...Diversity – is often described as difference and how each person chooses to be unique. We must be willing to accept that the culture and people we are surrounded by is so diverse that we have the option to choose what we wear, which religion we choose to practice and to follow our hearts in our own sexual orientation, giving us the opportunity to be true to ourselves and be unique. Equality – ensures that every individual’s rights are protected and that they are treated with the same respect and dignity to make their own decisions and have the same life chances no matter what disabilities, background or religious beliefs they may have. Inclusion – making sure that each individual’s contribution is valued and that they feel included in decisions...
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...Alcoa’s Strategies for Managing Diversity. Abstract Over the years, many organizations have been faced with the challenge on how to manage diversity. It is difficult for many organizations to understand what diversity is and what strategies to use to manage it. Managing diversity in the workplace takes an extreme amount of effort, persistence, and dedication from everyone within the organization. This paper explains the background of Alcoa, their philosophy for managing diversity, and the steps they have taken to reach their goals of managing diversity within their workplace. Also if the steps they used were appropriate and if they will work for them in the future. AlCOA’S STRATEGIES FOR MANAGING DIVERSITY. Managing diversity can be accomplished in organizations if the correct approaches are utilized and followed up with. Alcoa is an organization that is dedicated to its strategies in managing diversity in their workplace. They have various approaches that they all work together on as a team to accomplish their goals for diversity. My belief is Alcoa is a great company for anyone to be employed with. Alcoa’s Background. Alcoa is the world’s leading producer of primary aluminum and fabricated aluminum. It also is the world’s largest miner of bauxite and refiner of alumina. In1888, the enterprise was incorporated as The Pittsburgh Reduction Company. In 1907 the name was changed to Aluminum Company of America and later, in 1999, it was shortened to Alcoa. In addition to inventing...
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...Unit 054 Principles for implementing Duty of Care in setting outcome 1 1. Explain what it means to have a duty of care? Duty of care in childcare settings means to keep children and young people safe, protecting them not only from physical harm but also from neglect, emotional and sexual harm and abuse. It is guarding the rights of the child in your care, as they have the right to be independent and to be treated with respect and dignity. This also includes respecting their rights, cultural beliefs and values of their parents and families. 2. How duty of care contributes to the safequarding or protection of individuals? In my role I have a duty of care to raise any concerns I may have about any aspect of my work. These can range from inadequate working conditions, poor equipment, and poor practice by other staff; to raising concerns about potential abuse cases and situations of neglect. It is my duty of care to safeguard individuals from harm. All employees should report any concerns of abuse they have. These might include evidence or suspicions of bad practice by colleagues and managers, or abuse by another individual, another worker or an individual’s family or friends. If I do not work in this way, I could be considered negligent or incompetent. If I am in any doubt at any time, I must discuss any issues I have with my supervisor / manager. Outcome 3 1. Describe how to respond to complaints Within my setting any complaint is handled seriously. All complaints...
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...Equality means to ensure that everybody is treated fairly, equally and as an individual specific to their own needs. University of Edinburgh defines equality as “Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are not treated differently or less favourably, on the basis of their specific protected characteristic, including areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age”. The Equality Act 2010 provides protection against discrimination for people who possess one or more of the nine specific protected characteristics. These are age, disability, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex, gender reassignment and sexual orientation. Diversity means appreciating...
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...Title: Equality and Inclusion Assignment. Introduction “Children’s early years have been stressed as being fundamentally important to their future development and consequently to society as a whole”, (Early Years Framework, 2009). There are however multiple and diverse childhoods. This report will firstly examine legislation which has been introduced to reduce inequalities and promote social inclusion in relation to early childhood. The second section of this report will critically examine some of the sociological concepts pertaining to poverty, class, health inequalities and the harmful effects of stereotyping and prejudice. The report will also explore some of the factors that can influence and shape children’s identity and multiple identities. The third section of this report will discuss the effectiveness of government policy and how this is translated into practice. The final section will discuss practice which promotes equality and inclusion with reference to a placement task. In conclusion the report will discuss if current legislation, policy and practice is effective in demonstrating an inclusive approach. Legislation The Equality Act (2010) streamlines and strengthens the law and gives individuals greater protection from unfair discrimination and makes it easier for employers and companies to understand their responsibilities. It also sets a new standard for those who provide public services to treat everyone, with dignity and respect. There are nine protected...
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...political and cultural situation of a society, or nation at large. Development manifests itself through indicators such as the quality of healthcare services offered to the people, quality of education, basic infrastructural amenities available and the general poverty level of the people. In order to explain how culture promotes development, we have to appreciate the diversity that come with it and the contributions that it makes in the various aspects of development either socially, politically and economically. The world is composed of many diverse cultures which have greatly promoted development inform of tourist attraction, prevention of conflict as well as the reconciliation process, it also pays off in terms of jobs and growth among other means of development as discussed below. Thus culture can be termed as very crucial factor for development to take place. CULTURE PROMOTES TOURISM Cultural tourism has in a great way contributed to development. Cultural sites have become leading motivations for travel and tourists enjoy the diversity of culture in such forms as art, dance and music. Foreign income earned acts as a crucial form of revenue. It is used by the state in the development process for example, in the improvement of infrastructure, improving the level of education and better health provision and also improving the living standards of the people and the overall development process of a state. For example, china though gained independence in 1949, which is...
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...Unit 308. 1.1 Explain the impact of poverty on outcomes and life chances for children and young people. Poverty can significantly impact the outcomes and life chances of children and young people in several ways: Children living in poverty often lack access to adequate healthcare, nutritious food, and safe living conditions. This can lead to higher rates of chronic illnesses, malnutrition, and developmental delays, ultimately affecting their overall health and well-being. Poverty can hinder educational attainment due to factors such as inadequate resources at home, lack of access to quality schools, and increased stressors that can affect concentration and learning. Children from low-income families may also be more likely to drop out of school...
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...Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal Equality and diversity in employment relations: do we practise what we preach? Jane Holgate Sue Abbott Nicolina Kamenou Josie Kinge Jane Parker Susan Sayce Jacqueline Sinclair Laura Williams Article information: To cite this document: Jane Holgate Sue Abbott Nicolina Kamenou Josie Kinge Jane Parker Susan Sayce Jacqueline Sinclair Laura Williams, (2012),"Equality and diversity in employment relations: do we practise what we preach?", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, Vol. 31 Iss 4 pp. 323 - 339 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/02610151211223021 Downloaded on: 01 December 2014, At: 02:26 (PT) References: this document contains references to 46 other documents. To copy this document: permissions@emeraldinsight.com The fulltext of this document has been downloaded 3118 times since 2012* Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER At 02:26 01 December 2014 (PT) Users who downloaded this article also downloaded: C.W. Von Bergen, Barlow Soper, John A. Parnell, (2005),"Workforce diversity and organisational performance", Equal Opportunities International, Vol. 24 Iss 3/4 pp. 1-16 http:// dx.doi.org/10.1108/02610150510788033 Vidhi Agrawal, Vidhi Agrawal, (2012),"Managing the diversified team: challenges and strategies for improving performance", Team Performance Management: An International Journal, Vol. 18 Iss 7/8 pp. 384-400 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/13527591211281129...
Words: 10252 - Pages: 42
...EXPLAIN HOW LEGISLATION AND CODES OF PRACTICE RELATING TO EQUALITY DIVERSITY AND DISCRIMINATION APPLY TO YOUR OWN WORK ROLE In my role as a childminder, I support vulnerable individuals, some of whom are unable to complain when things are not right. It is essential in my job to be aware of and uphold children’s rights by ensuring that my-self and others do not discriminating against or disadvantaging them in any way, even unintentionally. The following are Equality Legislations which relate to my work role (copies in guidance folder in filing cabinat): Disability Discrimination Act 1995 – Outlaws the discrimination of disabled people in the provision of facilities and services. As a childminder I aim to ensure that everyone in my setting is treated fairly whatever their disability. I must also ensure that all activites and facilities are accessible to all where possible. Sex discrimination Act 1975 – Makes it unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of sex when providing services or facilities. As a childminder I treat everyone in my setting fairly whatever their sexual orientation. Human rights Act 1998 – Contains 16 basic rights which affect all aspects of human rights. The right to life Freedom from torture and degrading treatment Freedom from slavery and forced labour The right to liberty The right to a fair trial The right not to be punished for something that wasn't a crime when you did it The right to respect for private and...
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...concepts of ‘community’ and ‘community development’ in order to understand the process. It will then explore the role of community development programs in aiding local communities to exercise control over the issues that affect their lives, in this case, the refugee women community in UK. Finally, it will also discuss about the role of critical practice in tackling the issues of social justice, such as social exclusion, poverty and inequalities. Community development is a very complex field and before attempting to define it, it is imperative to explain the meaning of ‘community’, which is in itself a contested term (Shaw, 2007). Different perspectives have been presented to define the term, for example Smith (2001) argues that ‘…some [definitions] focused on geographical area; some on a group of people living in a particular place and others which looked to community as an area of common life’. Again, according to Stacey, ninety four definitions of ‘community’ were given (Stacey, 1969 cited in Craig et al., 2008, p.14). Consequently, it becomes problematic to give a precise meaning of ‘community development work’. The latest National Occupational Standards for Community Development define community development as: ‘a long-term value based process which aims to address imbalances in power and bring about change founded on social justice, equality and inclusion. The process enables people to organise and work together to: identify their own needs and aspirations; take...
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...For over centuries, the agenda for equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in the working place have been affected by human rights activist and decades of political, demographical and social changes. Traditionally excluded and marginalised groups who are previously excluded are now involved in the fields of education and employment after a long time of transformation. Therefore, the majority of students in higher education assume their prospect of work and employment are without any bias or prejudice. Although some students recognised the discussion of inequality and discrimination are irrelevant to their career plans, this optimism is often misguided, discrimination and exclusion are happening across individual's life every day (Mustafa,...
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...Practices: Gender Diversity, Equality, & Leadership Abstract The number of women obtaining higher levels of education and positions in their careers has increased, but the number of women obtaining management and executive positions has remained stagnant. Human resource policies and practices’ follow ethical guidelines, but in practicality are more difficult to apply in the workforce. Human resource practices and policies may be influenced by the overall mindset of a company. The barriers that prevent women from achieving management and executive positions are the same barriers that prevent human resource policies and practices’ from being applied. The gaps in gender equality and wages, created by the barriers, can be discouraging to women from achieving high-level positions. Overcoming the barriers is a task in undoing the mindset that has been instilled deeply within society. Introduction Studies have shown that companies who promote female gender equality surpass their competitors on every measure of profitability, yet women are failing to attain high-level positions. Possible reasons for the persistent wage and gender gap between men and women in senior leadership positions can be found by reviewing current data on women in the workplace, studies on the correlation between gender diversity in senior management and company performance, and literature on gender behavioral differences in the workplace. Women play an increasingly significant role in today’s workforce...
Words: 2524 - Pages: 11
...The Benefits of Diversity in Higher Education Vanessa David de Campos June 30, 2014 Outline I. Introduction a. Thesis: Diversity in higher education, which is the inclusion and integration of minorities and marginalized groups, is important because it brings a variety of knowledge through the exposure of students to different perspectives, makes students prepared for working environments, and improves the country’s development. II. The Problems with the Lack of Diversity on Higher Education in the United States a. Comparison between the National Population Number of Minorities and the Number of People that Access Higher Education- Is it representative? b. Problems When the Minorities and Marginalized Groups are Misrepresented in Higher Education III. Higher education and Society a. Responsibility of Universities to Influence and Make Changes in the Society b. Affirmative Actions in the U.S Universities i. Historic ii. Controversial Points- a Defense of Affirmative Action as a tool to guarantee Diversity iii. Issues IV. Diversity a. What is Diversity? i. Defining Diversity in this Research Paper ii. Nomenclature b. Benefits to Society i. Collective and Individual Benefits ii. Numerical Representation and Informal Interactional Diversity iii. Interaction and Educational Benefits V. Preparing to Work a. Corporations, Global Trade Market and their necessities i. Amicus brief General Motors VI....
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...United States Women in the Twenty-First Century Brittany DeWalt Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University Abstract Entrepreneurship is a major cause in the twenty-first century and it is important to understand the steps it takes to become a successful entrepreneur. This paper discusses the impact entrepreneurship has on United States women in the twenty-first century. I will explore the different reasons why women are breaking from the gender-specific roles and venturing into small and medium-scale enterprises (SME). According to Toeh et al. (2008) SME has been recognized as a major source of global economic growth and employment and women entrepreneurs have been acknowledged to play critical roles in bringing their ideas and capabilities towards successful achievement of the SME development in their countries. Even though this approach is beneficial to women, it does not define what is entrepreneurship and how it affects women. Furthermore, I will explain what motivates women to enter small and medium-scale enterprises (SME) and how it relates to motivation factors surrounding demographic characteristics, source of revenue, present constraints, and prospects for revenue. Keywords: entrepreneurship; gender; entrepreneurial factors; women; small and medium-scale enterprises; SME; capital; demographic Introduction Entrepreneurship facilitates more career opportunities to women who engage in small and medium-scale enterprises...
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...ASSIGNMENT DIVERSITY ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR (BMOB5103) SHARIFAH SHIBRAH BT SYED HUSSEIN STUDENT ID: CGS00838119 Prof. Madya Dr. Rezian-na muhammed kassim Open University Malaysia 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2 1.1. What is Diversity? 2 1.2. Characteristics of Diversity 4 1.3. Aspects of Diversity 6 i. Aspects of Diversity (Visible): 8 ii. Aspects of Diversity (Invisible): 9 2.0 MANAGING DIVERSITY 13 2.1. Diversity Management 13 2.2 Diversity & Inclusion at Google 13 3.0 BENEFITS AND CHALLENGES OF MANAGING DIVERSITY 17 3.1 Benefits of Managing Diversity 17 3.2.Challenges of Managing Diversity 19 3.3 How to promote and support Diverse Workforce 21 3.4 Cultural Diversity in Malaysia 22 4.0 CASE STUDY 24 A. INTRODUCTION 24 B. BACKGROUND OF THE COMPANY 25 C. SYMPTOMS OF THE OB ISSUES 29 D. CAUSES OF THE OB ISSUE 33 E. RECOMMENDATIONS 34 F. CONCLUSIONS 48 G. REFERENCES 50 APPENDIX 51 Diversity and inclusion questionnaires 51 Q1- ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR ISSUE- DIVERSITY “Strength lies in differences, not in similarities” ― Stephen R. Covey 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1. What is Diversity? Diversity is generally defined as acknowledging, understanding, accepting, valuing & celebrating differences among people with respect to age, class, ethnicity, gender, physical & mental ability. (Gupta, June, 2013). In other way, diversity also means the fact or quality of being...
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