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Exercise Spurs Brain Exercise

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As you get older your brain decreases and gets weaker over time. A way to help this problem not happen is to exercise. Exercise keeps the mind and body active and improves the overall function of your body. Exercise spurs brain growth. It boosts brain-building hormones. It improves your brain’s executive function. Lastly it can reduce and prevent depression through steady activity a few times a week. Previously I said exercise spurs brain growth, growth of new brains cells slow down and don’t reproduce as fast. According to the article it states, “...our brain tissue actually shrinks. Exercise may be able to reverse that trend.” That’s a possible way that we can prevent or slow down the major decrease in brain growth. Exercise is a simple way to improve brain growth and everyone can become involved into it. …show more content…
There is a chemical in your brain known as BDNF which stimulates brain growth and better memory, but as age goes by you won’t produce as much BDNF and memory loss will start happening. The article provides “The more you exercise, the more BDNF you produce.” As I previously mentioned BDNF can benefit you and your memory, so exercising will slow down and/or prevent age-declining memory loss. BDNF could help prevent major damage in the future as well. Thirdly, exercise improves your brain’s executive function. Overall brain cognitive function is focusing on tasks, organize and think widely. The article states “18 well-designed studies and found that adults aged 55 to 80 who did regular exercise performed four times better on cognitive tests than control groups who didn’t work out.” Showing that exercise can even benefit older aged people. Overall brain performance is increased when working out, it’s proven that there was a higher increase in cognitive function as

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