...personality type to do. After taking the Keirsey Temperament survey I discovered I’m an INFJ, which is the rarest personality type of all. The name dubbed to my personality type is “The Caregiver”. It states that they are caring and parental towards everyone they love and love organization, yet extremely unfocused and in need of routine (INFJ 1). When I read that I couldn’t help but think that for once, an online quiz was actually right. It also said I was good with people and was well suited for medical work or being an artist of some sort, which just happened to fit two of my career choices (Careers 1). My careers chosen have no correlation what-so-ever beside the kooky brain that likes all of them. I decided Tattoo Artist was a good one because I love tattoos and the idea of a piece of your work becoming a part of another person. Then, I chose Special Education...
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...Table of Contents 2. Biomedical and Electronic skin patch 2 Motivation behind the Technology 5 Applications 6 Drug delivery system 6 Health monitoring 8 Medium of Communication 11 Human Computer Interaction Interface 12 Stakeholders 12 3. Ethical and Legal Concerns with the technology 14 3.1 Legal Issues 14 Inconsistent Medication 14 Number of Impacts of Wireless Technology 15 Data Integrity and Hacking 16 3.2 Ethical dilemma 17 Cultural and religious criticism 17 Public Monitoring/privacy 19 Impact on people with disabilities 20 Cost issues 20 Social Issues/implications 20 Credibility of Source of Information 21 4. Resolutions for these dilemmas 22 4.1 Possible solution 22 Tackling health issues 22 Preventing leakage of personal information 23 Preventing Overuse of Skin Patch 24 Addressing cultural issues 24 Denying any form of tracking human information 25 4.2 Strategy for implementation 25 Conclusion 26 Reference List 26 1. Introduction The purpose of this report is to identify the legal and ethical issues related to electronic skin patch and provide a possible solution to tackle it. The limitations of current medical science lead to the advancement of biomedical science to resolve the gap. The report further deals with the new technology electronic skin patch that promises to overcome the potholes of the traditional medical science. It provides the detailed analysis of the technology and the strategy...
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...Media Research Assignment: Body Image “If your hair isn’t beautiful, the rest hardly matters” (an ad for shampoo). A woman in a diet ad exults, “I’d probably never be married now if I hadn’t lost 49 pounds.” Society never noticed beauty because it is too busy trying to create it. What role is media playing in the effects it has on people? Today's media in America affects social standards, and many often identify the media as their primary source of information. The mass media serves as a mediating structure between individuals and how we address identity by sending a powerful message to society: only a determined physical stereotype of beauty is valued. Reiterated by other primary agents of socialization, such as families, peers and schools, the idea is taken seriously by individuals. Body image is a complicated aspect of the self-concept that concerns an individual's perceptions and feelings about their body and physical appearance. Media negatively affects body image through ideal appearance, health issues and self-esteem. Effects of Advertisement: Society is extremely immersed in media. Media portrays the ideal body image negatively and impacts ideal appearance through magazines, commercials, and advertisement. The mass media's depiction of women portrays a standard of beauty that is unrealistic and unattainable for a majority of women in society. For example, Amy Finley, a community leader advocating advice for women, discusses a healthy message that women shouldn't...
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...Batek: Traditional Tattoos Batek: Traditional Tattoos and Identities in Contemporary Kalinga, North Luzon Philippines Analyn Ikin V. Salvador-Amores ABSTRACT In the early 16th century, traditional tattooing is widespread in the Philippines, but very little is known or written about the practice. Sources for the study of traditional tattoos in Northern Luzon are very inadequate and merely make vague statements on the function and symbolic meaning of tattoos, as well as the relationship between the practice and culture as a whole. The statements likewise reveal a distinctly ethnocentric deportment. Until today, tattooing and tattoo designs in the Cordilleras are best understood within the context of headhunting. Headhunting was the only known reason for tattooing, and, to this day, no one knows exactly what tattoos signify. This paper provides insights into the roles and functions of the tattoos, and how the tattoos (batek) become cultural symbols of the intricate rituals brought about by community regimens of the Ilubo, Kalinga. No longer practiced, the batek of the Ilubo is a visually powerful rendering of symmetry and unity of designs. Batek now serve as an archive of culture for the group. Keywords: Tattoo, rites of passage, body adornment, identity, Kalinga INTRODUCTION My anthropological interest in body ornamentation, specifically in traditional tattoos, began in 1990. I met an old Bontoc woman who sold balatinao (red rice) in one of the old market stalls in...
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...Consumer Behavior Key Terms: learning, classical conditioning, instrumental conditioning, reinforcement, stimulus generalization, stimulus discrimination, brand loyalty, motives, unconscious motives, buyer decision process, information search, perception, subliminal perception, self image, perceived risk, attitude, cognitive dissonance, post-purchase (cognitive) dissonance, buyer's remorse, purchase decision process, problem recognition, information search, evaluative criteria, alternative evaluation, consideration set, reference group, beliefs, attitude change, opinion leader, word-of-mouth advertising, buzz marketing, Bzz Agent, family, social class, culture, subculture, innovators, compatibility, complexity, divisibility, communicability, relative advantage, and adoption process. Consumer Behavior- The relatively young discipline of marketing has a great deal to learn from other fields such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, etc. -- especially when it comes to consumer motivation and behavior. One thing scholars are noticing is the convergence of disciplines. A. Contributions of Psychology to Consumer Behavior Learning—Two important learning theories are classical conditioning (Pavlov) and instrumental conditioning (Skinner). Classical conditioning focuses on contiguity (association) and repetition. Pavlov taught dogs to associate the meat and the bell by pairing the two through numerous trials. Eventually, the dog salivated to the bell without the...
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...Sexually transmitted infections (STI), also referred to as sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and venereal diseases (VD), are infections that are commonly spread by sex, especially vaginal intercourse, anal sex and oral sex. Most STIs initially do not cause symptoms.[1] This results in a greater risk of passing the disease on to others.[2][3] Symptoms and signs of disease may include vaginal discharge, penile discharge, ulcers on or around the genitals, and pelvic pain. STIs acquired before or during birth may result in poor outcomes for the baby. Some STIs may cause problems with the ability to get pregnant.[1] More than 30 different bacteria, viruses, and parasites can cause STIs.[1] Bacterial STIs include chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis among others. Viral STIs include genital herpes, HIV/AIDS, and genital warts among others. Parasitic STIs include trichomoniasis among others. While usually spread by sex, some STIs can also be spread by non-sexual contact with contaminated blood and tissues, breastfeeding, or during childbirth.[1] STI diagnostic tests are easily available in the developed world, but this is often not the case in the developing world.[1] The most effective way of preventing STIs is by not having sex.[4] Some vaccinations may also decrease the risk of certain infections including hepatitis B and some types of HPV.[4] Safer sex practices such as use of condoms, having a smaller number of sexual partners, and being in a relationship where each person only has...
Words: 5615 - Pages: 23
...that emerged at the moment neoliberal policies transformed Italy’s historically protectionist labor market. I trace how the medicalization of mobbing has expanded workers’ access to compensation, resources, and discursive tools for criticizing neoliberal labor conditions, even as it has produced new structures of surveillance. I unravel the neoliberal politics of a state that protects workers’ health yet governs worker–citizens through an apparatus of medical experts. I find that workers’ labor problems are experienced and managed as bodily problems in ways important to remaking Italian citizenship. [neoliberalism, state, labor, biopolitics, citizenship, bodies, Italy] An institution, even an economy, is complete and fully viable only if it is durably objectified . . . in bodies. —Pierre Bourdieu1 It was the spirit of capitalism made flesh. —Upton Sinclair2 n 2003, a new psychophysical disturbance, organizational coercion pathology (disturbi psichici e fisici da costrittivit` organizzativa sul a lavoro), or OCP, became a work-related illness that was insurable by an Italian state public-health institution (Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro [INAIL] 2003).3 Telltale symptoms, often likened to those of posttraumatic stress disorder (disturbo post traumatico del stress), include anxiety and depression. According to medical experts, its cause is related to a form of harassment recognized widely in much of Europe (e.g., Amato et al. 2002; Ege 2001)—...
Words: 18731 - Pages: 75
...Journal of hMarketing Education ttp://jmd.sagepub.com/ A Multicultural Service Sensitivity Exercise for Marketing Students Mark S. Rosenbaum, Ioana Moraru and Lauren I. Labrecque Journal of Marketing Education published online 4 October 2012 DOI: 10.1177/0273475312461257 The online version of this article can be found at: http://jmd.sagepub.com/content/early/2012/10/03/0273475312461257 Published by: http://www.sagepublications.com Additional services and information for Journal of Marketing Education can be found at: Email Alerts: http://jmd.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions: http://jmd.sagepub.com/subscriptions Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Permissions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav >> OnlineFirst Version of Record - Oct 4, 2012 What is This? Downloaded from jmd.sagepub.com by guest on October 10, 2012 461257 rnal of Marketing EducationRosenbaum et al. JMDXXX10.1177/0273475312461257Jou A Multicultural Service Sensitivity Exercise for Marketing Students Journal of Marketing Education XX(X) 1–13 © The Author(s) 2012 Reprints and permission: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/0273475312461257 http://jmed.sagepub.com Mark S. Rosenbaum1, Ioana Moraru1, and Lauren I. Labrecque2 Abstract Services marketing and retailing courses place service quality at the heart of the curriculum, painting service providers as defenders of their customers’ welfare and thwarters of service...
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...1.0 INTRODUCTION What is Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)? According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2015), strategic human resource management (strategic HRM, or SHRM) is an approach to managing human resources that supports long-term business goals and outcomes with a strategic framework. The approach emphases on longer-term people issues, matching resources to future needs as well as macro-concerns about structure, quality, culture, values and commitment. It is necessarily dependent on the evolving nature of work itself. As mentioned by Stone (2013), because human resource management (HRM) seeks to strategically integrate the interests of an organisation and its employees, it is much more than a set of activities relating to the coordination of an organisation’s human resources. HRM is a major contributor to the success of an enterprise because it is in a key position ‘to affect customers, business results and ultimately shareholder value’. Stated by Gratton (2000), ‘The new sources of sustainable competitive advantage available to organisations have people at the centre – their creativity and talent, their inspirations and hopes, their dreams and excitement. The companies that flourish in this decade will do so because they are able to provide meaning and purpose, a context and frame that encourages individual potential to flourish and grow’. Stone (2013) mentioned that HRM is either part of the problem or part of the solution in...
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...Graduate School of Development Studies A Research Paper presented by: Joreen Nkole Mwelwa (ZAMBIA) In partial fulfilment of the requirements for obtaining the degree of MASTERS OF ARTS IN DEVELOPMENT STUDIES Specialization: Public Policy and Management (PPM) Members of the examining committee: Prof. Dr Michael Grimm (Supervisor) Dr Bridget O’Laughlin (Reader) The Hague, The Netherlands November, 2009 Disclaimer: This document represents part of the author’s study programme while at the Institute of Social Studies. The views stated therein are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Institute. Research papers are not made available for circulation outside of the Institute. Inquiries: Postal address: Institute of Social Studies P.O. Box 29776 2502 LT The Hague The Netherlands Location: Kortenaerkade 12 2518 AX The Hague The Netherlands Telephone: +31 70 426 0460 Fax: +31 70 426 0799 Acknowledgements I give my sincere gratitude to Jehovah God for his love and care throughout my life and the fifteen months I have been here. With much honour I sincerely thank my Supervisor, Prof M.Grimm, truth be told it was a blessing to have a supervisor like him, I am short of words to describe him, I would simply say he has been...
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...Journal of Management and Marketing Research Product placement effectiveness: revisited and renewed Kaylene Williams California State University, Stanislaus Alfred Petrosky California State University, Stanislaus Edward Hernandez California State University, Stanislaus Robert Page, Jr. Southern Connecticut State University ABSTRACT Product placement is the purposeful incorporation of commercial content into noncommercial settings, that is, a product plug generated via the fusion of advertising and entertainment. While product placement is riskier than conventional advertising, it is becoming a common practice to place products and brands into mainstream media including films, broadcast and cable television programs, computer and video games, blogs, music videos/DVDs, magazines, books, comics, Broadway musicals and plays, radio, Internet, and mobile phones. To reach retreating audiences, advertisers use product placements increasingly in clever, effective ways that do not cost too much. The purpose of this paper is to examine product placement in terms of definition, use, purposes of product placement, specific media vehicles, variables that impact the effectiveness of product placement, the downside of using product placement, and the ethics of product placement. Keywords: Product placement, brand placement, branded entertainment, in-program sponsoring Product placement effectiveness, Page 1 Journal of Management and Marketing Research INTRODUCTION In its simplest form...
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...Work Release Programs and Recidivism Veronica M. Chapa CRIJ 4308 Capstone in Criminal Justice Spring II 2015 Introduction In searching what the biggest problem is in the criminal justice system, so many problems arise. One of the biggest problems that stuck out was the fact that the work release programs and recidivism are still an issue. What can this nation do to improve the work release programs and reduce recidivism? If this nation had more opportunities for those who are being released from prison from an extensive stay and who have lost the ability to understand how it is to live in the “real world”, maybe they would not turn back to crime and rejoin their peers in prison. This is a problem because there is a big issue with the overcrowding of prisons, and if we can reduce recidivism, then there will not be an issue of overcrowded prisons and people would start to turn their lives around. ““In light of rapidly rising prison populations in a vast number of jurisdictions, on the one hand, and high corresponding recidivism rates, on the other, the need for renewed focus on reintegrating prisoners into the community has become urgent” (Cheliotis, 2008). The purpose of this study is to show how there is an issue with the lack of work release programs for prisoners who are being released and how with these programs, the nation can reduce recidivism. It is important to study this because with many ex-prisoners who are not use to living in the “real world”, turn back to...
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...Confirming Proofs Chapter 3 Strategic Market Segmentation Segmenting markets is a foundation for superior performance. Understanding how buyers’ needs and wants vary is essential to designing effective marketing strategies. Effective approaches to segmenting markets may be one of the most critical factors in developing and implementing market-driven strategy. The need to improve an organization’s understanding of buyers is escalating because of buyers’ demands for uniqueness and the growing array of technology available to generate products to satisfy these demands. Companies are responding to the opportunities to provide unique customer value with products ranging from customized phone pagers for business users to self-designed, individualized greeting cards for consumers. Indeed, McKinsey research underlines the weakness of thinking about markets only in general terms—talking of market trends, growth markets, mass markets, declining markets, and so on—and collecting information that describes only broad trends, where differences within markets are averaged-out. They point to the identification of opportunities from a deeper understanding of markets at a “granular” level. Market fragmentation and increasing granularity characterize a growing number of markets. The compelling logic of market granularity is that effective strategy can emerge only from a much finer understanding of market segments, their needs, and the capabilities required to serve them.1 Best Buy provides an interesting...
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...What Every Body is Saying An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People Joe Navarro FBI Special Agent (Ret.) with Marvin Karlins, Ph.D. To my grandmother, Adelina, whose withered hands lovingly molded a child into a man. —JOE NAVARRO To my wife, Edyth, who has blessed me with her love and taught me what it means to be a caring human being. —MARVIN KARLINS Contents Foreword: I See What Y ou’re Thinking Acknowledgments One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Mastering the Secrets of Nonverbal Communication Living Our Limbic Legacy Getting a Leg Up on Body Language: Nonverbals of the Feet and Legs Torso Tips: Nonverbals of the Torso, Hips, Chest, and Shoulders Knowledge Within Reach: Nonverbals of the Arms Getting a Grip: Nonverbals of the Hands and Fingers The Mind’s Canvas: Nonverbals of the Face Detecting Deception: Proceed with Caution! Some Final Thoughts Bibliography Searchable Terms About the Authors Other Books by Joe Navarro with Marvin Karlins Credits Copyright About the Publisher FOREWORD I See What Y ou’re Thinking Marvin Karlins, Ph.D. The man sat stoically at one end of the table, carefully crafting his replies to the FBI agent’s inquiries. He wasn’t considered a major suspect in the murder case. His alibi was believable and he sounded sincere, but the agent pressed on nevertheless. With the suspect’s consent, he was asked a series of questions about the murder weapon: “If you had committed this...
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...Antiretroviral Therapy Guidelines for HIV-Infected Adults and Adolescents Including Post-exposure Prophylaxis May 2007 NACO Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Government of India Assessment and Management of HIV-Infected Person No Is HIV infection confirmed? Send to ICTC for confirmation of HIV status Yes Perform history taking and physical examination (see p 9 ) Evaluate for signs and symptoms of HIV infection or OIs and WHO clinical staging (see p 10) Provide appropriate investigations/treatment of OIs (see p 13 ) If pregnant, refer to PPTCT Screen for TB Screen for STI Identify need for: CTX prophylaxis (see p 16 ) ART (see p 18 ) No Pre ART care (see p 15 ) Yes Give patient education on treatment and adherence (see p 54 ) Arrange psychosocial, nutrition and community support (see p 56) Start ART, (see p 19 ) Arrange follow-up + monitoring (see p 25 ) Assess adherence every visit Provide positive prevention advice and condoms Provide patient information sheet on the ART regimen prescribed (see annex 7, 8) Antiretroviral Therapy Guidelines for HIV-Infected Adults and Adolescents Including Post-exposure Prophylaxis May 2007 NACO National AIDS Control organisation Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India with support from CDC . Clinton Foundation . WHO TAble of T A b l e o f Acronyms and Abbreviations Introduction....... ..........................................................................................
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