regulations that will prevent unethical behavior in the future and provide protection against fraud. In addition, The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, is supposed to protect employees when reporting unethical behavior in their company(Bannon, S., Ford, K., & Meltzer, L.,2010). In the article,” How to Instill a Strong Ethical Behavior”, It talks about how difficult reporting unethical behavior is for employees(Bannon, S., Ford, K., & Meltzer, L.,2010). The majority of employees...
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...Exploration Into the Different Aspects of Ethical and Unethical Leadership Richard Borashan Randall Carter Jr. Ting-Jung Hsu Ya-Hui Hu University of La Verne October 12, 2011 Table of Contents * Abstract * Introduction * What is the moral responsibility of a leader * Why is the moral responsibility of a leader important * Principals of ethical leadership * Five ethical behaviors * The impact of unethical leadership in organizations * Examples of unethical leadership * Conclusion * References Abstract The purpose of this paper is to understand the principals and the differences between ethical and unethical leadership. The research area includes areas of the characteristics of ethical and unethical leaders, how they operate, what places them in either category, and how the theories translate into the real world. Some examples of questions raised are as follows: What it means to be ethical and unethical, how can one distinguish between the two, and do people like this exist in the real world. Based on the research and the answers a guideline is set to define the difference between the two types of leaders. Introduction There is no question that many companies have prompted to carry out the ethics issues, and they are also making a set of the organizational cultures. In the mean time, some companies, which have further view, are also providing ethics training to managers. Nowadays, business always needs to pay attention to ethics...
Words: 2238 - Pages: 9
...Title Length Color Rating Different Viewpoints of Business Ethics - Introduction The purpose of this short paper is to compare and contrast three different peer-reviewed journal articles and one online periodical. First, the paper provides a brief introduction of the four articles. Second, the paper compares and contrasts the four articles. Finally, the author presents his views on the topic of social responsibility and business ethics before concluding the paper. Four Articles All four articles center their focus on business ethics. Of the four articles, three are scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles and one, by Friedman, is an online periodical.... [tags: Business, Ethics] :: 4 Works Cited 2005 words (5.7 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Alahmad and Murphy on Business Ethics - The first two journal articles that were compared and contrasted were Ala Alahmad’s 2010 article on To Be Ethical or Not to Be: An International Code of Ethics for Leadership and Patrick Murphy’s 2009 article on The Relevance of Responsibility to Ethical Business Decisions. Some key findings of Alahmad’s writings were that ethics and leadership were closely tied together; they were found to be derivatives of one another. He mentioned that ethics is an individual thought process of making good or poor decisions.... [tags: Business Ethics] :: 4 Works Cited 970 words (2.8 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Ethical Perspectives on Business Ethics - The determination of this paper is to compare...
Words: 3552 - Pages: 15