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Today Will Not Be So Tomorrow Analysis

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Throughout reading this book I tried to use some of the strategies the author gives me. I think that this book offers some good points about character, energy, and controlling anger and boredom. I actually like reading this book because I relate to some of the scenarios in the book, such as, the author states that, "what is so today will not be so tomorrow," which to mean means that things change every day. The author also states that friends become enemies which also goes along with things change because you can have a best friend one day and then the next they are a complete stranger. I believe that all of us have experience with a situation where someone we were inseparable with became a complete stranger. I just recently experienced this …show more content…
When we understand the situation, energy changes. However, this negative energy and painful situation has its positives, painful situations cause us to act or to move. Everyone relates to the example that the author provided. When we burn out hand on a hot stove we jump back and remove our hand from the stove, however, we still have a burn; but we also now know not to put our hand on the stove again. Painful situations teach us …show more content…
I experience stress all the time, one way to reduce stress is to stop doing the stressful activity for a while, such as: work, homework, or sports. I have actually tried this at work, I am a waitress at Country Cookin' in the Harrisonburg mall, and yeah, some may say that it is easy however every job comes with stress. When I get overwhelmed and I try to focus on multiple tasks at once, I just take a deep breath, get a drink, and recollect myself before going back to work . This keeps me focused on the task at hand and keeps me from spilling drinks or forgetting orders. Lewis Richmond's tips on boredom will also be taken advantage of by me. A large part of my day is a bore. At work I always find myself zoning out and not paying attention to my surroundings or people when they are talking directly to me. One way Richmond offers to help this is by listening to others without judgment, such as, pay attention to what they are actually saying not to what they look like or what they sound

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