...THE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF IMMIGRANTS The Role of Human and Social Capital AGNIESZKA KANAS Kanas, A.M. The Economic Performance of Immigrants. The Role of Human and Social Capital Dissertation, Utrecht University, The Netherlands Cover illustration: Krzysztof Wodiczko, Goscie/Guests, 2009, instalacja wideo/video installation, 17,17 min./minutes. Dzieki uprzejmosci artysty i Fundacji Profile/courtesy of the artist and Profile Foundation, Warsaw. Cover design: Agnieszka Kanas & Sebastian Gryglewicz Printed by: Wöhrmann Print Service ISBN: 978-90-393-5550-3 © Agnieszka Kanas, 2011 All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrival system of any nature, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electrnically, mechanically, by photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission from the author. THE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF IMMIGRANTS The Role of Human and Social Capital DE ECONOMISCHE POSITIE VAN IMMIGRANTEN De rol van menselijk en sociaal kapitaal (met een samenvatting in het Nederlands) Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit Utrecht op gezag van de rector magnificus, prof.dr. G.J. van der Zwaan, ingevolge het besluit van het college voor promoties in het openbaar te verdedigen op dinsdag 28 juni 2011 des middags te 2.30 uur door Agnieszka Małgorzata Kanas geboren op 3 februari 1980 te Trzcianka, Polen Promotoren: Prof. dr. F.A...
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...| MN3030C | | Hewlett-Packard | [ETHNIC ENTREPRENEUSHIP] | [Tapez le résumé du document ici. Il s’agit généralement d’une courte synthèse du document. Tapez le résumé du document ici. Il s’agit généralement d’une courte synthèse du document.] | TABLE OF CONTENT I. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………Page 2-3 II. ETHNIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEFINITION………..Page 4 III. THE CONCEPT…………………………………………………………Page 5-6 IV. ENTREPRENEURIAL THEORY………………………….……Page 7-8-9 V. ETHNIC NICHE…………………………………………………….…..Page 10 VI. CONCLUSION…………………………………………………..…….Page 11 VII. REFERENCES……………………………………………………..…..Page 12-13-14 VIII. APPENDICE…………………………………………………………..Page 15 I. ------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION The recent growth of new ethnic populations in Western societies raised lots of issues. In fact, the ethnic activity is not any more a question of historic interest; nor is it the concern of the company. Because new ethnic populations grew at the same time as Western economies, they are in a phase of slow growth and are facing the massive technological challenge; the ethnic adaptation and the mobility are central questions. (Waldinger 1990). In Europe, the activities managed by persons of minority ethnic groups were always present, but changeable historic circumstances increased jutting out to them and visibility during the last decades. First of all, the important immigration of former colonies...
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...implication on whether these churches are defined, stretch, contested. She investigates on the values of ethnic identity and culture within churches, debates for any limitations and contradictions, and considers for potential possibilities and hopes. In mono-ethnic churches, they are mostly 1.5 Korean Americans...
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...Dev Sharma Amy Forrest MCWP 40 21st October 2016 Immigrant Assimilation The question of how to assimilate in a new country is of paramount importance to an immigrant and also to the country they’re moving to. The articles, ‘Should immigrants assimilate?’ by Alejandro Portes and Min Zhou, and ‘Debating Immigration’ by Mary C. Waters, claim the process of assimilation is a complex one and has multiple factors influencing it which can have lasting impact on generations of immigrants. However, Portes and Zhou go into specific details about and case studies Waters claims that the second generation’s prosperity and social status depends on how the first generation assimilates and social situation in which they are in. Portes and Zhou build on this...
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...Introduction Italian immigrants migrated into the US together with many of their Europeans neighbors. When they first came to US most of the migrants had a very hard life. Arriving in a new country, the Italian migrants mostly had very little money and had no idea of their new place apart from US being the land of opportunity. The lack of resources and contacts in the new country prompted many of these immigrants to settle down in the place the first set down. These immigrants came from various parts of Italy they were scattered all around the US. This paper will look at the common menu of those Italian migrants and look at how it has involved in the community that is now known as the Italian-American. This essay will mainly try to address the significant issues of the process of ethnic identity. This paper will argue that the role of family is very important in advocating ethnic identity. The influence of a very rigid and traditional family institution helped the Italian immigrants whom in the end were known as Italian American to maintain their identity. This is fascinating because despite undergoing changes from generations to generations their tradition is still very much alive and important to them. The paper will further argue this point by looking, the transmission of ethnic consciousness amongst the Italian American. Last but not least we will look at the maintenance of ethnic group boundaries and most importantly, the role of food in such process...
Words: 2902 - Pages: 12
...Introduction Italian immigrants migrated into the US together with many of their Europeans neighbors. When they first came to US most of the migrants had a very hard life. Arriving in a new country, the Italian migrants mostly had very little money and had no idea of their new place apart from US being the land of opportunity. The lack of resources and contacts in the new country prompted many of these immigrants to settle down in the place the first set down. These immigrants came from various parts of Italy they were scattered all around the US. This paper will look at the common menu of those Italian migrants and look at how it has involved in the community that is now known as the Italian-American. This essay will mainly try to address the significant issues of the process of ethnic identity. This paper will argue that the role of family is very important in advocating ethnic identity. The influence of a very rigid and traditional family institution helped the Italian immigrants whom in the end were known as Italian American to maintain their identity. This is fascinating because despite undergoing changes from generations to generations their tradition is still very much alive and important to them. The paper will further argue this point by looking, the transmission of ethnic consciousness amongst the Italian American. Last but not least we will look at the maintenance of ethnic group boundaries and most importantly, the role of food in such process. Overall...
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...An ethnic group whom has faced discrimination that I most identify with is the Cubans community. Cubans immigrants, mainly the new ones have dealt with discrimination and prejudice, partially because of political beliefs. Cubans have felt a bias from Whites, African Americans, and other Hispanic cultures. The latest immigrants have even felt an injustice from the already established Cuban American community. Cubans have an extensive record of migrating to the United States. Migration was mainly because of political reasons. More recently however, migration is because of the decline of the current economic form in Cuba. “According to the 1990 U.S. Census, there are nearly 860,000 persons of Cuban descent in the United States” (Buffington, 2008). Of that total, 63% reside in the state of Florida, while the remaining is disbursed in the following three states: New York, New Jersey, and California. According to Buffington (2008), Many Cuban migrants moved even farther afield with the encouragement and assistance of the federal government. The Cuban Refugee Program, established by the Kennedy administration in 1961, provided assistance to Cuban migrants, enabling them to move out of southern Florida. Almost 302,000 Cubans were resettled though the Cuban Refugee Program; however, many have begun to return to the Miami area (Buffington, 2008). Miami in particular, seems to be the heart of the Cuban American community. Cubans in Florida did not face as much prejudice as other...
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...Iranian and East Asian Ethnic Groups Face Within the Sexual Health Education System in North America INTRODUCTION By: Sana Ahmed & Sabrina (insert last name) **QUOTE ON PREGNANCY & STI RATES AMONGST MINORITIES IN CANADA & USA The Canadian sexual health education system varies geographically, however North America’s main objective is to decrease the rates of sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy. As young adults become sexually active, in North America the education system implies that young boys and girls acquire knowledge in order to save themselves from taking on responsibilities they cannot afford, like unplanned pregnancies. Sexual education in Canada and USA is meant to provide the necessary tools for young adults so they are able to make the best choices when they start engaging in sexual activities. There are many approaches to sexual education; some teach abstinence while others use scare-tactics to avoid sexual activity. This sort of sexual education follows the cultural norm of the Canadian society; grasping the idea that having sex is not taboo or forbidden until marriage. No matter what approach is used, it is important to make sure that the sexual education programs are including all ethnic groups. This paper will explore how adolescents from the Aboriginal, Iranian and East Asian ethnicities are benefiting from the sexual health education system in North America. ABORIGINAL ETHNIC GROUP By: Sabrina IRANIAN ETHNIC GROUP Teachers play...
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...In America Paper America is a nation of immigrants. From the early colonists to the current entrants, indigenous and cultural diversity is plentiful. When this nation was still undeveloped, the settling population was of the same background; they were white, Anglo-Saxon, and Protestant background. Over time, Northern Europeans wanted entry, and eventually, Eastern and Southern Europeans, Asians, South and Central Americans came to America by the thousands. The American medley, what we call the melting pot was gradually emerging, but during progression, differences became noticeable. Such differences involved varied religions, races, and ethnic heritage. Two groups that I have researched are Chinese and Armenian immigrants. Chinese immigrants came to America in the mid-19th century. Chinese came to settle in California to join the Gold Rush that originated at Sutter’s Mill in Sacramento, California. But once the gold lessened, they came to seek work. The Chinese immigrants were mostly farmers who left china due to the economy and governmental dilemmas in China. Most anticipated on working hard, earn a large portion of money, so they could return back to country with their families as well-off men. During this time, the Chinese was no different than any other immigrant who came to America. They lived in neighborhoods and communities yet the Chinese maintained their culture. But, while a lot of Americans looked down on every immigrant, the Chinese were measured ethnically as well...
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...American Ethnic Literature ENG/301 April M Lee October 15, 2012 Dr .Greg Beatty Literature came about many decays ago we use Literature to define the genre: humor, poetry, drama, plays, science- fiction and more. You also can use literature for was the ethnicity reason such as; French literature, and English literature and many more other ethnicity. In this paper I am going to talk about the American ethnic literature, American literature American, literary canon and many more different topics. American ethnic literature is a difficult subject to define because there is no single ethnic type of American when it comes to talking about the American ethic literature in this world. Americans are all made up from the people, who came to the United States. We as American makes the ethnicity part of literature by combine the different culture from all over the states. During the found of the nations there were a lot of groups of immigrants that had come to add their talent to our country. (Ethnic American Literature, 2000) The Irish was the largest group that had came in the early part of the 1800s. The Asia brought the culture over around the 1960s to share their talent and beliefs. All of them came together by bring their different skills, way they be thinking and beliefs to show everyone how they was different from the mainstream of the Americans, and by challenging different...
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...Cultural Identity Project: German-American Liberty University Online PACO 504 European ethnic groups began immigrating into America during the colonial period and immigration continues to this day. As each European culture assimilated to the English American culture immigrants intermarried and developed a so-called “melting pot” or “salad bowl” of culture, traditions, and values (Hays & Erford, 2014, p. 389). German people, as they made their way to a land of freedom and promise, experienced a constant change in their identity with regard to the cultures, values, beliefs, and traditions that some German Americans continue to practice today. As each culture or ethnic group becomes assimilated or acculturated many of their initial cultural qualities are lost and replaced with new ones. Hays & Erford (2014, p.386) assert that acculturation can be considered as bidirectional in that the individuals encountered from both or multiple ethnic groups may experience changes in their primary set of cultural variables based on their interactions with each other. Acculturation and assimilation have certainly occurred with the German American. Brief German History Germany was a fragmented society and full of conflict before 1871. It was made up of approximately three hundred and fifty principalities and one thousand small nation-states until Wilhelm I of Prussia was proclaimed Emperor. His reign led to the unification of the German Empire (Amato, 2006). Millions...
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...“America was founded on immigrants. The immigrant experience is common to us all.” (Nia Vardalos) It is true that America was founded on immigrants. Most Americans have relatives that immigrated here to the U.S. Each had their own reason, whether that be in search of wealth, freedom, a fresh start and more. Life for the immigrants in the late 1800’s was extremely difficult. Immigrants either arrived through Ellis Island or Angel Island. Ellis Island was located in the East coast while Angel Island was located in the west coast. The U.S. received a huge amount of immigrants in the 1860s and the 1890s (Cayton, et. al., 299). Steam powered ships played a huge role in the 1800s. These ships could cross the Atlantic Ocean in two to three weeks....
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...My Ethnic Group I did some research into my family history to discover what ethnic group I belonged to or if I belonged to one. I found that some of my ancestors came to this country for religious reasons. Some came for health reasons, whereas others came looking for a better life than what they were facing in Europe. The ethnic group I found that I had a connection with and wanted to learn more about are those who came to this country for religious reasons. My mother can trace her family linage to the pilgrims who came to America on the Mayflower. The pilgrims came to this country for religious reasons. They wanted to worship as they believed was correct. They did not want to be a part of the Church of England or belong to the Catholic Church. Many of these people wanted Queen Elizabeth to make changes to the English church and the religious services. She would not do this. For this reason the Puritans, as they called themselves because they wanted to purify the Church of England, started their own church. Because of this, the queen and the people of England persecuted these people. Some of the members of this new religion found themselves sentenced to prison or hung for their beliefs. They faced harassment, persecution, and torture for their beliefs. When King James was set upon the throne of England, he continued the harassment of these people. A quote from King James said “I will make them conform or I will harry them out of the land.” With the persecution the Puritans...
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...utterly discussed whether it was positive or an insult, but it depends on the matter of view. Maybe the people did not want to be compared to each other like that, as they all had different cultures. The immigration laws began to change in 1965, so the yearly immigration number rose severely. It rose with a steady of 300.000 in the end of the 1960s, but the rate grew to more than a million per year, approximately, as they reached the 1990s. The USA was admitting more immigrants that all the other industrialized countries combined. Consequently they made laws and restrictions, which made the rate drop to a half million each year, approximately. Therefore the Americans are very famous for having a lot of different people and cultures united into one great country. Ethnic Diversity: It is very difficult for the Americans to understand each other’s opinions and differences. For instance, people in LA and Miami might have a hard time understanding why people would live in Washington, Seattle. The great ethnic diversities might be a huge factor to a high...
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...Assess the view that for the minority ethnic groups, the practice of religion and membership of religious groups is mainly a form of cultural defense (33 marks) Most people would disagree with Bruce’s idea that members from ethnic groups use religion as a cultural defense. The definition of social defense is "a form of resistance, when the group is seen as a threat in a hostile country". Other sociologists disagree with this concept and they believe instead religion offers a psychological function, dual role, cultural identity, social solidarity, value consensus and order and values and norms etc. There are many reasons why immigrants are attracted to religion instead of social defense. Immigrants have put a lot of focus on religion, unlike the wider population in the UK. Weber and Durkheim try to investigate why this is. Weber believes that immigrants had strong religious beliefs before they migrate to the UK, this is because deprived groups such as African and Polish people have strong religious beliefs before they even come to the UK. However Durkheim believes that religion helps to bond the communities together, particularly when under threat, he believes religion allows the 2 different groups to developed shared norms and values. This shows that social defense is not the only reason why immigrants are starting to have strong religious beliefs. Modood looks at religion and social identity. He believes that religion for Asians is intricately connected to their ethnicity...
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