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European Colonization In Texas Essay

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European colonization in Texas started in 1689. It was ordered by St. Francis in order for Spain to spread Christianity, Spanish culture and also to establish control. This era began with missions and presidios. There are many Spanish colonizers who helped Spain attempt to reach their goal. Four significant people are Fray Damian Massanet, Jose de Escandon, Antonio Margil de Jesus, and Francisco Hidalgo.
Fray Damian Massanet was the founder of the first Texas mission. He also helped found the missionary College of Santa Cruz de Queretaro. He arrived in Texas by boat in 1683. He was sent to search for La Salle’s Ft. St. Louis and to help with the San Francisco de los Tejas mission. He argued with civil authority about the horses he was keeping at the San Francisco de los Tejas Mission and the horses had to be commandeered. Due to floods, failed crops, shortages in supplies, and bickering with the Tejas Indians, Massanet’s missions did not succeed. On October 25, 1693, Massanet, and the other surviving priests set the leftovers of the failed mission on fire. Shortly after, he …show more content…
He arrived in Texas in 1683 so that he could help found the missionary College of Santa Cruz de Queretaro. In 1691, he participated in the expedition Domingo Terán de los Ríos. He stayed in East Texas until 1693, when he moved to a northern part of Texas and later, in 1700, founded mission San Juan Bautista. In 1711, having trouble building and keeping successful missions, Hidalgo sent a letter to the French asking for help. Because of this letter, in 1716, Europe gained some permanent possession of Texas. The first mission to be built in East Texas was Nuestro Padre San Francisco de los Tejas. Hidalgos’s mission turned out to be a success. In 1725, he requested permission to preach the Apache but was sadly denied. After having his request denied, Hidalgo retired to San Juan Bautista and died shortly after in 1726 at the age of

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