...domestically has changed policing? How? Why? Provide examples. Yes, I believe so. How- by the passing of patriotic act by the congress Why in order to respond to terrorist attacks the act allowed federal officials to trace and intercept communication that might be useful in prevention of terrorist attack. In addition, the powers to reorganization of counter terrorism policing and increase of police powers. Another reason as to why it has brought change is by bringing about the restructuring of local police and the federal state agencies, and new refocusing of resources (Riley & Hoffman, 1995). Moreover, by the standardization of methods of enacting new laws and use of electronic gadget to trace terrorism activities, the reason being to respond to domestic terrorism. Lastly is by creation of the homeland security by the United State congress. Why or the reason for the creation of this department is to integrate all existing agencies, and ensure the United State nation security (online Source:http://www.dhs.gov/xabout/structure/) Example more focus has been concentrated on domestic terrorism, the FBI for example, assigned out of its 27000 agents, 4000 agents to counter terrorism activities. Another example is the Naturalization service and immigration, which reorganizes in order to expand enforcement duties. Have the number of victims of racial profiling increased over the last decade? The number of racial profiling has increased over the last decade. According to Khalid...
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...Back in 1693, Philadelphia had granted police the legal authority to halt and question any man of color caught wandering the streets. This type of act is called racial profiling, which refers to a practice where law enforcement personnel or people of legal authority to discriminately target those for crimes based on ethnicity, religion and race. Racial profiling should be accepted as law enforcement practice. Racial profiling is a necessary factor in contributing to the means of preventing terrorism. There is nothing wrong with using this method as a tool in catching those that threaten the lives of others. In the September 11th tragedy, nineteen group members from al-Qaeda bypassed airport security and crashed multiple planes into the World Trade Center...
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...Everything Isn’t Racial Profiling By Linda Chavez Critical analysis Racial Profiling is a Good Bias "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.'… I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."(King, 1963, P.49) These were the words of the infamous Martin Luther King, a man whose goal in life was to strain to give this world racial equality and stop racial profiling and injustice. Linda Chavez, the author of the article ‘Everything Isn’t Racial Profiling’ argues that racial profiling is an ugly business and that it is just wrong and unjust, as she herself was subjected to it. Linda’s argument is that racial profiling is undeniably wrong, but the fact that security puts people under scrutiny is correct. I think the author’ argument is quite legitimate and convincing. Racial profiling is biased, but in some cases it is permissible, especially when it comes to airline safety. ‘Everything Isn’t Racial Profiling’ is an article that talks about how racial profiling is generally immoral, but in some certain times putting certain people under scrutiny is logical. Chavez clarifies that it is unpleasant to be a victim of racial profiling especially if you know it happens because of your nationality or the color of your skin...
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...Social Justice and Equality: Racial Profiling Galina Shlikht, Nicole Gordon and Becky Overstreet City University of Seattle Author’s Note Galina Shilkht, Student, City University Nicole Gordon, Student, City University Becky Overstreet, Student, City University Social Justice and Equality Team Outline (All) Conflict and Solutions 1. Faulty communication Sometimes criticism can be given inappropriately. This can result in hurting the feelings of group members leaving them feeling devalued. When this happens, we as a team believe the first thing that must be done is to be honest and let the group know how you feel. So we must acknowledge the conflict. The next appropriate step would be to discuss the conflict with all of the team members. After this, we should try and understand the situation and reach an agreement. One of the agreements could be that criticism be given appropriately and constructively. 2. Time management With work, kids, and living in different time zones it can be a challenge to find the time that works best for the three of us to discuss the details, questions, and/or concerns about our essay together. Our solution to this is to set up exact times and day, sort of like an online appointment, for when the three of us can be available via Facebook group message. 3. Personality clashes We all have our own way of doing things. Our styles of working might be different and sometimes this can cause a conflict with each other...
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...In today’s world we live in a very media driven manner. The media can sway people’s attitudes towards a certain direction depending on the circumstances. Racial Profiling is a very sensitive topic every individual can relate to. It is known as the inclusion of racial or ethnic characteristics in determining whether an individual is considered likely to commit a particular type of crime or illegal act. For example, the media has “essentialized” the meaning of terrorism destroying the sweet religion of Islam. The word essentializing means to combine complex terms into a single thought or image making it simpler. Due to racial profiling we regard terrorists as any type of brown male. It is the society we live in and hence we have no choice to deal with it. What exactly does the term racial profiling meaning? One could say that it is the consideration of race in criminal investigations. “For example, the popular term “DWB”, means that black people are more scrutinized and thought of when driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (Geek). It is also a state of imagery that comes to mind when thinking of a crime; one tends to think of African Americans as the cause of most crimes. It is very unfair for them but that is the society we live in. Even though many “Black People” do live in the ghettos, it is unjust to tie them with most crimes such as gang wars, drive by shootings and thefts. The media contributes to 90 percent of these stereotypes (Geek). Like in the inner city...
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...Policing Author Note Abstract Racial profiling has a long history in the United States. One that has routes in our culture, history, and psyche that have been established over the years by differences in social status, heritage, and demographics. A lot has been learned, evolved, addressed amidst ever changing views and necessitated tolerances. Racial profiling is unjust but in a time of heighten needs for security, law enforcement scrutiny, and improved policing standards and technology it is a misnomer and often quickly used to characterize an agencies or officers action. Riley v. California: Effect on Proactive Policing Racial profiling is a longstanding and deeply troubling national problem despite claims that the United States has entered a “post-racial era.” It occurs every day, in cities and towns across the country, when law enforcement and private security target people of color for humiliating and often frightening detentions, interrogations, and searches without evidence of criminal activity and based on perceived race, ethnicity, national origin, or religion. Racial profiling is patently illegal, violating the U.S. Constitution’s core promises of equal protection under the law to all and freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. In today’s world we live in a very social media driven manner. The media can sway people’s attitudes towards a certain direction depending on the circumstances. Racial Profiling is a very sensitive topic every individual...
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...Racial Profiling Angelique Rosales Senior Capstone in Criminal Justice (CRJS499 -1502B -01) Unit 1 Individual Project American InterContinental University 6/16/2015 Abstract The topics covered for research Racial Profiling, explain what it is, why it occurs, how data can be collected. Resources that are provided cover many different questions that can be asked about racial profiling as well as my ethical standards towards providing what I have prepared to share. Thesis What is Racial Profiling? Racial profiling occurs when law enforcement targets someone for investigation on the basis of that person’s race, national origin, or ethnicity. It has been a very heated issue for the past few years now. Race and location are very dominant characteristics that authorities look at when engaging in this type of profiling. There is so much news of how certain races are being abused or how authorities are stepping out of boundaries with their actions towards certain races. Why does racial profiling occur? There are statistics that demonstrate that minorities are disproportionately targeted by police are plentiful. Some of which have even complied by police departments themselves. So even though there are many who are aware it is happening, and happening all over the country, there is very little effort to curb the practice. Racial profiling occurs mostly because people are close minded and judgmental on someone’s ethical background or race. Since one does not come from...
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... Racial Profiling Racial profiling is a practice used knowingly and unknowingly in police departments, airport systems, and many other agencies worldwide. Racial profiling refers to the targeting of particular individuals based not on their behavior, but rather their personal characteristics, a person's race, ethnicity, or religion. Background of racial profiling The term racial profiling is relatively new term. Law enforcement agencies have...
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...from other groups based on abstract or actual physical qualities. A stereotype is a prejudiced view regarding a community. Racial profiling is a consequence of the stereotyping of a racialized people. This paper examines race profiling in Canada. Furthermore, it discusses how race profiling is evident in the process of “Carding” by law enforcement authorities. Racial profiling is the suspicion of certain individuals of law breaking due to a person’s faith, background, race, or nationality. It originates from racialization of ethnic groups since it occurs because of the stereotyping of racialized people by law enforcement officials. An instance of racial profiling is the halting of drivers for inconsequential traffic infringements based on race. In (http://torontolife.com/city/life/skin-im-ive-interrogated-police-50-times-im-black/) the police pursue the author’s father and eventually stop him just because the author’s cousin threw out a piece of Kleenex through the car window. The implications of racial profiling include sidelining of certain racial groups; hostility towards members of specific races; increased surveillance of distinct communities by the police and leads to the police losing faith and reliability from the citizens they serve. The first effect of racial profiling is the marginalization of communities that are more prone to race profiling....
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...Racial profiling is a problem which is gaining widespread notoriety in the United States. It may be the most important homeland issue we face today. Not only does racial profiling affect civilians, but it actually makes law enforcement ineffective. Most efforts to investigate and eradicate racial profiling have failed due to unclear findings and a lack of accountability on the part of law enforcement. . Racial profiling is one of the most important civil rights issues facing our country today. Not only does racial profiling affect the direct victims, it negatively affects all people of color, in all generations, of all levels of economic standing. The integrity and accountability of law enforcement agencies is lost due to racial profiling. This integrity is lost in the communities that need effective law enforcement the most, making it close to impossible for police officers to do their jobs. Racial profiling can be defined as “any police-initiated action that that relies on the race, ethnicity or national origin rather than behavior of an individual or information that leads the police to a particular individual who has been identified as being, or having been, engaged in criminal activity (Jost)." There are two types of racial profiling, hard and soft. Hard profiling uses race as the only factor in assessing criminal suspiciousness (MacDonald, 132). A good example of hard profiling would be an officer seeing a black person and, without more to go on, pulling him over for...
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...[Students name appear here] [Professor’s name appear here] Racial Profiling Date appears here Racial Profiling History is replete with examples of people that have differentiated between themselves and others that are different in any which way. This abhorrent discrimination between two human beings has not become a relic of the past; rather it still persists in our modern society in some form or the other. The United States of America is no stranger to incidents where these objectionable incidents are recorded widely, and it is not just relegated to poor neighborhoods and other similarly shady areas. Rather, it has become a permanent feature in the corporate world, Government and other similar places where these sorts of differentiations would be least expected. One community that has always been constantly repressed is the African American community. Their forefathers were brought to America’s shores as slaves, in times when slavery was still tolerated. To this day, many people in America still consider them as alien to their land. This of course leads to a host of problems across America that shows up when African Americans across the country are questioned about their fortunes. This sort of discrimination is often encouraged by many people that rather disturbingly have a lot of authority and power in making and implementing laws. Their argument is that discriminating and acting against the Black community is a viable way of making sure that Crime is kept in check. ...
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...St. Andrew In my book racial profiling is not tolerated it’s despicable, unpleasant, and inappropriate I am definitely against it. Racial profiling is wrong and is a form of racism, and it also goes against the basic bounds of the Bill of Rights. Racial profiling has been used for decades by law prosecution interventions, dating back to the early sixties during the civil rights movement. One of the most famous accounts of racial profiling was the arrest and custody of Rubin “Hurricane” Carter, who was arrested for murder. The way Rubin Carter was detained by APV that two African American males in a white car were suspects of the murder; out of all the African Americans in white cars in the city how could the cops possibly determine which car to pull over, in that caser every white car with two African American males should have been pulled over. Even today racial profiling still goes on it’s not as bad as before but it’s still disrespectful to others. People are being mistaken for a criminal because you “fit the profile”? This is a common scenario all across America. All too often minorities are being sent off to jail because they “fit the profile”. Racial profiling is wrong, and it alters lives, destroys families, and halts dreams. Because of racial profiling, many African American and other minorities sit in jails and prisons across this nation, many of whom “let’s face it”, were guilty until proven innocent. The issue of racial profiling takes many shapes and forms...
Words: 766 - Pages: 4
...The Impact of Racial Profiling on Society Racial profiling, a topic that has plagued society for generations due to discrepancies between the police and minority groups that never seems to end. In the eyes of minority groups, racial profiling is seen as a tool by which police officers can unreasonably arrest individuals for crimes based solely on the colour of their skin. This has slowly turned into a term known a DWB (Driving While Black) and has lead to many public outrages, enlarging the fact that police are seen as the big bad wolf and not the country’s source of protection. The question is whether racial profiling is an effective and reasonable tool by which criminal offences are brought to justice or just another reason for racial discrimination....
Words: 1506 - Pages: 7
...people based on societal factors such as language, religions or their customary heritage. Racial profiling is arguably one of the most controversial issues affecting people based on race. To begin with, racial profiling refers to the process through which individuals are targeted by law enforcement agencies based...
Words: 1441 - Pages: 6
...reader that the perspective is valid and should be considered seriously, providing reasoning and evidence to support your stance. Some prompts I am interested in writing an argument about are should racial profiling be a legitimate law-enforcement policy in some areas. This topic interests me because I have always felt that this should be a law enforcement policy with all the racial incidents around the world happening. If there were some types of consequences that people had to go through for being so hatred toward others of color. The world...
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