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Ethics and Moral Issues in Business


Submitted By dav428cos
Words 592
Pages 3
Ethics and Moral Issues in Business

September 14, 2011

Many businesses today have several issues to deal with on a daily. In this paper the subject to discuss is the differences between ethical and moral issues in business. Also discuss the differences on personal ethics and business ethics. Businesses have to be careful about dealing with the issues concerning moral and ethical dilemmas. Today’s businesses cannot afford any legal mishaps or wrong doings against the company. An ethical issue is the philosophical analysis of human morality and conduct. Moral issues are potential issues that help or harm anyone. The differences between these two issues are ethical deals with codified standards of behavior in a company, and a moral issue deals with actions right and fair. The website said “companies are now realizing the importance of ethics in business that is crucial for them to succeed” (cfagbata, 2011, p. 1). Companies have to be very careful not to cross the lines between these two issues. The issues can cause confusion and disorder within the workplace if the business does not handle the issues properly. Personal ethics and business ethics are frequently foundation on the societies’ ideals and actions. The difference is one is personal dealing with that individual with the issue instead of the whole company itself. The business ethic is dealing with the company who issues or concerns became a problem within the workplace or environment. Ethics implies to a degree of responsibility that the business and individuals have to uphold the ethics or suffer the consequences. Bribery is a major issue with businesses over the world. If a business deals with asking for contractual work some individuals will try to bribe the officials into accepting that business over the next one. This action is an ethical dilemma for

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