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Experimentation Critique
An article in the Teaching of Psychology Journal illustrates how a group of undergraduates used a Web-Based Self and Peer Assessments Systems in evaluating proposals for experimental psychology. An interest to teachers is grasping at students for involvement in experiments, and for students gain an opportunity to applying their skills to assess their observations empirically.
Researchers observe the participants over a quantitative research, considering various styles, and techniques for data collecting. This study was an observation. Results will determine that the students build an improved understanding between the proposals created before the experiment and after the assessment to establish quality work.
The study is an experimental research, in which “intervention by the researcher beyond that is required for measurements to determine the effect on another variable” (Cooper & Schindler, 2006, p. 709). The researchers placed the participants into teams, and the teams picked a topic taught in class, and create a proposal. In this paper, the attention is on the method, independent and dependent variable, observation techniques, and the sampling plan.
Chang, Lee, Lin, and Sung, from the national Taiwan Normal University conducted this study. The study consisted of monitoring and observation of the data collected, measured, and analyzed. The study depends on experimental method and quantitative data collection techniques. Beginning with questions then narrowing the focus to one topic and a design how to arrive at the result. The students choose a topic and created proposals. A Likert-type items that rate on the scales of one to five in evaluating

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