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Explain The 5 Critical Guiding Principles

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Here are the 5 critical guiding principles that are incorporated within the schedule: The well-being of the staff and children is given priority through health checks, hand washing procedures, and mealtime guidelines, all of which contribute to a clean and safe environment. Self-selected activities allow children to follow their interests and engage in hands-on learning experiences. In order to adapt to the changing needs of different ages, the schedule includes varying amounts of group time, ensuring that the activities are developmentally appropriate. The schedule includes time for multi-use indoor and outdoor activities because it understands how important outdoor play is for kids' physical development, sense of discovery, and relationship with the natural world. A commitment to provide individualized attention and fulfilling the various needs of each child is demonstrated by actions like reading books to children upon arrival and offering quiet times for manipulatives or teacher-led activities at the end of the day. …show more content…
Recognize signs of readiness for toilet learning, such as staying dry for several hours and communicating needs. Introduce the idea of toilet learning gradually, with child-centered approaches and praise for efforts. Ensure consistency in toilet learning approaches among caregivers and teachers to support the child's progress. Be patient and supportive during the toilet learning process, understanding that each child develops at their own pace. One surprising piece of information was the emphasis on allowing children to go without pants in easily cleaned areas to facilitate quick access to the potty, which is very innovative and

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