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Homeland Security And Civil Liberties

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We the people of the United States love this great country because of the freedoms and opportunities that are present to us. As a result of the U.S constitution and its Bill of Rights that were created in 1787, we possess these rights. As our nation progresses so does do our laws, civil liberties, and Homeland security. With disasters, other setbacks and the adoption of new laws we have prospered into the world power that we are today. Studying Homeland security and civil liberties can be a difficult task when these words can be difficult to define. As difficult as civil liberties may be to define, everyone must have one basic explanation for what it is. Civil liberties are natural rights and freedoms that are protected by our constitution, …show more content…
Americans, for a long time, have treasured the fact that no military may govern the streets of the United States and implement civil law, without congress authorization; such as martial law. The Posse Comitatus Act is the disallowance of military troops (not including National Guard and Coast Guard) to enforce civil law on American streets. Since its creation it has been not been used other than during the reconstruction era in the south. When pertaining to civil liberties, after the American Civil War troops were utilized to protect newly freed slaves so that they could function as civilized and free citizens; this came to a halt with the implantation of the Jim Crow laws. From the time the act was enacted it has added one major exception in times of natural disasters, this came as a result of Hurricane Katrina. During Hurricane Katrina martial law was almost enacted which is the allowance of military troops to enforce civilian law, only when civilian law enforcement is incapable or can’t do so effectively. Exceptions other than the use of the National Guard consist of; aerial photography and visual searching, and when dealing with domestic violence. There has been much debate as to whether or not martial law was enacted during Hurricane Katrina. One piece of evidence that martial law may have been enacted is that “on August 31, 2005, New Orleans Mayor Ray …show more content…
During the reconstruction era and American Civil War, civil liberties went through an overhaul for both whites and African Americans; both with the removal and addition of liberties and rights. For example the infamous Palmer Raids; as WWI ended tensions ran high from labor unrest, mail bombs were being sent and in fear a possible communist and socialist takeover the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) was adopted. The palmer raids were just one of many events related to wars that has an effect on civil liberties. Another example were the alien and sedition acts. In 1798 as the U.S was on the verge of the Quasi-War with France, congress felt that citizen scrutiny of war efforts as well as immigrants seeming to favor the French, the Alien and Sedition Acts were passed which raised residency requirement from 5-14 years, and made it illegal to publish, print, or even speak out publicly against the government and its efforts. Not only was free speech limited, but mail was regulated as well. The Postmaster General was given the authority to return mail if the belief was that the sender was violating laws within the Sedition Act. The Sedition Acts helped expand the Espionage Act but was repealed in 1920. These instances are just a few of many civil liberty adjustments that have occurred throughout wartime

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