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Matrimony In Religion

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In religious circumstances, matrimony is portrayed as divine exchange between a man and a woman. Since there is such spiritual importance towards it, there must be some sort of consequence when there is a failure to abide by these customary decrees concerning marriage and sex. This commonality is indeed shared amongst most religions, but there are small variations between them all. In reference to Christianity, if a woman has engaged in pre-marital sex, her punishment is to be stoned to death according to the scriptures in Deuteronomy. However, if a male falsely incriminated her, then his penalty was to only be fined. The intensity of punishment between men and women is very distinct from one another and unjust since it can be deciphered that there is more emphasis on a woman’s virginity than …show more content…
This is because Catholic’s vitalize the purity of the soul. Committing a mortal sin, such as pre-marital sex, causes a soul to no longer be in close touch with God. In order to completely replenish and restore a holy relationship with him is only possible through the sacrament of confession. This can be done through disclosing your sins one on one exclusively with the priest of any Catholic church. Although mortal sins are equally distributed amongst both genders, this doesn’t entirely cease the existence of the strong criticism against women who lose their virginity before marriage. This can be deduced from the strong appraisal that Catholics have towards The Virgin Mother Mary. Just from looking at her infamous name, it can be noted that she never lost her virginity and the title of “virgin” holds some sort of importance or is highly relevant in Catholicism. When the Jewish people were well aware of her pregnancy, it was automatically assumed that she had pre-marital sex with her partner, Joseph. Once the news spread around, the general society was quick to label her as sinful, impure, and

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