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Evolution of Media


Submitted By oblossom26
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Pages 2
The role of gatekeeper has changed dramatically in such a way that information about what’s going on around the world is freely put out to the public in a wide variety of networking and people from all walks of life. Whether it be sports, entertainment, news, history in the making, politics, or just a person’s take on any given thought the freedom to make know information is not just relied on from the regular 6 o’clock news anymore. Mediums such as instant messaging, Facebook, Instagram, twitter, and blog sites just to name a few are taking over the job of the news reporters and journalist. Even shows like TMZ give more updates on what’s going on from entertainers to politics in the White House. It’s like each person in a sense shares a role as a gatekeeper because a person can choose what they want to post on their Facebook page or Twitter quotes about their stances on different subjects. People can actually photoshop their friends, family members, stars, and important political figures and make things seem as though they are real when they are not. The days of solely relying on your local news station are gone. Most of the time social media knows about events or breaking newsworthy information first because of the ability of digital cameras, cell phone cameras, and the ability to upload in a split second with a touch of a finger is all it takes for information to go viral. The ethical concerns that go along with the shifting of the gatekeeper are questions that arise of what’s real and what’s not real. Who’s lying and who’s not lying? What’s to believe and what’s not to believe? Everyone who posts a story tells it differently and before you know it, you have so many different stories told about one news event creating a lot of confusion about what’s really going on. Deception plays a big part especially in tabloids; they spread a lot of rumors. The question is who will hold these people responsible.

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...more closely with suppliers and partners, and better meet the needs and expectations of their clients. Classified by market relationship, there are there models: business-to-consumer (B2C), business-to-business (B2B), and consumer-to-consumer (C2C). As a small company providing consultancy services in life science, the best sales strategy for Evolution Bioscience is E-business. However, this company does not make full use of its official website and several social media accounts to develop its business. This article describes Evolution Bioscience existing strengths and failing in using digital platforms such as its website and social media accounts first, and then, using SWOT and business models to analyse the company’s internal situation and via analysing the main social media to choose the suitable social media. Finally, according to the business models analysis, a recommendation mainly refers to B2B development is performed. Current situation of Evolution Bioscience EXISTING STRENGTHS As Jukes and Zilling presented in 2012, the most important for a company in E-business age is establish an official website. Evolution Bioscience has established its official website, which is http://www.evolution- In this official website, we will find that it has clear layout, and the details of the company features. Web site design has six elements: objectives, content, visual design, structure and navigation, interactivity and functionality and overall experience...

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