...Assignment 2: Persuasive Paper Part 1: A Problem Exists Due Week 5 (5/6/13) and worth 100 points Using your thesis statement and research, present the problem that needs to be addressed with your proposed solution. Note: Your solution, advantages, and challenges, will be in Parts 2 and 3. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: 1. Provide an appropriate title and an interesting opening paragraph to appeal to your stated audience (appeal with logic, ethics, or emotion). 2. Include a defensible, relevant thesis statement in the first paragraph. (Revised from Assignment 2) 3. Describe the history and status of the issue and provide an overview of the problem(s) that need to be addressed. This should be one or two (1or 2) paragraphs. 4. Explain the first problem (economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.) and provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1 or 2) paragraphs. 5. Explain the second problem (economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.). and provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1 or 2) paragraphs. 6. Explain the third problem (economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.) and provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1 or 2) paragraphs. 7. Provide a concluding paragraph that summarizes the stated problems and promises a solution. 8....
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...Introduce In this paper there will be a description of the differences between ethical issues and moral issues. A description of the differences between personal ethics and business ethics will be discussed. Also examples of common ethical problems in business for the ethical issues will be discussed in this paper. Differences between ethical issues and moral issues Morals issues pertain to personal character and focus on right and wrong. Ethics issues pertain to a social system in which those morals are applied. It is said that ethics issues are standard s or codes of behavior expected by the group to which an individual belongs. The two issues co-inside with each other and for there to be an ethical issues there are three main components that needs to be present. They are non-moral facts, concepts, and the moral, or ethical aspects. The difference will be moral deal with belief and involves a factual disagreement in belief. Moral issues do not involve a disagreement in attitude or in feeling. “Ethics involves the sphere of interpersonal, group, and community politics at the level of values—not just what can be achieved or how to achieve it, but more what should be sought, in the realm of social harmony and fairness. It is the complexity of the other side of individualism—other than taking care of oneself, what do we want our collective to do or refrain from doing? Ethics looks at our proper relations, our duties to each other, individually and...
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...Morals and Ethics in Society Kalob Lisk Rasmussen College Author Note This paper is being submitted on July 14, 2016, for Thomas Santangelo’s B406 Business Law and Ethical Behavior course. Morals and Ethics in Society Morals and ethics in society play major roles in our lives and our work environments and I am more than happy to write this research paper to help explain the similarities and its key differences. And this research paper will also include where both morals and ethics derived from and what can cause both of these. How can ethics or morals affect the work atmosphere and even outside of work. And with ethics and morals the key difference is that ethics comes from the social system and can be an external factor, while morals can be derived from the individual and is an internal factor. Ethics can be linked back to the Greek word “ethos” (Diffen, 2016) meaning “character”. And according to Merriam-Webster the full definition of ethos “The distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group or institution”. (Merriam-Webster, 2016) Ethical behavior can be motivated by self-interest, or some intuitive sense of right and wrong and this can stem from our social system which I briefly describe in the first paragraph is an external factor. And consequently there is no clear-cut blueprint of ethics that you can use to project your business’ reputation and well-being of your employees and customers (Small Business, 2016)...
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...Professional Moral Compass Ethics, a branch of philosophy refers to the values for human conduct, considering the rightness and wrongness of actions and motives. As nursing profession is an integral part of the health care environment, the nursing ethics provides the insight to the values and ethical principles governing nursing practice, conduct, and relationships. The Code of Ethics for Nurses, adopted by the American Nurses' Association (ANA) is intended to provide definite standards of practice and conduct that are essential to the ethical discharge of the nurse's responsibility (American Nurses Association, 2012). A nurse cultivates personal ethics through personal, cultural and spiritual values which becomes a moral compass for their professional ethics. Personal ethics in combination with the code of ethics often assist the nurses in personal and social decision making during ethical dilemma. This ability prompts them to better respond to needs of the suffering patient and their own well-being. This paper will discuss the personal, cultural, and spiritual values contributing to nurses’ individual worldview and philosophy of nursing and the moral and ethical dilemma being faced in this profession. Values Contributing to Individual’s Worldview and Philosophy of Nursing Born in a Christian middle class South Indian family, the strict traditional values helped to embed the concept of service, trust, respect, integrity and responsibility through family, friends, education...
Words: 1982 - Pages: 8
...Running Head: ETHICAL AND MORAL ISSSUES IN BUSINESS PAPER Donald B Amico Business 216 Ethical and moral issues paper University of Phoenix Kevin Boyle July 6, 2011 The people in the world of business today face a number of issues. These issues could be hiring the appropriate people to work for a company, to updating their websites to face today’s technological boom or they could just be being able to establish and adapt to their place of business principles. These could be based on harassment, following company policies, having the proper training in order, or performing to their hired capabilities. What I am talking about is living up to their expectations or in other words their ethics. In this paper I will focus on ethics within running a business. I will define, explain differences, and give details about ethical and moral ethical issues in business. This paper will also include the difference between personal ethics and business ethics. To conclude I will give real life examples of common ethical problems in businesses today. What is business ethics? Going into the business world, people have the familiarity of his or her morals and ethics in mind which is taught growing up as a child. What is the definition of business ethics? To be ethical is to be honest (Trevino & Nelson, 2007). Upholding corporate values and morals is a part of business ethics. Many organizations have implemented a code of conduct and business ethics programs to ensure social responsibility...
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...Ethics and ethical theories: a road map for teaching ethics in business schools Joan Fontrodona (IESE Business School, Spain), Manuel Guillén (University of Valencia, Spain), and Alfredo Rodríguez-Sedano (University of Navarre, Spain) Introduction A three-dimensional framework to explain ethical theories Ethical approaches of business firms Teaching ethics experiences using this framework Discussion of the teaching experiences Conclusions References 1 2 6 9 10 12 13 Introduction This paper tries to contribute, in some way, to the urgent need recently warned by Benedict XVI: “the university, for its part, must never lose sight of its particular calling to be a "universitas" in which the various disciplines, each in its own way, are seen as part of a greater unum. How urgent is the need to rediscover the unity of knowledge and to counter the tendency to fragmentation and lack of communicability that is all too often the case in our schools!”1 This seems to be a challenge for both, Catholic and non-Catholic universities. The purpose of this paper is to present a theoretical framework that helps to conceptualize ethics and to clarify the characteristics and limits of the different ethical theories. In other words, students without philosophical background will find here a synthetic “road map” of ethical approaches. This framework has been previously published in a book in Spain2. In this paper, authors will describe the model and discuss how it has been successfully tested...
Words: 6803 - Pages: 28
...Ethics and Moral Issues in Business BIS/216 September 14, 2011 Many businesses today have several issues to deal with on a daily. In this paper the subject to discuss is the differences between ethical and moral issues in business. Also discuss the differences on personal ethics and business ethics. Businesses have to be careful about dealing with the issues concerning moral and ethical dilemmas. Today’s businesses cannot afford any legal mishaps or wrong doings against the company. An ethical issue is the philosophical analysis of human morality and conduct. Moral issues are potential issues that help or harm anyone. The differences between these two issues are ethical deals with codified standards of behavior in a company, and a moral issue deals with actions right and fair. The website cfagbata.com said “companies are now realizing the importance of ethics in business that is crucial for them to succeed” (cfagbata, 2011, p. 1). Companies have to be very careful not to cross the lines between these two issues. The issues can cause confusion and disorder within the workplace if the business does not handle the issues properly. Personal ethics and business ethics are frequently foundation on the societies’ ideals and actions. The difference is one is personal dealing with that individual with the issue instead of the whole company itself. The business ethic is dealing with the company who issues or concerns became a problem within the workplace or environment...
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...Running Head: BEHAVIOURAL BUSINESS ETHICS Understanding Ethical Behavior and Decision Making in Management: A Behavioural Business Ethics Approach David De Cremer Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University London Business School Rolf van Dick Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany Ann Tenbrunsel Notre Dame University, Mendoza College of Business, USA Madan Pillutla London Business School J. Keith Murnighan Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management, USA Abstract Management and businesses in general are constantly facing important ethical challenges. In the current special issue, we identify the widespread emergence of unethical decision making and behavior in management as an important topic for a future research agenda. Specifically, we promote the use of a behavioral business ethics approach to better understand when management, leaders and businesses are inclined to act unethically and why this is the case. A behavioral business ethics approach which relies on important insights from psychology should be a necessary addition and complementary to the traditional normative approaches used in business ethics. Understanding Ethical Behavior and Decision Making in Management: A Behavioural Business Ethics Approach The numerous scandals in business such as those at AIG, Tyco, WorldCom, and Enron have raised many concerns about the emergence of unethical and irresponsible behavior in organizations. The seemingly unending...
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...The paper should have four parts. 1) State your thesis clearly and summarize your argument for it. Your argument will almost certainly be made up of both ethical and empirical claims. For example, suppose you want to argue that “There should be a legal limit on the climate-affecting emissions individuals are allowed to produce through their lifestyle choices”. (This is just an example: again, you can write about whatever issue you care about.) This thesis is obviously an ethical claim: the second word is should. But to argue for it, you’ll need empirical claims too. For example, you might need to give your reader reason to think there’s a feasible way to enforce such a limit, etc. So, in this first section, you’ll give a brief statement of what you’re arguing for and the primary claims you’ll use to make the argument.The more concise and well-organized this section is, the more it will be like section 1 in an ‘A’ paper. 2) Use the second section to explain the ethical basis for your argument. The ethical basis for your argument is the moral reason to accept your thesis. (Of course, it might be moral reasons not moral reason; still, you should use fewer claims instead of more if at all possible.) If you want to argue that there should be a legal limit on emissions, the moral basis for your argument might take all kinds of different forms. You might ground your argument in standard utilitarianism: e.g. that enforcing such limits will produce more happiness than going without...
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...Ethical and Moral Issues Gary L. MGT/216 May 26, 2011 Ethical and Moral Issues In this paper the writer will answer what is the relationship between ethical issues and moral issues, what are the differences between personal ethics and business ethics, and provide examples of common ethical problems in business for each of the previous questions. Ethics can be defined as first, “a set of moral principles or values,” and second, the principles, norms, and standards of conduct governing an individual or group. Now, the first definition can be portrayed as highly personal or relative and the second generally focuses on conduct. Morality, on the other hand, consists of rules of human behavior and specifies that certain actions are wrong or immoral and that others are right or moral. The moral point of view can be taken to evaluate human action. Some actions, such as murder, are recognized as being immoral. Others, such as helping one’s neighbor, are generally considered moral. The relationship between ethical and moral issues is essentially considering the difference between ethics and morals, morals define personal character, while ethics stress a social system in which those morals are applied, simply, to be considered ethical or unethical depends on what if any morals are compromised. Ethics can be observed from two different viewpoints, personal ethics (individual) and business ethics (group). Business ethics point to standards or codes of behavior expected by the...
Words: 549 - Pages: 3
...Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Steven Colon MGT/216 August 16, 2011 Mike Moreno Abstract In the following paper one will know about what an ethical issue is and a moral issue is, and examples of an ethical and moral issue. One will also learn about personal ethics and business ethics and how they are similar, but different. Ethical and Moral Issues in Business People have always questioned whether ethical issues and moral issues are the same, or if personal ethics, and business ethics are different. In this paper one will be able to see the differences between ethical and moral issues, the differences between personal ethics and business ethics while reading about real-world examples of common ethical problems in businesses for each of the above. Ethical Issues Many people believe that ethical issues and moral issues are the same thing, but in reality they are not. “our definition of ethics—the principles, norms, and standards of conduct governing an individual or group—focuses on conduct” (Trevino, & Nelson, (2007), p. 13). An ethical issue will require an individual or organization to make a decision between alternatives that must be weighed as an ethical or unethical decision. An unethical situation would be someone sacrificing people’s safety to obtain the completion of an assigned objective. Moral Issues “When we speak of morality, we refer to our judgments of right and wrong, and good and bad” (DeGeorge, (2010), p. 24). Moral...
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...Ethical Issues and Management Paper Indoneshia R. Haynes XMGT/216 September 9, 2013 Patricia Hall Ethical Issues and Management Paper In this paper I am going to discuss what it is like to be a manager as a role model. I will describe moral and ethical issues faced by managers dealing with this type of situation including how these issues affect other people. I will explain how the relationship between social issues and ethically responsible management practices apply to managers as role models. I will provide a workplace example of an ethical dilemma involving a manger as a role model as well as what laws govern the managers actions. There are many moral and ethical issues faced by managers dealing with managers as role models. Many of these issues also affect other people. Some of the moral and ethical issues of being a manger as a role model are that you have to be very careful what you do and say and especially how you act. When you are a role model for your employees it is very important to keep a professional persona. I have seen many managers that abuse their position also. When a manager abuses their position It makes it difficult for the other employees to respect you and they no longer will look up to you as a role model. Being a role model is a very important role as well as being a manager. You want your employees to respect you and look up to you. It is tough being a boss and not everyone is cut out for it. All of these issues can and will affect other...
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...University of Phoenix Material Key Terms Ethical Terms Character: Moral actions based on duty-driven ethical principles. These include trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship (Josephson Institute, 2009). Ethical System: Underlying ethical principles, which a person uses to make decisions Ethics: “The principles, norms, and standards of conduct governing an individual or organization” (Treviño & Nelson, 2011, p. 17); ethics form the basis for determining the correct action, or moral behavior, in a particular situation. Morals: Actions based on one’s underlying ethical principles Values: Those things or actions upon which the individual or organization spends time and money Ethical Systems Duty-based: A moral obligation or commitment to act in a certain manner, with clear right and wrong being determined by an outside authority Entitlement-based: Moral decisions are based entirely on what is in the best interest of the individual, regardless of relationships, the needs of others, or business. Goal-based: Focuses on the outcome or final purpose, which may be localized, as in business, or universal, as in feeding all the hungry children in the world Humanistic (secular humanism or human nature ethics): Beliefs based on the extremes of human behavior, both good and bad, without the direction of an outside authority Relativistic: Relativism often uses the personalized approach to ethics. It is subjective and focuses...
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...Running head: Moral and Ethical Issues Paper Moral and Ethical Issues Barnone MGT/216 February 3, 2011 Prof. Plum with the candlestick moral and ethical issues PAPER The news today is full of sensational reports involving scandals. Stories of abuses of power, bribery, corporate mismanagement, stealing and other disgraceful behavior constantly assault our consciences day after day, leading us to question the place morals and ethics really have in today’s world. For a business to be successful, morals and ethics are paramount (DeGeorge, 2010). All stakeholders in a business must be able to define, maintain, and defend the ethics of their organization. After carefully reading the first five chapters of Managing Business Ethics, I will now take the time to define differences between ethical issues and moral issues, the differences between personal ethics and business ethics, and then provide relevant examples of common ethical problems in business. Morals and Ethics are often used interchangeably, referring to a certain code of acceptable behavior within a social context. However, there are subtle differences. Moral standards are determined by a society as a whole. These are the standards of right and wrong that individuals are born into, perceive growing up, and are defined in adulthood. Ethics are a modified from these same standards, applied to an organization. Simply worded, ethics...
Words: 513 - Pages: 3
...| Paper 1 | | | | Paper 1 | | | Phil 140 April 6, 2012 Authored by: Willie Moore Phil 140 April 6, 2012 Authored by: Willie Moore Cultural Relativism challenges our belief in the objectivity and universality of moral truth. Cultural Relativism also holds that that the norms of a culture reign supreme within the bounds of the culture itself. Cultural Relativists believe that there is no such thing as universal truth in ethics; there are only the various cultural codes, and nothing more. There are five claims that are made by cultural relativists: 1. Different societies have different moral codes. 2. The moral code of a society determines what is right within that society; that is, if the moral code of a society says that a certain action is right, then that action is right, at least within that society. 3. There is no objective standard that can be used to judge no moral truths that hold for all people at all times. 4. The moral code of our own society has no special status; it is but one among many. 5. It is arrogant for us to judge other cultures. We should always be tolerant of them. There are three problems Rachel has with Cultural Relativism: 1. We could no longer say that the customs of other societies are morally inferior to our own. 2. We could no longer criticize the code of our own society. 3. The idea of moral progress is called into doubt. Ethical Subjectivism is the idea that our moral opinions are based on our feelings and nothing...
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