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Eve Levin

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Eve Levin’s publication Sex and Society in the World of Orthodox Slavs 900 – 1700 documents the sexual behavior in the religious civilization of Eastern Europe. The author focuses on three Slavic groups; the Bulgarians, the Serbians, and the Russians from the medieval period up until the beginning of the 18th century. Throughout the book, the history of these behaviors are separated by six categories: the ecclesiastical image of sexuality, marriage, incest, rape, and sex and the clergy. Religion served as a huge foundation in the practices of these people, especially Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Listing the differences, the Holy Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Christianity are heavily discussed throughout these sections. The Slavic people recognized the importance of canon law in their society and even incorporated certain aspects of Byzantine secular law into their way of life.
At the time of publication, Eve Levin was a professor of history at Ohio State University. She was a graduate of the all-girls Mount Holyoke College. Her take on Slavic history includes women on the forefront of sexuality. She cites works about the feminine figure in society when making these points about women. One of the works cited was the work by Joan …show more content…
While highlighting the sexuality of the Slavic society as a whole, Levin also brings in an almost feminist view on a largely patriarchal culture. She writes about the differing formalities of sex and acceptance for both men and women. Orthodoxy expects women to be more submissive towards virginity and holds women more accountable for sexual violations. This take on the history reflects on an important aspect of the family structure in Eastern Europe, as the male figure holds dominance over a marriage and in society in

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