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Ethical Issues In High School

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Working with students in an academic setting regardless of if they are in elementary, middle, or high school is going to come with a slew of ethical and legal standards to consider. As school counselors we are working with minors, so in some circumstances it is important to tread lightly, and in others it’s necessary to know proper protocols and courses of action. The amount of ethical and legal knowledge within a school setting to maintain can be intimidating, and some aspect of these standards will be applied on a regular basis. Continuing to seek and maintain knowledge on appropriate criterions when working with students will help counselors protect both students and themselves. In high school students are at a higher cognitive level at this point, but disabilities still need to be taken into consideration when considering higher education and career choices. Ethical standards are in …show more content…
Stone (2011) advises that counselors must consider both the chronological and developmental age of the student at hand. Many students of high school age want to make their own choices in regards to higher education and later career opportunities. However, a parent may feel that certain disabilities don’t leave his or her child up to the task. A counselor must note a student’s ability to demonstrate the ability to make informed decisions. (Stone, 2011). Despite a counselor possibly wanting to allot minor students more autonomy over their future choices, The Supreme Court states that parents have the ultimate authority to decisions for their children. They are the above all “guiding voice” and have the right to make informed, competent decisions for their children. (Stone, 2011). If a counselor proceeds down certain higher education or after-school planning with a student without proper notification of his or her parents, there may be legal implications that

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