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Nurse Observation

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As part of the nursing program, I had the opportunity to spend a day observing in an outpatient surgery unit. The unit was in an L-shaped with two hallways and each wing had a desk. It also had a main desk was where the patients would check in after going through the admission process. Once checked-in into the unit, they were placed in a double room where they would spend anywhere from one to several hours, waiting until their case was called. The outpatient surgery flow begins when the patient arrived and checked in at the admission desk. Then the patients were escorted to the unit where the staff greeted and placed in a room. Once settled, the nurse completed an intake and the patient waited for to go to the operating room. After the procedure was completed, they would spend time in the post anesthesia care unit and once stable, they would return to the unit until they were cleared to go home.
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They had a couple of desks where they gather and shared information. The lunches were schedule at three different times along with the nurse covering breaks. The unit and the nurses seemed organized and displayed great communication skills among each other. The nurse I paired with had been working in that unit for about a year. Previously, she worked in the intensive care unit for over 20 years and had a bachelor of science in nursing. She denied needing any special training required to work at the outpatient surgery unit. However, she mentioned that most nurses were seasoned nurses with many years of experience and had different backgrounds. They had a few committees and activities that the nurses participated in. One of them was the coordinating council, which the nurse I shadowed was part of. Another activity they had going on at the time was a fundraiser for other nurses in the unit who were experiencing a financial crisis and could use some

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