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Examples Of Integrity In The Crucible

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Integrity in Salem Would anyone ever believe that one’s own personal integrity could outweigh the common opinion? In some cases, integrity will be so strong that an individual is willing to die for his or her own beliefs. There were three situations that tested three individuals’ integrity in The Crucible, by Arthur Miller. These challenges were fulfilled by Giles Corey, John Procter, and Rebecca Nurse. Integrity occasionally modifies how a person views the world, and these views can permanently impact one’s decisions. Giles Corey was one of the characters in The Crucible who showed integrity and proved his personal integrity was stronger than the opinions of the court. He said, “I will not give you no name. I mentioned my wife’s name, and …show more content…
Rebecca Nurse was hung for supposedly killing Mrs. Putnam’s eleven children. She said, “If so he is, then let us go to God for the cause of it. There is prodigious danger in the seeking of loose spirits. I fear it. Let us rather blame ourselves” (473). Rebecca believed that if a person committed witchery, then it was God’s will. This showed that she had moral standards by believing in her religion. In her opinion, God had planned for her to die this way, and she was willing to accept God’s choice. This took an abundant amount of courage. She maintained her integrity and her religious views while she ignored the opinions of the community. Integrity can have a lasting impact on how people view the world and how they live in it. Giles died protecting someone else’s name, Procter died protecting his own name, and Nurse died with moral standards. These three examples of integrity throughout The Crucible required a large amount of audacity. The act of integrity is a brave characteristic and should not go unnoticed. These three individuals demonstrated strong beliefs and because of their moral standards, they sacrificed their own

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