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Characteristics Of John Proctor In The Crucible

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Crucible essay
An admirable person is to have a high opinion of respect and esteem for someone. In the Crucible, by Arthur Miller, a witch trial in 1692 that occurred in salem left people in the town filled with all types of emotions and thoughts. A character named john proctor actions left the character in shock. John proctor is a very admirable character.
John proctor, a character in the crucible, was very well known. He was a farmer man in his mid-thirties. He was a married man to a charter that is named elizabeth proctor. It is said he was known for being a very nice man. It was also known that he was a very helpful man. Proctor is his nickname or so many people call him. He is also very well respected throughout the whole community of …show more content…
Many didn't believe that this was fair so, the courts and higher authorities wanted him to confess to witchcraft so he will be let free. The courts sent elizabeth proctor, john's wife, to go ask him to confess. As john and elizabeth have a conversation about their baby, john tells elizabeth that he thinks he should confess,”I have been thinking i would confess to them, Elizabeth. What you say? If i give them that?” (135). John comes to a conclusion and decides to confess because dying with pride would be worse than just lying. Soon after he signed the papers he found out the goody rebecca nurse would refuse to confess. After hearing that he decided he did not want to confess anymore and ripped up his papers. He soon took the punishment of death.
In the book John proctor changed as a character in many ways and in a whole. In the beginning of the play john was a farmer with no bad intentions and was a good man with a wife. Later out it is found his dirty secrets such as having a affair with abigail. Then he saw his mistakes when his wife was accused and tried to change for the sake of his wife and kid on the way. john , unfortunately was too late and was soonly accused of witchcraft. John tried to change when he found out that his ways hurt many

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