...Criterion SM Online Essay Evaluation: An Application for Automated Evaluation of Student Essays Jill Burstein Educational Testing Service Rosedale Road, 18E Princeton, NJ 08541 jburstein@ets.org Martin Chodorow Department of Psychology Hunter College 695 Park Avenue New York, NY 10021 martin.chodorow@hunter.cuny.edu Claudia Leacock Educational Testing Service Rosedale Road, 18E Princeton, NJ 08541 cleacock@ets.org Abstract This paper describes a deployed educational technology application: the CriterionSM Online Essay Evaluation Service, a web-based system that provides automated scoring and evaluation of student essays. Criterion has two complementary applications: E-rater®, an automated essay scoring system and Critique Writing Analysis Tools, a suite of programs that detect errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics, that identify discourse elements in the essay, and that recognize elements of undesirable style. These evaluation capabilities provide students with feedback that is specific to their writing in order to help them improve their writing skills. Both applications employ natural language processing and machine learning techniques. All of these capabilities outperform baseline algorithms, and some of the tools agree with human judges as often as two judges agree with each other. 2. Application Description Criterion contains two complementary applications that are based on natural language processing (NLP) methods. The scoring application, e-rater®, extracts...
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...My initial plan to improve my academic literacy was unfortunately not as successful as I had hoped. I had initially planned to add resource sheets on spelling, grammar, vocabulary and punctuation to my weekly readings but found these more helpful as a printed document that I initially skimmed over and was able to refer back to as needed. The resources for writing strong essays are another that I have printed and put into a folder for future reference along with a copy of the key principles. I do feel, however the more essay’s and assessments I write and the more feedback I get over the next few years will be vital in my essay and assessment writing improvement. The paper rater and the writers diet websites have become an essential part...
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...EVALUATION ESSAY EVALUATION ESSAY Most people do not realize that aquariums are not only beautiful additions to your home that can bring a room to life, but they are also therapeutic. Over the last decade many studies have been conducted that proven aquariums can really change your mental state in ways many we never thought could be possible. With all of the stress brought about by daily activities, everyone needs to unwind and find peaceful distractions. Thousands of people suffer from high blood pressure, lack of sleep and malnutrition due to stress. If you are having a difficulty managing your stress levels, maybe the time has come to purchase an aquarium and dive into the hobby of fishkeeping. Researchers have been searching for cures for stress related problems and have found that medication is not the only way to help treat stress and stress related issues. Analysts have found that owning or being around aquariums is one of the best methods to help cure these issues. There are many more benefits of owning an aquarium than just easing stress levels and treating a busy mind. Studies going back as far as three decades reveal that gazing at an aquarium is one of the safest ways to lower high blood pressure, which is the leading cause of many illnesses and even death. Tests concluding that aquariums promote beneficial effects on the human mind started from conducting test with people where they would observe aquariums with no fish versus aquariums that were filled with fish...
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...Evaluation Essay The product that I am going to use is SaaS or software-as-a-service which we have been using for ages now. We all know that cloud computing is a hazy concept. As with Web 2.0 before it, it's something everyone thinks they need, even if they are not sure what it means. In a nutshell, cloud computing means tapping software, hardware or storage over the Internet (the aforementioned "cloud"), then using and paying for it on an as-needed basis. Applications like Facebook and Google Gmail have always been "in the cloud," but you can also lease computing power from Amazon, storage from Rackspace or software from Salesforce.com. Cheaper, greener, more versatile, the paradigm promises to throw the corporate data centre onto the trash heap along with those old mainframes. For starters, cloud computing is unlikely to become ubiquitous in the business world because it doesn't make sense for everything. Moving corporate data that require frequent updates out into a cloud is time-consuming, risky and impractical, says Daryl Plummer, a senior Gartner analyst. And sensitive information shouldn't be outsourced to cloud providers, because current laws and contracts are too vague and inconsistent. Also called software-as-a-service (SaaS), cloud computing is when you run software over the internet and access it via a browser (Schneier, 2009). It has gone from a curiosity to the mainstream in just a few years as businesses turn to the technology to take advantage of the inherent...
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...I am a student at a Community College. I am currently enrolled in a speech class. In this speech class, we were required to present a persuasive speech. This fourteenth of November, I evaluated a speech given by a classmate, Karina Cervantes. Ms. Cervantes chose to speak about Electronic Distractions while driving. My evaluation of her speech will determine its effectiveness. If the speaker hopes to give an effective speech, they must know how to choose a topic. Topic selection is an important element to giving a successful speech. In selecting a topic, the speaker should be required in knowing the audience’s likes and dislikes. Doing so should help the speaker catch the audience’s attention. As mentioned before, Ms. Cervantes chose Electronic Distractions while driving as her topic. Ms. Cervantes spoke about the dangers of being distracted while driving. She was able to provide both problems and solutions of her topic. Her speech was sturdy as she gave her own real life experience, and consequences that appeared within. Being organized while preparing and giving a speech helps both the speaker and the audience. To have an organized speaker helps the audience maintain the information more clearly. An organize speech not only looks professional, but also helps the speaker follow a guide. Ms. Cervantes followed a guideline and organized her speech dividing it in sections. Her introduction had an exceptional attention getter. Starting off her speech with the words, “Could you...
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...Evaluation Essay Floyd Wilson ENG1000 Cell phones or mobile devices are developing to allow quicker texting, Web access, GPS and shared networking. Smart phones like the Blackberry, HTC phones and the iPhone are the leading smart phones in the current market place. Because of the operating systems these phones run with various types of applications they can be compared to computers in the palm of your hands. With so many different smart phones on the market, consumers must utilize the following criteria’s to make the best well-informed choices; cost, comparisons, the differences and weaknesses to determine the phone that best suits one’s smart phone technological wants and needs. A medical professional, is in need of a quick answer and or affirmation of a diagnosis given, which phone would he/she utilize? Would he/she choose the HTC Evo or the Blackberry 8350i? This paper will evaluate the HTC Evo by Sprint and the Blackberry 8350i by Sprint. When one considers buying a cell phone the first thought that one has to consider is the cost. Will it fit in one’s budget? Will one get more for the money spent? The HTC Evo by Sprint currently cost after rebate and discounts approximately $199.00 where as the Blackberry 8350i by Sprint currently cost $99.00 after rebate and discounts are given. Based on cost one would question why not purchase the cheaper of the two phones-Blackberry 8350i. The disparity between the costs for the two phones is based...
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...This article is about the new restaurant Alma in Los Angeles, California which I found on the article title “Welcome to Alma, the most famous unknown restaurant in America.” I found this article on NEU library online source. The head chef of this beautiful restaurant is Ari Taymor who believes not only on cooking but also like to feel the textures and flavors of all the food which are definitely good characteristics of great chef. I found this article interesting and more valuable for any successful business. Chef of this restaurant has explained “my food is personal food” which means he will give all of his hard to make it suitable to eat not only for one person but to everybody. He also put all the required ingredients for all of his food so customers find its textures and flavors while they eating it. This article shows chef passion and commitment on his work. Chef Taymor wants to give his entire customers who come to dine there to taste of each ingredients of every dish they serve. According to chef customers will have memorable moments while they are having a food. Strong points: This restaurant has some unique features which bring new substitute of less fat and oil is good example to attract more customers in your restaurant. All the foods are delicious and healthy. Chef Taymor cooks food not on his perfection but the customers’ perfection which is his influence which result in popularity of this restaurant all over the LA. Foods aren’t that expensive and encourage...
Words: 387 - Pages: 2
...The world we live in is very diverse in all aspects. For any given subject it is likely there are many variations to just that one thing, the original plus variations of the originals with a slightly different twist. English is one of those subjects. Not only are there hundreds of languages in the world, there are also multiple variations of English alone. African American Vernacular English, better known as AAVE, is a black version of American English. It is sometimes called Ebonics, Black English, Black Vernacular, Black English Vernacular, or Black Vernacular English. The pronunciation of the words is along the same lines as the other variations of English, but it is spoken in different areas of the world. This is not the only thing to know about the language, but where can you go to find the information? The Internet is always a convenient tool to use, but not every website is trustworthy. My least favorite websites to use are Wiki websites. No one website is perfect. There may be some flaws but there are also some good aspects. Wikipedia is filled with information for virtually every topic one could possibly think of. Various people keep the information updated throughout the week. When I typed AAVE into Wikipedia tons of information came up. I like the idea that wiki websites generally have all the information one needs to know about a subject. The information on wiki websites are generally up to date because there are people constantly uploading their findings...
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...Evaluation Model Essay Kevin Jackson CJA/385 April 06, 2016 Professor: Lois Fegan Evaluation Model Essay In this essay, I will select an evaluation model that I believe is most applicability and relevance to criminal justice policy today. I will also summarize the model that I have chosen and provided analysis and explanation for my choice. The two models of the criminal justice system are created by a professor named Herbert L. Packer in 1964 at Sanford University, and these two models are "Crime Control Model" and the "Due Process Model." To understand and comprehend what these two models processes are that Professor Parker created for the criminal justice system, we must first define their meaning. Crime Control Model- Refer to a theory of criminal justice which places emphasis on reducing the offense in society through increased police and prosecutorial powers (Us Legal 2016). Due Process Model- Is a type of justice system which based on the principle that a citizen has some absolute rights and cannot be deprived of life, liberty, or property without appropriate legal procedures and safeguards (Us Legal 2016). Summary The crime control model believes that to protect the rights of law-abiding citizens in society, the best course of action would be to expand both the police and prosecutors department in law enforcement. This model belief that stricter, harsher, punishment will ultimately reduce crime. Here...
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...Critical Evaluation Essay Crystal Eastman, a 1920's feminist, expresses her thoughts on woman's rights and how if woman are given these rights it will change the way women view their position in life. While fighting for the right to vote, woman views were respected by men. Several feminists are socialists or communists, few are active leaders within the feminists movements. Many legal issues were resolved to make it easier for woman to achieve numerous professions, trades or unions that were once just for men. The future must bring in early coaching for each boy and girl. They must learn that it's both manly and feminine to provide for their family in whatever career choice they choose, and to be able to stand on their feet alone. Conjointly children should learn that it's both manly and feminine to be able to know how to cook, clean, sew, take care of themselves and their children. Eastman's article contains ethos, Pathos and Logos while discussing the argument concerning woman’s rights. Woman's rights have invariably been something society has struggled with throughout history. Eastman states in her essay “that the vast majority of women as well as men are without property, and are of necessity bread and butter slaves under a system of society which allows the very sources of life to be privately owned by few, and she counts herself a loyal solider in the working-class army that is marching to overthrow that system.”(Eastman). This statement by Eastman might be...
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...life. Students will analyze a range of challenging literary texts from various periods, countries, and cultures; interpret and evaluate informational and graphic texts; and create oral, written, and media texts in a variety of forms. An important focus will be on using academic language coherently and confidently, selecting the reading strategies best suited to particular texts and particular purposes for reading, and developing greater control in writing. The course is intended to prepare students for university, college, or the workplace. Assessment and Evaluation To promote student success, ongoing formative assessment and feedback will be given to students. As required by the Ministry of Education, students will be assessed in the four areas of the achievement chart. The chart below provides percentages for each category. The chart below provides the strands under each assignment will be evaluated. All evaluations are expected on the due date, however, they will be also accepted up and until the ultimate due date at 11:59pm. Given the short timelines for e-Summer School, it is strongly recommended that students work to the original deadlines. Assignments will not be accepted after the ultimate due date and students will receive a grade of zero. Exceptions will be made if the instructor is provided with a medical certificate. Due to the condensed nature of e-Summer School, timing is crucial. Do not fall behind in your...
Words: 931 - Pages: 4
...teams and his level of compatibility with other team members in working toward one goal of the organization. • Employee loyalty: it relates to how committed the employee is to the success of the company and whether he plans to remain with the company and keep working with utmost dedication. All three sets of criteria are very important while evaluating an employee. However, comparing the relative value of the three, the most important one is the loyalty of the employee because if the employee is not dedicated towards the company, then his productivity will decrease and he would not show interest in teamwork. There are various techniques which are used for evaluating the performance of employees: 1. Essay appraisal method Here, the evaluator puts in writing a short essay offering estimation of the potencies, flaws and vigor of the subject. In order for this technique to be carried out without prejudice, it is essential that the evaluator is aware of the...
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...Introduction – Rushell Baderman Island Resort ensures all guests enjoy a relaxed and care free stay. In doing so the interior of company must be structured to function at its highest level of performance. This essay will outline the general functions of the Food and Bar Management and Front Office Supervisor. It will focus on the performance management systems, discuss the advantage and disadvantage of two different job evaluations, compare and contrast compensation plans, and explain the importance of providing employee benefits plans. Each area is unique to this company and its success. Describe the general function of performance management systems. If your assigned company does not use a performance management system, would you recommend it use one? LISA Overall the success of our company in general is due to our commitment and dedication given to our employees. The company strives to ensure that every employee is given an equal opportunity, and it is our duty to embrace each employee to the fullness of their potential. The company accomplishes this task by the use of performance management systems. Performance management systems are used to sustaining and measuring an employee’s performance. These methods are the key to an organization success because an organization can assess individuals' performance and reward them appropriately. To do this successfully an organization needs to have a system that manages performance: not just for reward purposes but also to help...
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...Business Management Program A. In the given scenario, the company’s evaluation contains three known evaluation criteria: Friendliness, neatness of workspace, and attitude; and the manager is to rate the employee in these categories. While the complete evaluation form is not available, based on the known information, there are concerns present about the current form being used. First, from what is known, there is no evaluation criteria that relate to the engineer’s core/technical job responsibilities. The engineer is stated to be bright and detail-oriented in the scenario, he has suggested process changes that have resulted in significant savings to the company, and the criteria do not provide the opportunity to show this. While a certain level of attitude, co-worker interaction or-the-like should be measured for a well-rounded evaluation, these should not be the primary rating factors because they are the furthest removed from actual job performance. Next, the rating scale used appears to be clearly subjective and without any commentary or goals. This will leave a lack of context in rating categories for useful discussion when delivering the evaluation and could definitely lead to misunderstanding by the employee. This was also indicated that the last review session ending poorly and the engineer having a lack of confidence in the company’s review process. Lastly, it is apparent that the sole evaluation is based on the opinion of a single evaluator. A1. Commonly used performance...
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...RESEARCH PAPER TOPICS – BA 453 HRM The primary objective of your paper is to do “research” in a specific area of HRM. Such research requires the formation of a “research question” with a narrow focus to facilitate in-depth exploration and often entails a blend of field and literary research. You can elect to do primarily field or literary research. Some suggested topics are below, but you are encouraged to find one which excites your intellect and/or is relevant to your future business career. FIELD RESEARCH – requires contacting a company or companies, identifying their current HR policy issues or HR concerns, selecting only one, developing a list of interview questions based on a brief review of research in that HR area, and then conducting an interview to explore the matter in depth. It is NOT merely a report of the conversational narrative of the interview. It is a thorough critique with recommendation for improvement. 1. Critique a current HR policy or issue in a specific company and make recommendations for improvement. Examples of policies are: recruiting, hiring, orientation, training, succession planning, career planning, team development, performance review, equal employment opportunity, pay incentives, a specific type of employee benefit or perk, corrective/disciplinary action, OSHA compliance, and safety recognition. 2. Describe a current HR strategy in a specific company and how it enhances their competitive advantage in business. Discuss strengths...
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