...Personal Ethical Statement By Michael Anderson In completing the Ethical Lens Inventory, I learned a few different things about how to handle some adverse situations I may potentially find myself in during my time at the University of Phoenix. I learned that its important to really sit back and assess the entire situation before doing or saying anything. In doing this, you allow yourself to really understand and evaluate all options and to use those options in helping you determine the best course of action. After going through the exercises I really felt I related best to the Rights and Responsibility lens which helps identify your individual duties and obligations in addition to your rights. Personally, I have never gone through a situation like the one outlined in the last exercise where a student had taken my work so it was very helpful to go through all the steps one would go through in that situation. For the most part I am usually very independent and try not to worry myself with other peoples issues or the consequences they may have on the entire class. I believe everyone should be held to the same standards as myself no matter what the circumstances are. The exercise forced me to think about the other students interests instead of just my own. My blind spot is the belief that motive justifies method. In short this basically means that I am too focused on myself and what I believe and during that I end up upsetting...
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... Organization integrity can be a principle associated with comprehending what's morally appropriate and what is allowable on the job. Ethics by itself is really a relative idea: everything that could be seen as ethical within one culture may not be regarded as so in another. Likewise, everything that may be authorized in 1 nation may not be legitimate in another. Integrity could be affected by financial situations, ethnic circumstance, background and additional factors. For an example, price fixing is definitely an unlawful practice within our nation (USLegal, 2010,) however in several nations around the world it is still authorized as well as morally okay. It ought to be cleared up though that legitimateness isn't a test regarding integrity: there are numerous procedures that are lawful, however obviously not ethical. Moral views are generally categorized in 4 groups: personality; responsibility; outcomes; and also fairness. Personality describes performing what's appropriate, instead of performing what you can do (Copp, 2005). Responsibility describes determining whether or not activities are wrong or right, rather than considering whether or not the outcomes are positive or negative (Copp, 2005). An outcome is about the thought that an action's ethical worth will be assessed from the enjoyment and also pleasure this...
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...Ethical Considerations Reflection Paper University of Phoenix EDU/ 315 Equality is what I consider to be the primary ethical consideration for teachers in a K-8 setting. In order for children to receive the same education the teacher will need to treat each student in the same manner. According to Dictionary.com Equality is “the state or quality of being equal; correspondence in quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability” (Dictionary.com, 2011). If a teacher refrains from following the Florida educational ethical standards (6B- 1. 006 section 3, subsection G), which states that a teacher “shall not harass or discriminate against any student on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national or ethical origin, political beliefs, marital status, handicapping conditions, sexual orientation, or social and family background”, (Florida Department of Education, 2011) then the teacher will be written up and/ or terminated from their teaching position. Learning disabilities is one equal consideration teachers need to think about in their classroom. When a teacher treats a student with learning disabilities exactly as a student without learning disabilities it is unfair and discouraging to the disable student. Teachers should make accommodations for these students to equal the class work and expectations. Teachers can help all students in the class to understand and respect each individual no matter their learning disability by having library books read and available...
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...Date: 27th October, 2014 Title: Morrisons breaks pledge on low prices Link: http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/business/Retail_and_leisure/article1475669.ece The ethical issue was related to credibility of a company. It was about Morrisons the supermarket increased prices of some products marked with “I’m cheaper” sign after promising to cut prices permanently on over 1000 goods six months ago. The supermarket claimed the rise in prices was only a reflection of “commodity inflation” and still “lower than they would have been” without the “I’m Cheaper”cuts. No doubt by increasing the price of goods, the supermarket could compensate the losses from the inflation in supply costs. This do help to maintain profitability of the supermarket and strengthen the confidence of its investors. Also, even though the prices had been raised, they were still lower than the general prices of these goods. The promise of enduring price cut was kept. It was a win-win situation in the eyes of Morrisons. One of the problems arose in this issue was the reputation of Morrisons towards the customers was deeply affected. Although action of increasing the prices due to inflation was justifiable, Morrisons still broke part of its vow of long-lasting price cut. A credibility gap between Morrisons and customers might have been develop as a result. Moreover, the intention of the supermarket was to maintain its profitability while the issue of the news had leaded to a fall in its share price of 0.46...
Words: 273 - Pages: 2
...Ethical Lens Inventory Reflection Andrew P. Fields US/101 April 16, 2013 Nakia Samuel Ethical Lens Inventory Reflection In this paper I will be discussing key concepts based on my ethical lens inventory. I will be explaining my ethical lens and academic behavior, along with; how my ethical lens influences these things. I will also be discussing the results of my reasoning aptitude, and how my ethical lens and reasoning aptitude will help me in the classroom and workplace. I feel the results of my ethical lens inventory are very valuable in determining who I am as a person. This is very interesting to me to know that my ethical lens reflects me perfectly as a person. For my core values, I value sensibility and follow my heart to make prudent choices, and I use rationality before anger. I agree with my key phrase results about making choices good for everyone. I feel that I am compassionate and free willed. My blind spot; WOW! This is very interesting. Yes I do sometimes set goals that are optimistic. As my wife says; “I am optimistic, and she is a realist.” This is very true for me. For my vise I feel everyone has a little greed in their life. Thankfully my compassion rules over my greed for the most part. My crisis is very deep and spot on. I don’t have very many friends, and I feel it is for the reasons that my ethical lens says. I do feel...
Words: 773 - Pages: 4
...Running Head: Ethical Self Reflection Ethical Self Reflection [Name] [University and Area of Study] Abstract In many cases, a person must choose between two or more “rights” that may or may not align with both one’s moral and ethical standards. The care-based, rule-based, ends-based thinking to arrive at a decision rather than rationalizing after the fact are necessary for analyzing ethical dilemmas (Hughes, Ginnett, & Curphy, 2012, pp. 164-165). The self-reflection needed to identify one’s fundamental nature, and to understand the morals, ethics and values one uses to make decisions are critical to becoming an authentic leader who is a moral manager that serves the people that follow him or her (Hughes, et.al, pp. 152-153). Ethical Self Reflection What is right? Morals define personal character related to the ideas of both right and wrong. Ethics, while inherently linked to morals and one’s moral obligations, is a set of moral principles used in a social system in which those morals are applied. In other words, ethics point to standards or codes of behavior expected by the group to which the individual belongs. These standards could be national ethics, social ethics, company ethics, professional ethics, or even family ethics. So while a person’s moral code is usually unchanging, the ethics he or she practices can be dependent on exogenous factors not controlled by the individual or the group to which the individual belongs. Care-based thinking describes what is...
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...Ethical Reflection Paper February 04, 2013 Ethical Reflection Paper As humans we will all face an ethical dilemma at some time, but as nurses we will face dilemmas unique to the medical field. How we handle these dilemmas will speak about our character and affect our future ethical decisions. Ethical dilemmas are difficult decisions that generally involve conflicting moral claims and usually provoke strong emotions on both sides of the situation. This paper will explore the ethical dilemma of nurses giving patients seeking medication placebos to placate them. This dilemma occurred at my job while I was working on the long term care floor, the Summit. On this particular floor we have a resident who is very hard of hearing and also very demanding of certain medications. She often experiences itching episodes on her upper torso, back and thighs. No rash is present and we have not identified any source for her itching. Her physician has prescribed Atarax, a hydroxyzine anti-itch drug to be taken no more than three times a day as needed. She is quiet and content during the day but in the afternoons she can experience sundowners and become very adamant that she needs her itching pill. Because she is hard of hearing and gets agitated, it can be hard to communicate to her that she has already had her itching pill or that it’s too soon to have another. On this resident’s floor we had a full time evening nurse who decided that it would be easiest to give the resident a tic-tac...
Words: 1657 - Pages: 7
...Checkpoint: Ethical Decision Reflection Phoebe Edwards HSM/230 Carrie Cooper 3/19/13 I have not had to make any decision dealing with ethical decision. But if I did have to make ethical decision the factors I would consider are to make a clear logical choice about the issue. Also I would try to solve the issue by simple utilitarian thinking, this make you look at moral duties and virtues, bring a person to a derived from the principles of right or wrong. Say like if I had people living at my house and one was not doing anything around the house then I would say to them that if they could not help around the house that they would have to leave, but if I have to talk to that person more than once, Then that when I would make my ethical decision making and the action would be put into affect. The problems that we run into are that everybody has their own views and making their decisions is based on their views, which that bring me to the ethical decisions. That make me ask questions and look and at my actions of right and wrong as with the feeling of honesty and fairness and with some compassion. When you have decision making with action that make people action and...
Words: 307 - Pages: 2
...Ethical Lens Reflection The Ethical Lens Inventory was very confusing to me at first, but when I received the results, they were straight forward and it all begun to become clear to me the reason for the questions that were asked in the quiz. The quiz determined that my personal preferred lens is relationship and reputation lens, and that I balance my reasoning skills and intuition to determine what the best way to serve everyone in fairness is. It was also determined that; my core values are equality and rationality/sensibility; my classical values are justice and fortitude, my key phrase is “I make fair and virtuous choices.” my definition of ethical behavior is being fair and living out role responsibilities, my tools for analyzing problems are authority and tradition, and my gift is justice and compassion. It also determined that my blind spot is overconfidence in process or unrealistic role expectations, and my temptation is exemption and entitlement. My personal Ethical Lens has definitely helped me to analyze my life and my morals. I think my personal ethical lens can influence my academic behavior positively, because it confirmed to me that I not only assume that I respect the rules and people around me, but morally and in reality, I do respect the same things. In my personal ethical lens, it was determined that my tools for analyzing problems are authority and tradition. It states that, I think through problems carefully, research options and pay particular...
Words: 425 - Pages: 2
...Ethics reflection paper Introduction Ethics is the fundamental principles of an individual or a group. Business ethics refers to the study of business policies and practices. Social responsibility refers to how a business performs its activities to meet its wider obligations toward the society and environment. Strategic planning in the corporate world is considered to be a very important step. Social responsibility as well as ethical values in the strategic plan process are deemed to serve as an important role. The paper will explore the role of social responsibility and ethics in the business world. The role of ethics According to www.investopedia business ethics refers to the study of proper business policies and practices. There are several important issues to be aware of, such as corporate governance, insider trading, bribery, discrimination, corporate social responsibility and fiduciary responsibilities. (4) Business ethical principles are no difference than general ethical principles that is judged with the same right and wrong standards that are judged in society. Ethical factors have a great impact in the way businesses are ran today. The role of ethics may differ depending on which point of view is used. Ehow.com states that the ethics role and purpose is to control the human ego. Simply put, ethics is a system of thought that has as its end the process of organizing the aspects of personality such as drives, attitudes and aims into a balanced whole within the...
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...Ethical Lens Inventory Reflection Colleen VanWagner US/101 6/15/2013 Sheila K. Smith The Ethical Lens Inventory results were very clear and right to the point. It showed my core and classical values. My personal key phrase. Along with what my blind spot, the risk, the temptation, my vice, crisis and the need to see clearly. It showed me the results on what my definition of ethical behavior is, tools for analyzing problems, and the gift of self-knowledge and free will. The core and classical values showed me that I try to treat everyone fairly, although every situation is unique, the solution is being consistent and flexible. As I try to be consistent and flexible, I value individual balance, restraint for the pleasures when I seek to satisfy my duties. While my key phrase is,” I make responsible choices that are good for everyone,” I see that I do tend to make choices in my personal life, where it would benefit everyone and not just myself. Although I try to do the right thing for everyone, which is my ethical behavior, I choose to make responsible choices that benefit many individuals, along with myself, at the same time. Making responsible choices allows me to think through a problem, and to research options. To find one that will allow me to fulfill my duties...
Words: 751 - Pages: 4
...Ethical Decision Reflection HSM/230 Keyanna Rogers January 30, 2013 There have been many moments in my life that I can say that I am not proud of, but we learn from own mistakes. Nobody is perfect and we are going to keep making mistakes in life. We learn from our mistakes to make better choices in life. There was a moment in my life that I had to make a decision regarding my friend and my job. I worked at a retail store with a friend of mine; we went to high school together, and hung out from time to time. It was about 3 months into the job and she started to steal money from the register, and some merchandise from the store. This came back to both of us because we was responsible for closing and making sure our register had a certain amount plus the end of the day receipts was not adding up. So, I had to have a meeting with the store manager, and some corporate people of the company; because they were trying to fire me, and have me arrested. My job and work ethics was at stake, and the factor that I had to consider was how I am going to explain this to my landlord for not paying my rent. I had to make a decision to tell what really happened or take the fall for something I didn’t do. So, I told the truth my friend was fired and they didn’t press charges because she admitted to the crimes. This was a hard decision to make, but at the time I just moved on my own with my son, and fiancé. The outcome was...
Words: 311 - Pages: 2
...Reflection on a ethical issue in practice/ Reflection on a therapeutic relationship Gibbs reflective cycle (1988) Description No names have been used during this account in order that confidentiality is maintained as required by The Code (NMC, 2008). Gibbs reflective cycle shall be used in order to explain and analyse the incident (Gibbs, 1988). During a period of placement I was involved with the care of a client who had taken an overdose and attempted to end his life. During that day I had been involved with settling the client onto the ward and filling out his paperwork. The patient was understandably distressed and we had had to ask some quite personal questions about how he had been feeling in the days leading up to the overdose and what had triggered his actions and his current feelings. Later that evening the client absconded from the ward and the team had to call security. The client was eventually found outside of the hospital and it was discovered that he had ripped the cannula from his hand. The patient was later detained under the mental health act as it was felt he was a danger to himself. Feelings During this process I felt quite uncomfortable and like I was invading the patient’s privacy. This I believe was due to the fact that I have not had much experience of someone who has just been involved in such a highly emotional and charged situation. I found it difficult to know how to react and what to say in case it was the wrong thing as I did not want...
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...able to handle cases on my own and hopefully get promoted to a higher position. The opportunities that I would make for myself improvement to allow me to be more valuable in the workplace would be to sometimes think outside the box and understand my clients with a better and clearer understanding. The opportunities that I look forward to is getting to help kids and hopefully landing a supervisor position with New York City ACS Agency. The result of my Ethical Lens Inventory was that my personal preferred Lens was None – periscope and Paralysis. This means that I see the gifts and weaknesses of each lens and I am able to move smoothly among them to adopt the right tools to each situation to get the best outcome. It also says that I listen to my intuition to decide what best for individuals as well as the virtues that will best serve the community. One way that my personal Ethical Lens will direct my academic behavior is by helping me to see the things in others prospective and also adjust to different situations quickly. My Ethical Lens influence critical thinking by letting me help others...
Words: 976 - Pages: 4
...recognise the international dimension of professional nursing knowledge and health care. · To develop the students’ awareness, understanding and acceptance of cultural differences. · To develop the students’ awareness of and respect for clients’ individual cultures. · To develop the students’ understanding of the influence of historical, philosophical, ethical, economic, political and professional factors on their own and others’ professional culture. · To develop the students’ awareness of professional culture and role, and an increasing awareness of their own cultural identity. As a way of enabling you to achieve this, you are expected to keep a reflective diary. If you are unsure about your ability or motivation to do this, the above quote by Oscar Wilde may inspire you to write. You may not feel that you have anything sensational to write but you will be surprised how interesting you will find what you have written when you look back. The diary is a vehicle for collecting information and responses to major elements of the exchange and to enable students to log and reflect on their experiences. Reflection according to Johns (1993) is: - “...... the reflexive method of gaining access to an understanding of experience which enables practitioners to develop and increase the effectiveness of personal action within the context of their work”. It is intended that the document is student...
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