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Schon's Reflective Analysis

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Schon takes a slightly different view on professional knowledge as although he states that “a professional practitioner is a specialist who encounters certain types of situations again and again” (1983), [cited by Pollard et al (2008:6)], which clearly supports the idea that professional knowledge is developed through experience presented within the GTCNI competence framework. Schon also suggest that there are areas of professional knowledge that we, as practitioners, already know but may not recall ever learning. Schon states that “there are actions recognitions and judgements that we know how to carry out spontaneously, we do not have to think about them prior to or during their performance. We are often unaware of learning to do these things”. …show more content…
Moon provides a definition of reflection as being “a form of mental processing that we use to fulfil a purpose or to achieve some anticipated outcome. It is applied to gain a better understanding of relatively complicated or unstructured ideas. It is largely based on the reprocessing of knowledge, understanding and possibly emotions that we already possess” (2005:1). This definition further reiterates the idea that teacher’s reflection is almost exclusively based on problems and failures within the classroom, Moon also presents the idea that reflective practice benefits professional knowledge by “reprocessing” it in order for it to become useful and equally suggests that a level of professional knowledge is required for effective reflection. Therefore, Moon provides an example of reflective practice supporting the development of professional knowledge through …show more content…
To be effective in reflection and in turn expand professional knowledge, it is rational that a teacher displays all three of these qualities. Open mindedness will allow the teacher the maximum opportunity for growth of professional knowledge and for reflection as they will not be afraid of failure and will be willing to try out new techniques and to embrace change. Whole heartedness displays a genuine passion for and commitment to education but also to reflective practice, meaning that the teacher will thoroughly and thoughtfully consider the best course of action to benefit not only themselves but more importantly the learners. Responsibility means the teacher will admit when something goes wrong and actively seek to redevelop their ideas in order to become successful, this quality in particular aligns perfectly with the idea of professional knowledge being ethical as the GTCNI competence framework suggests. An ethical teacher will take responsibility for their own classroom and the successes but importantly the failures that occur within

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