...I feel the sun beaming down on me. Warmth wraps my body after being inside the air conditioned car. I walk to the trunk to gather all the presents we are giving my father. My mother and my little sister are walking next to me to the entrance of the clinic. I open the door for them to go in first, still suffocating in the heat. I walk in behind my mother feeling that fresh air from the AC again. I stop dead in my tracks seeing my mother who is looking at me like she is about to give a speech in the middle of the clinic's main office . “Ask if your father is here.” I nod my head in agreement, accepting the fact that I am both her translator and daughter. I take seven steps to the main office. I clear my throat as if I am about to give a speech...
Words: 498 - Pages: 2
...Dearest sister, I’m not sorry I didn’t go to your funeral. I never planned to attend. I’m not sorry I went to church and didn’t pray to God to comfort your soul that would travel to heaven. There was no need to since I knew that you were going in the opposite direction. No amount of salvation could save your rotten soul. You had a bright white smile and a pretty face, but you also had a black heart. Dearest sister, do you know how I really felt about you? Do you know why I cried tears of happiness when the police found you dead? It was too good to be true. I didn’t go through the stages of grief, but instead I went straight to acceptance. There were moments where I thought you would resurrect from the dead after three days. You were no savior to me. Never in my life did I witness a shining halo around your pretty head. I only saw rusty horns and a deadly pitchfork gripped by your hand. Our lives were as different as the sun and the moon. The only similarity we had was the blood flowing through our veins. When we were younger, adults would always dote on you. They would praise you for how cute you looked and how well behaved you were. Adults only acknowledged me for a few seconds before turning their attention back to you. Our parents were always vocal about who their favorite child was. They were amazed at how wonderful your grades were. When it came to me, they were disappointed that my grades weren’t up to their standards. Sister, I must admit I envied you. You were the main...
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...“Dad, what are some words of wisdom you can tell me before you pass away,” I earnestly implore. I have been going over in mind ever since what he answered: “Son, do something you love, not for money, not for fame, but something I know you would enjoy, whether that is taking one step at a time to change people’s lives or creating something that’s absolutely amazing.” My father, an 86 year old veteran of WWII, consistently showed me that loving others and listening to what people had to say will take me far in life. My dad was diagnosed with kidney failure in 2014. He gave me a speech about how I would soon become the “man of the house,” meaning I was to be the oldest in my family. That was the scariest moment of my life. I will never forget...
Words: 439 - Pages: 2
...appreciate it and I told him that I love him.So I asked my dad what did u want to do when u was like my age he said he wanted to be a basketball player and I said fr lol he said yeah he said I was the truth back then I was laughing so hard I thought he was faking he was really serious.I said I wish I could've watched u play basketball he said I wish u would have to.So I asked him what happen to his career he said i was slacking school and I was messing up and tryna be bad and hang around the wrong people and he told me that's why I need to stay focus and hang around people that wanna be successful my dad was telling me true stuff and I was really taking in everything he told me. We are talking about our lives.Me and my dad is talking about...
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...First off I humbly thank the Creator for giving me life, liberty and the pursuit to endure all the things that I can’t change because there is a reason that we go through a lot of trials and tribulations. I was born on March 5, 1959, in a small town in the eastern part of North Carolina. My mother and father were too young to take care of me so my god mother, and god father took care of me until they could get on their feet being at a young age and married. As a young infant I was transported back and forth up north and down south (North Carolina). My parents were finally able to take care of me as they got established in the work force and times were very hard back then. As I got older my brothers and sisters were born. We then moved...
Words: 476 - Pages: 2
...I wish I was with you now. With a quick signature and ‘love you” added to my goodbye, I sealed my letter. Contained within were my final words -unbeknownst to me at the time- to my stepdad. He would hear these words as my mother read to him, in a state of unconsciousness, with family and friends by his bedside. In a moment of fear, I decided to spend a long weekend at my dad’s due to the hectic preceding night. With sirens and tears still echoing in my mind, I chose not to stand with the others. Instead, I ended up in the passenger side of my dad’s old truck. Following a snap of my phone, I turned to face my dad’s girlfriend. “They said he might not last the night.” “Are you sure you don’t want to be there?” “I can’t face everyone. I can’t...
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...Okay, so I have been asking everyone for the past few weeks to vote Fred Everhardt for Councilman at Large-EAST. I thought since I am asking you to vote for him that I would give you the back story on how I know Fred. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a home with both my mother and father until I was 18. In 2012, my world came crumbling down when I got the news that My father had passed away. That was definitely the hardest thing my family has ever had to go through. Of course it was really hard for our whole family to go through, but it was so hard for me to see my mother go through this. Not only had she lost the love of her life, but also the father of her children. Two years later, she was introduced to Frederick Everhardt, who lost...
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...“Please father, why can’t you take me with you?” “I am so sorry darling but daddy is going out for work.” “But after you finish the work, you can take me to play, I’ll promise you that I won’t disturb you, please!” “Maybe next time but daddy is really now in a big hurry, if I miss the plane that will really be a big misfortune.” “Argh! Daddy just plea……” Without even letting me to finish my last word he slammed the door shut. Why! I just can’t understand, he is the world most unqualified father ever! I menacingly walked to the sofa and sat down, trying to catch up with my breath. Two hours later mommy had finally came back from work. As usual she first put down her blue working bag, then sat down on the sofa to watch the Daily Hot Special News....
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...I love being able to go to sleep at night knowing that I'm safe. My father makes me feel secure, safe. When I was little and got lots of bad dreams, I'd go downstairs to my parents room and he'd be there. Even now, sometimes I still get bad dreams. I still go downstairs, he's still there. My father supports me in everything. He encourages me in sports, and in grades. My father attends almost every sport event of mine, because he cares. He gives me little pointers for when I'm on, and off the court. Knowing that he is always there to support is a great feeling. My father helped stop the Green Valley Fire in 2013 by bulldozing dirt on fire to stop the fire. I didn't see my dad for days. I was very worried, about my house, friends,...
Words: 351 - Pages: 2
...Our parents were together off and on for fifteen years. Our parents could never get along together which caused them to break up and get back together a lot. Whenever our dad was home they would argue. It could over been over money or where he had been all day. Our father did not have cleanest record, but I’m not saying our mom did. My brother never noticed it like I did, but I’m more observant than him. It made it really hard for me to sit there and watch our mom cheat and not say anything to our dad. Even if I did tell our dad it wouldn’t have made a difference because he was doing the same thing to our mom. Our parents were always distant, our dad would not come home until ten at night and our mom was always home. We never really done anything...
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.... Richard Williams is a seventy-four year old resident of Louisville, KY. He is a graduate of both University of Louisville and University of Kentucky, where he first earned his LPN License, then his RN license. Mr. Williams also served his country in the Marine Corps. Mr. Williams first retirement took place from the Kentucky State Reformatory in 2008, where he was a Registered Nurse. Then his career moved to home care. He maintained employment through an agency doing private duty work. He says he has been working for this family for over 10 years and have become really attached to the young man, “his baby”, he affectionately calls him. He recently retired in August of 2015. Mr. Williams a small framed gentleman with wire frame glasses and proper dialect talks of the church, St. Stevens Baptist church and the work he continues to do there. Mr. Williams, usually so full of life, seems a little less than a shadow of himself in stature, however he explains he has been battling prostate cancer and has just undergone surgery in hopes of correcting the problem. I am sadden to see Mr. Williams in such shape. However when I asked Mr. Williams to share with me some of his life he seemed to brighten up and sit up a little straighter. He must have read something in me, because he says, “don’t you feel sorry for me, I still don’t let grass grow under my feet”, and then makes a slight chuckle. In that moment I knew that the man I knew was still there. I asked Mr. Williams, what stories...
Words: 530 - Pages: 3
...apartment. When we arrived, my husband was already there. His car was parked. I was so happy, that I said to myself, how good surely he will be leaving work early. Going up to the apartment, my great surprise was to see him lying on the couch, very mad. He did not speak to me and he didn’t even make conversation with Cristi. He just said hi and spoke a bit to the children. After that, Cristi left, and right away I thanked her and told her that when she liked to come visit she could do so. As Cristi left, my husband Javier started screaming at me because I had left without his permission. He said, if thought that I commanded myself, that I was wrong. He also said, that I was already married to him and that it was the first time and the last time that I went out with someone. I replied to him, why he was getting upset if we just went to the park, that he should be happy that Cristi took me to distract myself while he was working. I asked him, are you already off of work? Very upset, he said, no, that he had called a few hours ago and I never answered him. He said, he had been worried about me and that is why he got out of work to come check on me. He also said, it took me by surprise that you were not in the house. I saw him as mad man enraged. He would grab his head and he would look at me with a lot of anger. I asked him for forgiveness and I told him that I would not do it again. He grabbed my blouse very strongly and he pushed me so hard that my head made a hole in the kitchen...
Words: 467 - Pages: 2
...This is a story about how my family and I got a new friend. My dad came home from work . He started cleaning up the garage from last night. It was freezing that night and my dad had the big garage door open. Then my dad was about to be done with cleaning up the garage and go inside, when from the sidewalk a dog showed up on our drive way. It ran in our garage a jumped on our small couch we have in there. My dad didn’t know what to do at first,so he just caged it in. In the morning I wake up and get a phone call from my dad. I answer it and he says “Jacob listen to me, okay I want you to get the ham out of the fridge and unlock the garage but, don't let the dog in there out from the garage”. I said “okay dad”. So I go and fed the dog...
Words: 397 - Pages: 2
...mean to people who would touch me and my mom and I would cry. Iam fun in some ways. I know that I am wild, crazy, and eccentric I am just being myself. Some people know me in different ways. I don’t do what people want me to do. I do things differently. I am a individual person. If I don’t like what you like don’t get mad. I am not you. I want to tell some people thank you for reading this. I had mixed emotions when I was writing everything. Mostly because my dad died. Also when they would fuss and fight when I was five years old. I really didn’t want to write all this in my autobiography I would read it out loud but, I would cry at the same time. My life has been good these past years. My stepfather is like my real father. Also I know my real father is looking down on me. I love you daddy. A lot happen when I was younger it was a struggle to keep it together and it was hard but, I was like the glue in the...
Words: 683 - Pages: 3
...Dad’s Eulogy My dad, Jitendra Patel, was a great man. He was loved by his wife, four kids, and his parents. Many people have expressed symphony about my dad’s long and painful battle and how hard it is to see him in the hospital for months. I realized after he passed that I was grateful for the time I spent with him during the last couple of days of his life. I didn’t appreciate moments that didn’t mean anything at the time, but those moments are the ones I am going to cherish forever. I remember when I was around 8 years old, during the summer we used to play basketball with my sister and cousin. I’m not going to have someone telling me the weather in the morning so I know what shoes to wear or to ask me how school was but I will always...
Words: 500 - Pages: 2