...Running head: Self Reflection 19 ones influence; love of all humanity means respect for the dignity of and sensitivity to the needs of others; and humility is the acknowledgement of our own limitations (“the more we know, the more there is to learn). (Cathcart, 2000; Welfel, 2010) Emerson said, “Desire is possibility seeking expression.” If a person truly wants something, the possibility of achieving or attaining it surely exists. Problems arise when people confuse probability with possibility and when they decide that we already know everything required to perform a task; far too many variables exist for people to really „know‟ everything required to resolve any one situation. As professionals, we must proceed cautiously and judiciously based on what we have learned about ourselves, our core beliefs and values, and the standards and guidelines of our professional associations; while listening to the messages the world is sending us from within, being realistically optimistic, and realizing that there is no limit to human possibilities and human potential. The ultimate power to achieve lies within each individual and can only be actualized by Self -exploration, Self -discovery, Self -motivation, Self -discipline, Self -mastery, Self- confidence, Self- understanding, Self- acceptance, and Self- realization. Without a set of values, these actions will lack direction and focus. Measuring them against a set of values requires that we, as professionals...
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...professional and personal values. Though social workers’ professional values may be partly compatible with societal values, nonetheless there are some differences in emphasis, priorities and or understanding (Osmo and Landau, 2006). As a social worker making decisions about what to do in cases that feature ethical problems as well as dilemmas integrates our ethical judgements or evaluation of what is right...
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...able to handle cases on my own and hopefully get promoted to a higher position. The opportunities that I would make for myself improvement to allow me to be more valuable in the workplace would be to sometimes think outside the box and understand my clients with a better and clearer understanding. The opportunities that I look forward to is getting to help kids and hopefully landing a supervisor position with New York City ACS Agency. The result of my Ethical Lens Inventory was that my personal preferred Lens was None – periscope and Paralysis. This means that I see the gifts and weaknesses of each lens and I am able to move smoothly among them to adopt the right tools to each situation to get the best outcome. It also says that I listen to my intuition to decide what best for individuals as well as the virtues that will best serve the community. One way that my personal Ethical Lens will direct my academic behavior is by helping me to see the things in others prospective and also adjust to different situations quickly. My Ethical Lens influence critical thinking by letting me help others...
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...Ethical Lens Inventory Reflection Introduction to University Studies/101 September 08, 2013 Angie Dorrell Ethical Lens Inventory Reflection The results in the Ethical Lens Inventory and Career Plan Building Activity: Reasoning Aptitude both worked in concert to give me an overall view of my moral and ethical outlook in an academic and professional capacity. I utilized these two test to aid in fortifying my strengths and recognizing and building on my weakness. The Ethical Lens Inventory (ELI) determined my preferred lens as Rights and Responsibilities and my Core Values as Autonomy and Rationality/Sensibility. Combined these results state the truth of the range of my moral capacity. ELI summarizes my definition of ethical behavior as one who fulfills their duties as an individual and responsible adult who makes responsible choices that benefit the community. I am an individual first and part of the community second, but in all things I seek truth, justice, fairness, and equality. The Your Gift section of the Inventory best describes my view of what everybody should bring to any situation, Self-Knowledge and Free Will. I use my resources and skills to gather and verify information and truth for myself and use it in accordance with what is right and true. Every coin has two sides. The Inventory’s negative traits state I’m can become greedy or judgmental and in my quest to my “Responsible Self” I could face failure, exhaustion, and a lack of satisfaction in the goals...
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...Running head: ETHICS REFLECTION Ethics Reflection STR/581 Ethics Reflection In the last decade ethics has taken an important place in corporate America after some unethical and fraudulent business practices getting uncovered. Few companies’ such as Tyco, Enron, Arthur Anderson, and WorldCom have made their name synonymous with corporate fraud. Unethical behavior of top executives like Bernard Madoff and Martha Stewart can sink the whole company. This paper will explain the role of ethics and social responsibility when developing a strategic plan. In this paper I will also discuss how my ethical responsibility has changed during MBA program. Ethics in Strategic Planning Ethical means that which is morally good, and morally right, as opposed to legally or procedurally right (Mendonca, 2001). Business like most other social activities presupposes a background of ethics and would be impossible without it. To be a good business leader it is very important to doing the right things. Any unethical behavior at workplace can be creates very stressful and overwhelming environment for employees. For example, if an employee finds an unethical behavior, which is not necessarily illegal, his or her inner self of right and wrong could play a role in what he or she does. A good corporation needs to know what is good and bad not only just now, but also within the action-relevant future (Mintzberg, Lampel, Quinn, & Ghoshal, 2003). To give clear directions on...
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...Communities all over the world believe that every individual has virtues that should be cultivated. The Reputation lens explores virtue ethics and the world of character. It emphasizes that people should have a role of ensuring they are of a good character in the community. This lens invites us to reflect on what qualities are essential to be a good citizen and how to be viewed by others in the community. According to the author, the use of Reputation Lens enables one to consider how he is viewed by others and his own sense of who he is. This is in relation with how he defines himself in light of the expectations that the communities have. Moreover, personal responsibility should be taken for every action an individual takes. In addition,...
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...Moon provides a definition of reflection as being “a form of mental processing that we use to fulfil a purpose or to achieve some anticipated outcome. It is applied to gain a better understanding of relatively complicated or unstructured ideas. It is largely based on the reprocessing of knowledge, understanding and possibly emotions that we already possess” (2005:1). This definition further reiterates the idea that teacher’s reflection is almost exclusively based on problems and failures within the classroom, Moon also presents the idea that reflective practice benefits professional knowledge by “reprocessing” it in order for it to become useful and equally suggests that a level of professional knowledge is required for effective reflection. Therefore, Moon provides an example of reflective practice supporting the development of professional knowledge through...
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...Ethical Lens Inventory Reflection Andrew P. Fields US/101 April 16, 2013 Nakia Samuel Ethical Lens Inventory Reflection In this paper I will be discussing key concepts based on my ethical lens inventory. I will be explaining my ethical lens and academic behavior, along with; how my ethical lens influences these things. I will also be discussing the results of my reasoning aptitude, and how my ethical lens and reasoning aptitude will help me in the classroom and workplace. I feel the results of my ethical lens inventory are very valuable in determining who I am as a person. This is very interesting to me to know that my ethical lens reflects me perfectly as a person. For my core values, I value sensibility and follow my heart to make prudent choices, and I use rationality before anger. I agree with my key phrase results about making choices good for everyone. I feel that I am compassionate and free willed. My blind spot; WOW! This is very interesting. Yes I do sometimes set goals that are optimistic. As my wife says; “I am optimistic, and she is a realist.” This is very true for me. For my vise I feel everyone has a little greed in their life. Thankfully my compassion rules over my greed for the most part. My crisis is very deep and spot on. I don’t have very many friends, and I feel it is for the reasons that my ethical lens says. I do feel...
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...objectives. Since the main focus of the study is on the importance of guided reflection and reflective training to promote student teachers’ critical reflective thinking, it therefore, seeks to address the underlying premise of reflective practice, the defining terms as well as the related studies so far in the area of interest. 2.1 A Perspective of Effective Teaching The concept of effective teaching underpins the goal of this research study. According to Arends (1994, p. 9), effective teaching is defined by four sets of attributes namely knowledge-base, repertoire, reflection and life-long learning. These four attributes of an effective teacher are illustrated as follows: * Effective teachers have control of knowledge bases on teaching and learning and use this knowledge to guide the science and art of their practice. * Effective teachers command a repertoire of best teaching practices (models, strategies, procedures) and can use these to instruct children in classrooms and to work with adults in the school setting. * Effective teachers have the dispositions and skills to approach all aspects of their work in a reflective, collegial, and problem-solving manner. * Effective teachers view learning to teach as a lifelong process and have dispositions and skills for working toward improving their own teaching as well as improving schools. (Arends , 1998, p. 9) Repertoire Reflection Lifelong learning Knowledge base ...
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... As we go about our everyday business we take the world largely for granted and respond habitually. Meaning is projected into events that enable us to take things in our stride, and in doing so, reinforce our sense of self. Thus the multiple doors of possibility are not always visible: instead, existing knowledge and experience are defended as if the ego itself is threatened. The more we know, the more threatened we become when that knowing is challenged. A certain degree of anxiety and fear is useful for learning (see Joyce 1984; Casement 1985; Freshwater 2000). However, too much fear and anxiety is not conducive to learning. Perhaps we all need mescalin in the morning to heighten our perceptions, to lower our defences and open ourselves to possibility. From a Buddhist perspective we are caught in a world of samsara, depicted by the cock, the snake and the pig – craving, aversion and delusion respectively – who chase one another around and around, locked into a world of greed, hate and ignorance. It is a restless world of seeking pleasure to avoid pain: what Freshwater (2003) refers to as ‘toxic speed sickness’. We cling to what we know, for the small pleasures that we have, lest we lose even them. Yet, as Huxley (1959, p. 55) notes: ‘the urge to transcend self-conscious selfhood is, as I have said, a principal appetite of the soul’. This message is reinforced by transpersonal philosophers such as Ken Wilber...
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...Reflection is a necessary component of everyday life, as well as the growth an individual makes within their profession. This concept remains true for teachers who, due to the particular changes they must make in order to meet the fluctuating needs of both their students and society, are perpetually connected to reflection. Beginning with John Dewey, during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, numerous scholars have articulated their viewpoints concerning the positive and negatives impacts of this reflective teaching, in addition to its influence on the moral dilemmas faced by educators. One of these people, Elizabeth Campbell, asserts her perspectives throughout her text, The Ethical Teacher, wherein she describes the relationship between ethical knowledge and moral agency, the link between moral dilemmas and ethical knowledge, and the methods of lessening moral tensions in education. Within her book, Campbell (2003) maintains that “ethical knowledge relies on teachers’ understanding and acceptance of moral agency as professional expectations implicit in all aspects of their day-to-day practice” (p. 3). These demands of moral agency are important for students’ learning and development. Consequently, it is essential to understand moral agency. Campbell (2003) declares that moral agency “relates to the exacting ethical standards the teacher as a moral person and a moral professional hold himself or herself to” and “concerns the teacher as a moral educator, model...
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...Personal Ethics Statement: An Ethical Soul Elisa Gwilliam Concordia University Personal Ethics Statement: An Ethical Soul Life is a journey of experimental learning. Ethics are an important part of our journey, as they help us navigate the point at which our inner being intersects with the world. This paper will examine Palmer, Borgmann, and Willard definitions of the soul and their reflection on the caring of the core ethical self. Finally, it will examine where the soul is being disposed to unethical activities as well as ethical flourishing. Soul Ethics Body, mind and soul. Authors throughout time have pondered the development and relationship amongst the three. What is the soul? Willard (2004) defines the soul as “the hidden or ‘spiritual’ side of the person” (para. 2). Developing the spiritual side of a person, caring for their soul, comes down to one fundamental thing according to Willard, “keeping God before our minds.” To do this we can practice solitude and silence. These practices can be incorporated into our daily lives to care for our soul. During these times of deep reflection a person can rest, observe and disengage from the constant information that is out in the world. According to Willard during these periods of time “we rid ourselves of the ‘corrosion’ of the soul that accrues from constant interaction with others and the world around us.” Referencing Aristotle, Borgmann (2006) defines the soul as “the vital source of a human being” (p.133). The soul...
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...opinions. Then, reflection for each topic will be also discussed to see what individual can learn from these processes. The purpose of this paper is to display the personal reflection after comparing individual responses and group responses with five objectives. The first objective is reflection 1 analyzes organizational ethics and the influence of Eastern cultures on choosing the best candidate; the second is reflection 2 describes culture differences, self – awareness, and the techniques to match, and to manage the cross – cultures; third is reflection 3 discusses about work and life balance that might help each manager manage well both in work places and at home; the forth is determining the approach to foster the creative problem solving which bases on the preserving problems in the library; and the last is reflection 5 applies the assessment model to solve the conflict in construction engineering company. These five assessments are surely very important for every manager. According to Rockefeller (2003), there are two most important aspects which CEO must care are creativity and social norms. He also mentioned, “It is very important to operate the firms within the framework of cultural, social, and economic values held by the people who will benefit from these operations” (p. 6). It means that a good manager not only has to concern about profit, but understands more about people with all hidden inside for a stable business. Therefore, this reflection report will focus...
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...professional practitioners. The model uses critical reflection as a cognitive bridge between journalism theory and professional practice. Through it, students develop self-reliance, confidence, problem solving, and adaptability, while simultaneously gaining knowledge and developing a sense of efficacy in their ability to negotiate inherent dilemmas in practice. When pedagogical strategies “block the exits” to escape from the implications and effects of their practice, students are held to high benchmarks of critical and reflective thinking. The “lived” experience provided by a problem-based pedagogy also develops confidence and a sense of efficacy in students. Moreover, this approach integrates thinking and doing in a way that binds practices with the social and ethical effects produced. Introduction Journalists often describe their thinking as so intrinsic as to defy explanation. They say they “know a good story when they see one” and “know what to do without thinking" because their thinking processes, once internalised, are used almost without consciousness. But as Adam (1993:11,13) found, journalism always involves the conferring of judgement on the shape of things. So it is important that journalists can recognise the influences on their thinking in a context “where every decision is a professional decision, a commercial decision and an ethical decision” (Sheridan Burns 1995:5). This model uses critical reflection as a cognitive bridge between journalism theory and...
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...Business Ethics Reflection Business Ethics Reflection Before the ethical dilemma can be described, the understanding of values, morals and virtues must be explained. Values provide an internal reference of what is good, bad, beneficial, and important. Morals is relating to principles of right and wrong behavior; conforming to a standard of right behavior (Merriam-Webster, nd). Virtue identifies the duties or actions and the consequences of them (Stanford Encyclopedia, nd). Each of the concepts is interchangeable and unless knowing the parties involved in the ethical dilemma, the thought that either of these principles was neglected would not have been foreseen. A part of business virtues has a sense of pride, self-respect, the ability to harmonize with others in the workplace and establishing a position in the community. The value system is the written and unwritten codes or ethics that govern the decisions and actions within an organization. The business culture sets the standards for good and bad decision-making and behavior. Organizations attempt to hire employees whose values match their own. They try to find employees...
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