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Example Of A Reflective Practitioner Essay

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Desirable attributes:
As I have no prior experience in an executive role within the higher education sector however, I bring a tremendous about of life experience working within the medical device industry and at a senior level for you to consider against other candidates.

(Nine) Situation: Director of Innovating Device Tech, Territory Manager (Project Manager) at Bio-Rad Laboratories/ ITL Health Care/ Smiths Medical: Territory Manager NSW ACT (Medical Device Sales and Marketing), (eight direct reports nationally). I recently completed a Master of Science in Science Management from The University of Technology, Sydney and graduated with a GPA of 3.05/4. I have also completed the relevant degrees, this is an example of my twenty two years of postgraduate professional healthcare experience. This is an example of my transferable working knowledge, academic expertise, from my …show more content…
• Continuing to promote staff recognition schemes that celebrate achievement.
• Ensuring all communications are real, honest and timely, with information relayed to employees at the same time, or preferably, before it is made public.
• Continuing to provide regular briefings and updates to employees via messages from the Chief Executive and Corporate Director.
• Reviewing the production of team talk to include key corporate messages identified by the corporate leadership team and ensure this is delivered to all employees by managers to encourage staff feedback.
• Working with our group of companies and partner organisations to ensure that ITL Health Care corporate messages are delivered to all their employees.
• Continuing to provide information to elected board members via the weekly members newsletter.
How will we know if we have been successful
• Percentage of employees who are satisfied with communications within ITL Health Care increasing from 74% to

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