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Elizabeth Proctor Honest In The Crucible

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“In her life, sir, she have never lied.” This is a quote said by John Proctor, a character from The Crucible, while he was speaking to Governor Danforth about Elizabeth never telling a lie in her life. Elizabeth Proctor is a strong, christian, religious women in the play The Crucible who had 3 children with her husband John Proctor. She had strong morals like following the law and never telling a lie or sinning. Elizabeth Proctor and I had a few personality traits in common in that we are honest, non judgmental and also we both blame ourselves a good bit. Both Elizabeth Proctor and I share the same trait in which we are both honest. One way Elizabeth was honest in the story The Crucible was her never telling a lie. She was known for never telling a lie because she was a strong christian women and lying was a sin. Being honest is also one of my major morals. For example, a way I’m honest is I can’t ever lie and get away with it. I did lie a few times in my life but I end up feeling super guilty about it and confess to it. Also another way I’m very honest is because I’m always telling people the truth and letting them know how I feel about them. When I have something on my mind about someone, I always just come up and say my honest opinion on how I feel about …show more content…
An example from the story The Crucible was how Elizabeth acted toward other people. She’s not a kind of person that judges other people because of how they looked. She tried to get along with people unless someone does her wrong like Abigail. Elizabeth was very understanding. Just like Elizabeth, I’m also not a judgmental person. Im nice to everyone and you could say I don’t judge a book by its cover. If people are nice to me, I am the same way back to them. I try not to get myself into any trouble with others also. Those are some examples from The Crucible on how me and Elizabeth are alike by not being judgmental towards

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