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Hsc 203 1.2

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Diversity – is often described as difference and how each person chooses to be unique. We must be willing to accept that the culture and people we are surrounded by is so diverse that we have the option to choose what we wear, which religion we choose to practice and to follow our hearts in our own sexual orientation, giving us the opportunity to be true to ourselves and be unique.
Equality – ensures that every individual’s rights are protected and that they are treated with the same respect and dignity to make their own decisions and have the same life chances no matter what disabilities, background or religious beliefs they may have.
Inclusion – making sure that each individual’s contribution is valued and that they feel included in decisions …show more content…
This can cause a person to feel distraught due to the experience they are facing and it can present itself in many forms from being indirect towards the individual or as escalated as harassment.

HSC 203 1.2 –
Describe ways in which discrimination may deliberately or inadvertently occur in the work setting.
Directly – Discrimination towards someone is where a person treats another one in a less favourable manner due to their race, age, disability, religion or sexual orientation. One way this can present itself is an employer firing someone after discovering that they are transgender.
Indirectly – Is where a workplace gives a policy or procedure to all staff that actually disadvantages some employees, for example one way this can present itself is through long working hours for people with children at home that have to pay for childcare and rarely get chance to spend time with their family.
HSC 203 1.3 –
Explain how practices that support equality and inclusion reduce the likelihood of …show more content…
I would also address to my manager that it is imperative that the right education is given so that people have the opportunity to change their attitude and behaviour. The organisation that I work for should provide this education with regular training days and group exercises so that each member of staff is aware of the different races and cultures they may come across in the health and social care sector and know how they should act in different situations to challenge any inappropriate

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