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Submitted By ewancastell
Words 531
Pages 3
Explain the strengths and weaknesses of Natural Law Theory (25 marks)
As an absolutist theory, Natural Law is universalisable and proposes objective moral standards. These standards, as they are achieved through reason, are not limited to faith and are not bound by God. This means that the theory is accessible to the non-believer as well. This makes it a more versatile and accessible ethical system. This is a strength as many of the ethical systems including will only work if used by all people and for different reasons theories such as Kant aren’t as versatile meaning this is a more realistic ethical theory for people to use. Once the Primary Precepts of Preserve Life; Live in Society; Educate the Young; Continue through Reproduction; and Worship God are understood, the theory is very easy to apply and follow. It is easy to reach conclusions and the theory is quite clear cut in what it believes. However, the theory may come unstuck when one begins picking apart and re-understanding what the precepts mean. This clear cut approach is a strength as the principles are easy to understand and typically would not need to be disputed.
One of the flaws of Natural Law theory is the question; do any of the precepts take priority over the others? Does educate the young mean invest in schools? Or encourage independent study? Does preservation of life include abortion and euthanasia? This poses a flaw due to the fact that people will not be sure in terms in conflicts of interested. For example some situations may cause the death of a pregnant mother or the death of the unborn baby, the precept of preservation may request that you save the mother whereas reproduction may will you to save the baby.
To what extent could a believer in Natural Law accept embryo research (10 marks)
Arguably, a follower of natural law would be unable to accept embryo research. If an embryo is

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