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Explain Why An Iqa Should Be Aware Of Equality And Diversity

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An IQA should be aware of Equality and Diversity to ensure that all learners achieve, every learner matters. At the same time an assessor needs to ensure that all learners feel safe, which will take into account the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act.
Centres – are required to have quality assurance as this also support the learner’s journey, raise achievement, increase retention, regulatory requirement are adhered to and supports planning.
My responsibilities as an IQA
I teach an accredited qualification and vocational programme.
Accreditation - is good practice to ensure that the programme syllabus (programme handbook) is covered. It is achieved by setting a scheme of work (SoW); ensuring that not only I but the other assessors are aware of the programme syllabus. This usually states how the course should be delivered, also whether the assessment criteria will be set by the assessor or is being provided by AO. I also give …show more content…
During IQA visits I ensure that the tutors are aware what to do regarding complaints, appeals and malpractice. Ensure that student portfolios are all in order, looking as to whether the learner understands what they are learning, those students who are working together that plagiarism is not taking place. At the same time hold 1:1 discussions with the students to ensure that learning is taking place and they do not feel pressurized during their sessions.

While the courses are running, I also check that the assessors who are teaching accredited subjects; have completed the relevant forms to ensure that the students can be registered with the AO.

Ensure all risk assessments are in place, Safeguard and Prevent awareness is being addressed during all sessions. Access if learning has been achieved; the retention figures are good, have the assessor been fair and are the methods of assessment

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