...3 COUNTERTERRORISM EVOLVES In chapte r 2, we described the growth of a new kind of terrorism, and a new terrorist organization—especially from 1988 to 1998, when Usama Bin Ladin declared war and organized the bombing of two U.S. embassies. In this chapter, we trace the parallel evolution of government efforts to counter terrorism by Islamic extremists against the United States. We mention many personalities in this report. As in any study of the U.S. government, some of the most important characters are institutions. We will introduce various agencies, and how they adapted to a new kind of terrorism. 3.1 FROM THE OLD TERRORISM TO THE NEW: THE FIRST WORLD TRADE CENTER BOMBING At 18 minutes after noon on February 26, 1993, a huge bomb went off beneath the two towers of the World Trade Center.This was not a suicide attack.The terrorists parked a truck bomb with a timing device on Level B-2 of the underground garage, then departed.The ensuing explosion opened a hole seven stories up. Six people died. More than a thousand were injured. An FBI agent at the scene described the relatively low number of fatalities as a miracle.1 President Bill Clinton ordered his National Security Council to coordinate the response. Government agencies swung into action to find the culprits.The Counterterrorist Center located at the CIA combed its files and queried sources around the world. The National Security Agency (NSA), the huge Defense Department signals collection agency, ramped up its communications...
Words: 17150 - Pages: 69
...Department of Education website. Retrieved May 5, 2014 http://www2.ed.gov/about/landing.jhtml http://www.nea.org/home/40991.htm John P. Kotter (1996). Leading Change. Harvard Business Review Press; 1st edition http://www.kotterinternational.com - See more at: http://www.relationsandmore.com/kotters-8-step-change-model.html#sthash.rjg9E4N1.dpuf Almost everyone that reads this will have graduated from a long-established high school where we went to an old-style building five days a week and learned from the quintessential school teachers that no doubt fill at least one stereotype. Traditional classrooms that are part of these brick-and-mortar schools are no longer competitive and vital to the learning process. Instead, students now pay most attention to the information they get off the internet. Sites like Wiki and Facebook have figured out the formula to keeping our young people’s attention. Why should we as tax payers continue to supplement this dying form of education when the answers can be found by researching the success of the online college education system and the top ranked education countries around the world? While on vacation in Phoenix I noticed TV commercials toting an online education that the state sponsors. I could not believe that I was hearing this, state sanctioned home schooling. Let’s think outside the box for a moment. Think of the savings we could make with rethinking the way we teach our students. I am a firm believer that all students...
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...Crime victims rights Advocates for victims' rights have long complained that they have been sidelined by a criminal justice system that is focused on the interplay between the state and the defendant. With the enactment of the Victims' Bill of Rights Act of 2008, that is changing. The authors examine the current state of victims' rights, the evolution of the enforcement mechanisms, and the emerging role of the criminal practitioner in regards to these rights. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT] Advocates for victims' rights have long complained that they have been sidelined by a criminal justice system that is focused on the interplay between the state and the defendant. With the enactment of the Victims' Bill of Rights Act of 2008, that is changing. The authors examine the current state of victims' rights, the evolution of the enforcement mechanisms, and the emerging role of the criminal practitioner in regards to these rights. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT] You have requested "on-the-fly" machine translation of selected content from our databases. This functionality is provided solely for your convenience and is in no way intended to replace human translation. Show full disclaimer Neither ProQuest nor its licensors make any representations or warranties with respect to the translations. The translations are automatically generated "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" and are not retained in our systems. PROQUEST AND ITS LICENSORS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING...
Words: 5571 - Pages: 23
...For William Domhoff, it has become apparent, as to many other elite theorists, that capitalism is now interlacing with politics, in such a way that corporations are now able to determine and effectively influence the direction that government policies should take. This corporate power uses a certain number of mechanisms, strategies and processes whether legal or illegal, official or unofficial, to reach that end (Domhoff, 1990). In this essay, I aim at establishing and describing these processes as well as evaluating their impact on society. Concurrently, I shall evaluate and analyse this argument. Before establishing these strategies, I believe it is important that one be aware of what makes the corporate power elite and how it has managed to create a network or upper class and even corporate community network to determine domestic/national policy. Modern capitalist societies are not simply made of the upper class and corporate communities who as Domhoff argues, include all large income-producing property owners who also happen to control all the source of capital, thus constituting both a social and economic class (Domhoff, 2010: 7) at the top of the social hierarchy. There are also a variety of non-profit associations that are significant because they structure and determine the different discussions over public policy as well as the public opinion which, indeed, matters most to governments (Wetherley, 2008). Although they have been qualified of non-partisan or bipartisan...
Words: 2957 - Pages: 12
...This article was downloaded by: [University of Hong Kong] On: 7 July 2010 Access details: Access Details: [subscription number 905437243] Publisher Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 3741 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Journal of Contemporary China Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713429222 The China Model: can it replace the Western model of modernization? Suisheng Zhao Online publication date: 28 April 2010 To cite this Article Zhao, Suisheng(2010) 'The China Model: can it replace the Western model of modernization?', Journal of Contemporary China, 19: 65, 419 — 436 To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/10670561003666061 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10670561003666061 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.informaworld.com/terms-and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently...
Words: 9892 - Pages: 40
...Abstract This paper discusses the role and function of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) and Auditing Standard 5 (AS 5). Due to the increased demand for oversight in auditing standards, this paper also examines the impact of Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) and the reasons for the creation of the PCAOB, as well as the implementation of the rules and regulations. Additionally, this paper examines the impact of AS 5. Keywords: audit, AS 5, financial statements, PCAOB, SEC, SOX Table of Contents Introduction ………….……………………………………………………..……………………4 Scandals ...…..……………………………………...……………………………………………4 PCAOB Mission and Vision …………………… ……………………………………………….5 Structure ………………………….……………..……………………………………………5, 6 PCAOB's Objective….…….……..…………………………………………………………….6, 7 Duties ………………………….…..………………………………………………….……… 7, 8 Standard Setting………..………………………………………………………………..……..…8 Inspection ………………………………………………………………………………………..8 Enforcement…………..………………………………………………………………..……...8, 9 AS5 .…………………….…………………………………………………...…………….…9, 10 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………….....……. 10 References …………………………………………………………………………………….. 11 History of PCAOB …………………………………………………………………… 13-19 Introduction Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) was passed in 2002 and as a result brought numerous changes to auditing. The Sarbanes-Oxley was passed in direct response to business failures, allegations of corporate improprieties and financial statement restatements. Prior to the SOX passage, auditors used a...
Words: 4474 - Pages: 18
...China The first one is the economy. China's economy has been typically the best-performing economy or among the best-performing economies in the world since 1979 when reforms began, averaging about 7 percent growth. One note of concern, though, is that those conditions that allowed that 7 percent growth are not likely to be prevalent in the years to come, because for over 30 years, China has relied extensively on lower wage rates and export-driven growth. But wage rates have been bid up, as happens; the Chinese are victims of their own success, you could say. And secondly, the rest of the countries in the world are not going through high rates of growth, and they’re not going to be importing the way they had been historically. So, that formula isn’t going to be as successful going forward as it has been. China needs to shift away from an export-driven economy to more of a consumption model. It needs to be mindful about funding its state-owned enterprises, about subsidizing state-owned companies. It needs to lessen its reliance on low-end manufacturing and move up the value chain. By the way, these aren’t my observations; these are observations by Chinese leadership. If you follow any Chinese leader’s speech on China’s economic transformation, these are the points he’ll make. We would call that market rationalism or just normal evolution as a country rises to middle-income status. But there are also some countervailing impulses. There’s a strong streak of economic nationalism;...
Words: 31136 - Pages: 125
...United States Government Accountability Office Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Veterans' Affairs, House of Representatives For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:00 a.m. EDT Tuesday, March 25, 2014 INFORMATION SECURITY VA Needs to Address Long-Standing Challenges Statement of Gregory C. Wilshusen, Director, Information Security Issues GAO-14-469T March 25, 2014 INFORMATION SECURITY VA Needs to Address Long-Standing Challenges Highlights of GAO-14-469T, a testimony before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Veterans' Affairs, House of Representatives Why GAO Did This Study The use of information technology is crucial to VA’s ability to carry out its mission of ensuring that veterans receive medical care, benefits, social support, and memorials. However, without adequate security protections, VA’s systems and information are vulnerable to exploitation by an array of cyber-based threats, potentially resulting in, among other things, the compromise of veterans’ personal information. GAO has identified information security as a governmentwide high-risk area since 1997. The number of information security incidents reported by VA has more than doubled over the last several years, further highlighting the importance of securing the department’s systems and the information that resides on them. GAO was asked to provide a statement discussing the challenges VA has experienced in effectively...
Words: 4716 - Pages: 19
...PS1010: Study Guide for Exam 3 Winter 2015 1. Which of the following thinkers is often credited with first coming up with ideas about the modern bureaucracy? a. Thomas Hobbes b. John Locke c. Max Weber d. Alexander Hamilton e. Benjamin Franklin 2. Bureaucracy is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT: a. Merit-based advancement b. Hierarchy c. Worker specialization d. Explicit rules e. Flexible goals 3. The value of explicit rules in bureaucratic institutions is that they: a. Facilitate individually tailored treatment of citizens b. Allow for flexibility c. Encourage creativity d. Create standardization and predictability e. Reduce uniformity of behavior 4. A clear chain of command with all employees knowing who their supervisors are as well as whom they are responsible for is an example of a(n): a. Issue network b. Merit system c. Hierarchy d. Spoils system e. Iron triangle 5. Bureaucracy is useful for all of the following EXCEPT tasks that: a. Require a great deal of coordination b. Require a great deal of planning c. Require a great deal of expertise d. Can be handled on an ad hoc basis e. Require a great deal of routine work 6. The practice in which successful party candidates reward political supporters with jobs or favors is known as: a. Patronage b. Pandering c. Pay-for-play d. Lobbying e. Nepotism 7. The civil service replaced the _________ as a method of choosing government workers. a. Merit system b. Hereditary...
Words: 5691 - Pages: 23
...RESEARCH PAPER 06/36 19 JUNE 2006 A Political and Economic Introduction to China “If the 20th century ended in 1989, the 21st began in 1978” Martin Jacques, The Guardian, 25 May 2006 China’s political and economic rise and what it means for the world is now a central preoccupation of analysts and policy-makers. Public awareness of China is likely to increase as the 2008 Olympics in Beijing draw near. This Research Paper is intended to act as a resource that Members of Parliament and their staff can draw upon when engaging with China’s remarkable transformation. Part I provides key facts and figures about China. Parts II and III review recent developments and future prospects by addressing four key questions. Is political authoritarianism sustainable? Can China’s development be peaceful? What are the main domestic economic challenges facing China? What is China’s impact on the world economy? Part IV summarises key aspects of UK and EU relations with China. The Paper ends with a select bibliography of key sources. The Research Paper is intended to act as a platform for a series of Library Standard Notes that will address in more depth specific issues about China that there is space here only to discuss briefly. Jon Lunn, Maria Lalic, Ben Smith and Claire Taylor INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS AND DEFENCE SECTION Ed Beale, Ed Potton, Ian Townsend and Dominic Webb ECONOMIC POLICY AND STATISTICS SECTION HOUSE OF COMMONS LIBRARY Recent Library Research Papers include: List of 15...
Words: 40320 - Pages: 162
...) Presidential power - Removal (Meyers, Humphreys) Separation of powers - Mistretta at pg. 19 Non-delegation - J.W. Hampton, Mistretta at 15. APA design; three functions of agencies: 1. make rules 2. adjudicate 3. gather information There are not very many legal issues with information gathering, so the class will not focus on it. Rule making and adjudication is done formally and informally | |Rule Making |Adjudication | |Formal |§ 553 |§ 554 | |Informal |§ 553 |§ 554 | Rulemaking = making little laws. Same effect as anything congress passes. Adjudication = making an order Introduction to Administrative Law - F&S pp. 1-22 The Administrative Procedure Act - Act, Chart and Sample Rule The Grouper Handout and the APA §553 §553 doesn’t say where the rule comes from (i.e. employee of the U.S. or anything), but does say publish in the federal register. §553(b) §553(b)(1) - time/place/etc/nature. The grouper rule - March 4, 1992, to the mailroom, by mail = time, place, nature. Does this constitute a “hearing”? Its called a paper hearing and satisfies §553. §553(b)(2) - authority. Grouper - Magnuson Fishery . . Act. Note, they cite to their own rule; generally an agency must follow its own rules (notice exceptions). 553(c)...
Words: 9822 - Pages: 40
...gov.au Copies of this paper are available from the Australian Government Publishing Service and on the Treasury web site (http://www.treasury.gov.au). Enquiries concerning the paper can be made to: Ms Veronique Ingram Assistant Secretary The Treasury Telephone: 02 6263 3970 Printed by the Australian Government Publishing Service TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Abbreviations PART 1: PART 2: Reform Proposals Introduction 2.1 2.2 PART 3: Background Key economic principles v 1 9 9 10 11 11 12 13 13 14 16 17 19 19 19 20 22 23 The Case for Reform 3.1 3.2 Impetus for reform What the Government is seeking to achieve PART 4: Role of Accounting Standards 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Objectives and impact of accounting standards Content of accounting standards Need for cost/benefit analysis of standards Appropriateness of particular accounting standards PART 5: Role of International Accounting Standards 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Global environment Australia’s...
Words: 22505 - Pages: 91
...AUTHOR: Beatrix Allah-Mensah Department of Political Science University of Ghana, Legon ISBN: 9988-572-87-5 © Copyright Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, Accra Published in 2005 Printed & designed by O´Mens Graphix, Accra, Tel.:021-238098 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to acknowledge the contribution of all those who made this project a success. First, I give glory to the Almighty God for bringing me this far in my academic and professional pursuit. Secondly, I express my thanks to all my lecturers in the Department of Political Science, University of Ghana, who have nurtured me onto this path of professional and academic life. Thirdly, I am grateful to all our key informant interviewees from all the institutions/ministries/political parties who gave us their time and valuable information used for this study. Fourthly, I wish to sincerely acknowledge the contribution of my research assistants, Alfred Appiah and Nimingah Beka, national service personnel of the Department of Political Science for their dedicated service during the data collection. Finally, I would like to express my thanks to the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) for commissioning this study and giving me the opportunity to carry it out with financial and institutional support. I would like to state that, except for quotations or references which have been dully acknowledged, this is the result of a research I conducted personally. God Bless all who contributed to this effort. i TABLE OF CONTENT FOREWORD WOMEN IN POLITICS...
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...MANU/SC/0241/2007 Equivalent Citation: 2007(2)ALT1(SC), JT2007(2)SC1, (2007)3SCC184, [2007]1SCR317 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Writ Petition (Civil) No. 1 of 2006, Transferred Case Nos. 82 to 90 of 2006 and Writ Petition (C) No. 129 of 2006 Decided On: 10.01.2007 Appellants: Raja Ram Pal Vs. Respondent: The Hon'ble Speaker, Lok Sabha and Ors. Parameter of judicial review in relation to exercise of parliamentary provisions Hon'ble Judges/Coram: Y.K. Sabharwal, C.J., K.G. Balakrishnan, C.K. Thakker, R.V. Raveendran and D.K. Jain, JJ. Counsels: For Appellant/Petitioner/Plaintiff: Ram Jethmalani, P.N. Lekihi, T.R. Andhyarujina, Sr. Advs., Krishan Singh Chauhan, Indra Pratap Singh, Gyan Mitra, Chand Kiran, P.K. Jayakrishnan, K.C. Lamba, Sudha Pal, V.K. Shukla, Nischal Kumar Neeraj, Ashish Tripathi, K.K. Mohan, Nawal Kishore Jha, M.P. Jha, Harshvardha Jha, Ram Ekbal Roy, Rani Jethmalani, Harish Pandey, Samar Bansal, Abhik Kumar, P.R. Mala, Rajiv Kumar Tiwari, Rajesh Kumar, Sanjai Tiwari, Lata Krishnamurthi, Sachin Jain, Mukesh Kumar Tripathi, Lokesh Kumar, M.K. Garg, Meenakshi Arora, S. K. Mehndiratta, Pranav Sen, S.W.A. Qadri, Mahra, R.M. Sharma, Sushma Suri, Advs., Gopal Subramanian, ASG., Dayan Krishnan, Gautam Narayan, Satyakam, T.S. Murthy, Raghenth Basant, Aman Ahluwalia, Arunav Patnaik, Abhishek Tiwari and D.S. Mahra, Advs. Subject: Constitution Acts/Rules/Orders: Constitution of India (Forty-fourth Amendment) Act, 1978 - Section 15, Constitution of India (Forty-fourth Amendment)...
Words: 122434 - Pages: 490
...much deeper understanding of the expectations of different sectors in our society. And, at the same time, it has strengthened my resolve to serve the community as a whole. During this period, my campaign team and I have visited all 18 districts, held consultative gatherings ~ "Together we write the Manifesto" ~ and met with people from all walks of life at close quarters. We listened to the views expressed by ordinary people, who make up the majority of the population, and we talked to business people, both big corporations and local traders alike. We attended numerous other activities, met with Members of the Election Committee and answered their queries. Every step of the way, we were accompanied by the media, reporting and helping us to spread our messages to those who were not able to come to the gatherings. We were mindful that every proposal which we put forward would be examined and every promise which we made would be remembered, and we fully expected that we would be held accountable. As I have repeatedly said during my campaign, I face not just Members of the Election Committee but the seven million citizens of Hong Kong. I hold myself accountable to them, each and every one. I have placed before my fellow citizens my vision...
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