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Examine the Reasons for Changes in Birth Rates and Family Size Since 1900 (24 Marks)


Submitted By elliejmadden
Words 1121
Pages 5
‘Examine’ Essay Planning Sheet Name:

Essay Title: Examine the reasons for changes in birth rates and family size since 1900 (24 marks) |
Underline or highlight the key concepts, terms and instructions, by identifying these key elements it will allow you to focus on answering the question.
It is important to use relevant sociological terminology within the context of you essay. List the key sociological terms that will be appropriate for this essay. Birth rates, family size, baby boom, total fertility rate, economic liability, child centeredness, socially constructed childhood, infant mortality rate |

IntroductionSignpost to the question and clearly explain the key concepts /terms of the question | The birth rate is the number of live births per 1000 of the population per year. There has been a decline in the number of births since 1900. In that year, England and Wales had a birth rate of 28.7, but by 2007 it had fallen to around 10.7. However there have been changes in births, with three baby booms (after the two wars and in the mid-1960s) The family size is the number of people living in the same house as a child. There has also been a change in family sizes since the 1900’s - it has decreased from an average of 3 to 1.8 children in a household. | Paragraph 1PointThe point must be appropriate in answering the question. | Changes in the position of women has affected the birth rates in the UK since 1900; | Explain the point | Women now have legal equality with men, they have increased educational opportunities and more women are in paid full time employment. Because of these changes, it has resulted in women having other possibilities in life other than being the traditional housewife; this has led to a decrease in birth rates as many are now postponing having children or not having any at all, so that they can

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