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Health Effects Of Carbs Where Do We Stand Summary

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The article “Health effects of carbs: Where do we stand?” by Carina Storrs explains how carbs were seen in society over time. Previously, in the late 1990’s carbs were viewed as extremely bad. Experts thought that they caused increased fat levels and weight gain, and should therefore be cut out from the diet. More recently, the idea is having a low-carb diet is the healthiest. Carbohydrates are not very nutritious, but are still a necessary staple in all diets.
Tens of thousands of years ago, carbs were essential part of everyday eating. They fueled the cave men as well as early Egyptians and Mesopotamians, usually in the form of bread. The first diets showing a cutback to these carbs, was in the mid 1800’s. It was only in 1972, when a low-carb

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