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Honesty In The Crucible

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Even the most honest person will tell a lie to save him or herself. During the Salem Witch Trials, if one is accused of being a witch and he or she goes to trial and doesn’t confess, he or she will be hanged. One may be telling the truth in claiming innocence of witchcraft, but the court will not believe a person accused of witchcraft unless one has confessed. The assumption of the practice of witchcraft came about when Abigail’s Uncle Parris, caught her friends and her dancing around a fire in the woods conjuring spirits. As the play, The Crucible, by Arthur Miller goes on, some of the characters are found to be honest, jealous and full of pride.

Honesty is said to be the best policy, however in The Crucible, the characters …show more content…
When the feeling of jealousy gets so overwhelming, one will do anything to get what he or she wants in life. Early in The Crucible, Abigail Williams had an affair with John Proctor, who is married to Elizabeth Proctor. Abigail wants Proctor all to herself, the only obstacle that stands in her way is Elizabeth Proctor. Abigail tries removing Elizabeth from Proctor's life so that their love affair can continue. To do so, Abigail accuses Elizabeth of witchcraft. Proctor finds out his wife is accused when Cheever, a man from Salem who acted as a clerk of the court, shows up to Proctor's home. Cheever announces, " I have a warrant for your wife"(1066). Proctor replies with, "You said she were not charged. Who charged her?" (1066). Cheever replies with, "Why Abigail Williams charged her" (1066). The only evidence that Abigail creates that made people believe her, is within the poppet. Abigail watches Mary Warren sew the poppet and knew that later, Elizabeth would have the poppet. Cheever asks if the household holds any poppets inside. Elizabeth says, "I have never kept no poppets, not since I were a girl" (1066). Cheever later finds a poppet in the house, the one that Marry Warren sews for Elizabeth. Elizabeth says, "Oh! Why, this is Mary's" (1066). Cheever is inspecting the poppet and draws a long needle out of it, "Why, it's a needle" (1067). When

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