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Example Of Courage Research Paper

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In everyone’s life, many people will have to come across a situation where they have to be brave or courageous. Courage is the ability to do something despite putting themselves into an uncomfortable position. Some people react to situations where they have to be courageous, whereas others might have a job or lifestyle that require them to have courage. Learning something that you aren’t used to or that is difficult, or even being a first responder can be examples of being courageous. My courageous act was when I was about 11 years old and I tried out for the Battery Youth Soccer Academy. It all started on a cool morning in October. I was at the West Ashley Fields with my mom and my younger sister. The dew was still on the grass, getting the …show more content…
Many of the kids were older and more experienced so they were going at a faster pace. Every Time I made an error mistake, I could hear the older kids laughing and talking. The next day, it was raining. Despite the sloppy conditions, the coaches explained that they could use the rain to how we played in rugged weather. We were all divided into teams so we could scrimmage each other. I felt small compared to the older kids, but I knew I had to be strong. During the scrimmage I pushed and shoved and fought for every ball, fighting to prove myself. During the game, I received the ball. I sprinted toward the goal, but a kid almost double my size knocked me down hard onto the ground. My knees and palms of my hands were bleeding. I felt like i wanted to stop, but I knew I couldn't because the coaches would think I’m weak. I stood up and walked away. After the training, I was sore. I put everything on the field but I didn’t score a goal or get an assist. I felt like I failed my parents and myself for not accomplishing …show more content…
We trained almost every night. I was much younger than my teammates. I didn’t play very much since they were bigger, stronger, and faster. Towards the end our season, I hadn’t done much to contribute to the team. We reached the final of a tournament. Everyone was tired since we tieing with the other team. As we approached the dying minutes of the game, my coach called me up to substitute into the game for one our best strikers. I ran onto the pitch despite being very nervous. Our defense cleared the ball forward from the opposing team's corner kick and it landed to one of our wingers. He sprinted with the ball into the attacking half looking to cross. I ran into the box elusively unmarked by a defender. He lofted the ball into the air heading straight toward my head. I jumped and hit the ball into goal. It was the most satisfying thing I’ve ever done. I took off my jersey and slid on the field waving my shirt

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