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Executive Order 906 Research Paper

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Executive Order 9066
On a beautiful morning in Hawaii people were waking up to start their day. Who would have thought that for some people it might be the last time they wake up. On December 7, 1941 a Japanese dive bomber bearing the Japanese flag flew over the Island of Oahu. 360 more Japanese warplanes followed after. The Japanese went to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, launching a surprise attack. After the attack, President Roosevelt called December 7 a day to remember. President Roosevelt appeared before congress to ask to declare war against Japan. That was the start of changes for the Japanese Americans.
Japanese Immigration to the United States
Japanese immigrants first came to the United States in the 1880s. Railroads recruited …show more content…
Through the 1920s, Japanese Americans in the Yakima Valley defended their right to reside there as they disputed their characterization as “menace” in the Yakima Herald, reminding the community of their important economic role in clearing farmland. (Mercier, n/d) The increase of Japanese students in California led to an anti- Japanese movement and the California segregating the Japanese students and the American students. (Easton & Ellington, n/d)
Pearl Harbor Attack
Pearl Harbor Attack happened on December 7, 1941 which drove America to WWII. The Japanese were known as an Enemy. (Japanese Americans, 2015) The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise but Japan and the United States had been edging to go to war with each other. Pearl Harbor Hawaii is located near the center of the Pacific Ocean, about 2,000 miles from the U.S. No one expected an attack on Hawaii. Since no one expected an attack so close to home they left the naval facilities undefended and unprotected. This was a perfect target for the Japanese because no one expected it there. “To the Japanese, Pearl Harbor was an irresistibly easy target.” ( staff, …show more content…
That order meant that all Japanese-Americans regardless of loyalty and citizenship were to evacuate the west coast and go to the camps. No comparable order applied to Hawaii. In total there was 10 Internment camps. They were established in California, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, and Arkansas. Many people were forced to sell their Property. (History.Com Staff, 2009). In the camps it was very crowded. (Japanese Americans (2015) “In addition, the American government forced Japanese Americans, including many who were American citizens, to relocate to internment camps in the western wasteland areas of the country.” (Vachon,

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