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Five Pillars Of Islam Research Paper

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Amidst the polytheistic religions practiced by Arabs, little desire to act on morals was certainly common due to the belief by these religions that the afterlife was void of life. It wasn’t until after the coming of the Prophet Muhammad that the Arab people had a monotheistic religion to engage. Not only was this monotheistic religion of Islam extremely different from the polytheistic religions that came before, but Islam offered a contract between followers and the Qur’an (Fisher 386). This new religious text permitted not only an afterlife, but an extravagant one if the correct moral codes and duties were fulfilled. This part of the Qur’an, called The Five Pillars, are the basic spiritual practices expected of those of Islamic faith and “present[ed]…as a framework for worship and a sign of commitment to faith” (“Pillars of Islam”). …show more content…
The first is the statement of a singular, monotheistic Allah which requires the proclamation, “There is no god but God” (Fisher 387). This statement differs greatly from the polytheistic religions that Arabs once followed. The second statement is, “Muhammad is the messenger of God,” which should not be confused as a claim that other prophets that came before Muhammad, such as Jesus, were not a real prophet or messenger of God. The statement is more so saying that Muhammad was the greatest and final prophet. This first pillar is seen as a testament of faith and declaration of the Shahadah is required in order to convert to Islam (“Pillars of

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