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Homeland Security Investigation

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The federal law enforcement can balance the need to protect the national security of the United States while still respecting and enforcing constitutionally-guaranteed rights as articulated in the Bill of Rights and civil rights statutes. They can do this by enforcing laws and policies but not exceeding the boundaries of civil rights and treating people with equality and respect. The primary goal of the government is to protect the people and within the department of homeland security, these goals are accomplished. The department of homeland security works in protecting the borders from the illegal movement of weapons, drugs, contraband, and people. And also promote lawful entry and exit, which creates an economic prosperity, and national sovereignty. …show more content…
Probable cause can be developed from agent observations, records checks, non intrusive canine sniffs and other established means. Motorist's may consent to a search, but are not required to do so. Immigration and customs enforcement conduct homeland security investigations and assist in enforcement and removal operations. In order to conduct a legal search under the Fourth Amendment, the agents must develop particularly probable cause to conduct a lawful search. The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution states, “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized (Staff, 2017).” Many U.S. citizens feel that stops and searches at the border are unnecessary and are a violation of their rights as citizens. Citizens have the right to decline to searches and if they are asked to be searched it is primarily because agents have a probable cause to conduct a search. The Fourth Amendment protects people from unlawful searches and seizures and without probable cause agents must have a warrant to search. Border patrol agents are simply doing their job and any person stopped and questioned should comply and be cooperative. Instead of being confrontive and troublesome at the initial contact they should understand that the agents are simply doing their job. To protect the country and the safety of the people, measures should be enforced and rules be followed. Checkpoints have been established at several miles within the U.S. border and Mexico to inspect for illegal activity and illegal crossings. Border patrol agents have the right to stop any vehicle at checkpoints

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