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Explain the Role of Effective Communication and Interpersonal Interaction in a Health and Social Care Context


Submitted By amyisherwood
Words 2522
Pages 11
Explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context

What is communication?
Communication is where an individual shares sharing information through speaking, writing or another form of medium. This could be texting an individual or using social media sites to interact. Communication is important in a health and social care setting as you may need to inform those around you about a certain patient. For example, when an individual is put into a caring home, the person (typically a family member) would tell the manager/ nurses about the patient. This is because they want the patient to feel comfortable in the home. This would require the manager to communicate with the care workers, so they all have an understanding.
What is interpersonal interaction?
Interpersonal interaction is how you interact with someone. It is the way you speak to an individual, e.g. your tone of voice and body language. The way you speak to someone can frame/ change their opinion of you. This is because if one individual smiled at another individual, and the other individual didn't smile back, they wouldn't want to smile at that person again. This is because they have placed an opinion on that individual. Also, they wouldn't go out there way to smile at them again, as they have already formed their opinion of them.
Contexts of communication
Formal communication is conducted in an official and professional way. It is the use of conventional language. It typically occurs with individuals who have not met each other. This is because the individual wants to give off a good first impression. For example, when in a meeting with a manager, the manager would be formal with the care worker, as they want to show dominance. This is because they would want you to know that they are in charge, that it is always about the needs of a patient,

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